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Patch 1.1 - No Dual Spec, no subscription!


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This forum is effectively "criticise Bioware : get flamed", are none of you objective?


I just want to be able to play with my friends in groups, in an MMO. \: Why shouldn't this be a condition of my subscription?


I am objective. You are just unrealistic. Give it time, it will be in. It is a convenience, not a necessary feature, no matter what you or others may say.


Let them work on important crap first.

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The game is bad. However, if he had outright said it was bad you would have screamed at him to:


*Go back to WoW

*Go back to school / school's out

*Shut up

*The game is great, HOW DARE YOU POINT OUT FLAWS!


Or some variation thereof. Which, of course, being a mature and dedicated player you chose to do regardless. Not surprising from an 'RP' guild, the galaxy's guttural refuse.


You should read my posts more sweetie, I've never told anyone to go back to wow, I've never told people to go back to school, I don't tell anyone to shut up, and I am critical of issues with the game myself.


I'm sorry, but pick your battles and don't assume everyone is some mindless idiot just because they posted something curt and to the point. Sometimes I don't feel like writing walls of text to explain the difference between criticism and making impossible demands. Since in my previous post I did anyway, guess this has done nothing but remind me that being short sometimes gives people the wrong impression.


Someone on the internet hates me? One second while I go cry a river.

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You should read my posts more sweetie, I've never told anyone to go back to wow, I've never told people to go back to school, I don't tell anyone to shut up, and I am critical of issues with the game myself.


I'm sorry, but pick your battles and don't assume everyone is some mindless idiot just because they posted something curt and to the point. Sometimes I don't feel like writing walls of text to explain the difference between criticism and making impossible demands. Since in my previous post I did anyway, guess this has done nothing but remind me that being short sometimes gives people the wrong impression.


Someone on the internet hates me? One second while I go cry a river.


I appreciate good sarcasm. Especially when it reflects how I feel about certain things.


I like you.

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Not having dual spec in a game that rips off WoW's talent system to every level but only allows 4 players to a group is a massive design flaw.


In my group of friends there are 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 2 dps.


We can't play together at the moment in dungeons, because there is no dual spec. Sometimes there's only 2 tanks and 2 healers online, if we had dual spec, we could switch to other roles in order to play together, but we can't, because there is no dual spec.


In a game that uses the tank/healer/dps model, only 4 players to a group, AND, WoW's talent system, dual spec is a necessity, for solo play as well, which is secondary.


It's not a case of "hur dur I want to do everything", it's a case of "I want to play with my friends, and not be punished for having friends who want to play the same class role as me."


I can't subscribe to the game in it's current state, I was HOPING to be able to subscribe.


Don't get me wrong, I love the game, it has massive potential, and I have absolutely no intentions of ever playing WoW again. 1-50 was the most enjoyable MMO experience I've had so far, but in end game... dual spec is a necessity.



how did you play in a 5 groups system?

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As someone who was originally entirely against dual speccing, but has had his opinion changed... I say calm down. Now I would love to have dual speccing, but I will NEVER cancel a subscription over it. My solution? Hybrid class! I have a wonderful Smuggler with a Sawbones/Scrapper hybrid, and I have great dps... and great healing!
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Not having dual spec in a game that rips off WoW's talent system to every level but only allows 4 players to a group is a massive design flaw.


In my group of friends there are 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 2 dps.


We can't play together at the moment in dungeons, because there is no dual spec. Sometimes there's only 2 tanks and 2 healers online, if we had dual spec, we could switch to other roles in order to play together, but we can't, because there is no dual spec.


In a game that uses the tank/healer/dps model, only 4 players to a group, AND, WoW's talent system, dual spec is a necessity, for solo play as well, which is secondary.


It's not a case of "hur dur I want to do everything", it's a case of "I want to play with my friends, and not be punished for having friends who want to play the same class role as me."


I can't subscribe to the game in it's current state, I was HOPING to be able to subscribe.


Don't get me wrong, I love the game, it has massive potential, and I have absolutely no intentions of ever playing WoW again. 1-50 was the most enjoyable MMO experience I've had so far, but in end game... dual spec is a necessity.



You mean the Talent system WoW ripped off of every other game? Cool story bro...

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Not having dual spec in a game that rips off WoW's talent system to every level but only allows 4 players to a group is a massive design flaw.


In my group of friends there are 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 2 dps.


We can't play together at the moment in dungeons, because there is no dual spec. Sometimes there's only 2 tanks and 2 healers online, if we had dual spec, we could switch to other roles in order to play together, but we can't, because there is no dual spec.


In a game that uses the tank/healer/dps model, only 4 players to a group, AND, WoW's talent system, dual spec is a necessity, for solo play as well, which is secondary.


It's not a case of "hur dur I want to do everything", it's a case of "I want to play with my friends, and not be punished for having friends who want to play the same class role as me."


I can't subscribe to the game in it's current state, I was HOPING to be able to subscribe.


Don't get me wrong, I love the game, it has massive potential, and I have absolutely no intentions of ever playing WoW again. 1-50 was the most enjoyable MMO experience I've had so far, but in end game... dual spec is a necessity.


The word petty comes to mind.



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We can't play together at the moment in dungeons, because there is no dual spec. Sometimes there's only 2 tanks and 2 healers online, if we had dual spec, we could switch to other roles in order to play together, but we can't, because there is no dual spec. [/b]



Yes, you can. Just respec at the vendor. Not difficult.

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OP, if you went about this a bit more rationally this thread could've actually had a point.


I completely agree that this game would be better with dual spec. Switching between an assassin and sorcerer would make my game time so much more enjoyable.


But because you acted like a childish dolt, people will disagree with you on impulse.

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You're not bring critical, you're making impossible ultimatums and trying to use your subscription as leverage. Instead of a post like "I think we should get dual specs, and this is my reasoning why." you said "I am quitting this game unless you code in dual specs immediately!"


Look at all the stuff coming in Patch 1.1. Look at all the people who have issues that cause their game to be unplayable for one reason or another, and tell me that your issue (one of in game currency/non interaction beyond your tight knit group) is more important then that?


This +1


Unreasonable crying will get qq reponses.

If you're not patient enough to wait then leave and maybe come back if they implement DS.


But thinking you (op) are entitled to immediate satisfaction or you leave, is highly immature.

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To the OP,


Actually your friends can play together, you just respec your toons. Unless you aren't really friends, and they (or you) are aren't worth respeccing for.


No Dual Spec... take 3 days and level another toon to 50. Every class can faceroll to 50 so this should a non-issue.

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To the OP,


Actually your friends can play together, you just respec your toons. Unless you aren't really friends, and they (or you) are aren't worth respeccing for.


No Dual Spec... take 3 days and level another toon to 50. Every class can faceroll to 50 so this should a non-issue.


This is *********** priceless. The attitude in here seems to be, the game doesnt have to be good enough for you, you have to be good enough for the game. You people do realize that its the game that have to meet peoples standards not the other way around?


If you dont make enough credit to respec everytime you want you dont deserve to be in this game!


If its a necessity to respec all the time and everyone can do it, why not make it more painless.


News flash, walking over to a guy and pay for a respec doesnt make you more hardcore or more dedicated to the game or anything else retarded.

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Not having dual spec in a game that rips off WoW's talent system to every level but only allows 4 players to a group is a massive design flaw.


In my group of friends there are 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 2 dps.


We can't play together at the moment in dungeons, because there is no dual spec. Sometimes there's only 2 tanks and 2 healers online, if we had dual spec, we could switch to other roles in order to play together, but we can't, because there is no dual spec.


In a game that uses the tank/healer/dps model, only 4 players to a group, AND, WoW's talent system, dual spec is a necessity, for solo play as well, which is secondary.


It's not a case of "hur dur I want to do everything", it's a case of "I want to play with my friends, and not be punished for having friends who want to play the same class role as me."


I can't subscribe to the game in it's current state, I was HOPING to be able to subscribe.


Don't get me wrong, I love the game, it has massive potential, and I have absolutely no intentions of ever playing WoW again. 1-50 was the most enjoyable MMO experience I've had so far, but in end game... dual spec is a necessity.


I'm not gonna quit because of it, but I agree we need dual spec. I'm a battleground healer right now, but I'm dipping into my dps tree as well and it would be nice to go 100% heals for PVE if I need it.

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If its a necessity to respec all the time and everyone can do it, why not make it more painless.


False premise. There is not a necessity to respec at all. Ever.


And I am a playing as a healer (scoundrel) and I play solo most of the time except for heroics, flashpoints, world bosses, and so far one class quest where I couldn't do enough DPS against to elite healing NPCs. That character is level 43. Number of times I have had to respec - zero. Number of times I have respecced - zero. Number of times I will probably respec - zero.


Personally I don't like people having the ability to respec at all, but then again I liked the original SWG way of doing it.

Edited by xsmspiffs
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