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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What!! NO ADD-ONS to be authorized!!!!


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I dont know about that. I would think it would be easier to exclude people from flashpoints and raids if they didnt do good on the meters. Its a game, and its meant to be fun for everyone, and a recount meter really does have the flaws that is making people keep other people out, if they arent doing so good


And it's not fun for the majority of the players to carry a bad player who is causing wipes.

Nobody is obligated to invite a bad player to their group. People have the right to make their own group and invite who they want.

If you wanna be bad, you can go play with other bads or make your own group because I will definitely kick you from my group if your lack of performance is wasting everyone's time.


I mean, you can have all sorts of fun playing with other baddies. Everyone will have their own unique spec and dps rotation so it will be very interesting to watch. Not boring at all.

You will see hilarities like a Sniper using Suppressive fire on single target just because it's more fun to look at, a healer who keeps letting the tank die because she can't dodge floating fireballs that move at 1 feet per second and also happens to be the wife of the raid leader, who is a keyboard turning off tank that keeps falling off the platform while trying to pick up adds.

Maybe you guys will finally clear trash to the first boss after only a few wipes and 1 hour of wasted time. But it's all good because everyone is having fun right?

And then you guys will wipe 2 times to the first boss and disband the group because everyone all the sudden has to go walk their dog or pick up their cat from the airport. What's even more fun is that since there is no damage meter, you guys won't be able to figure out exactly who or what is causing the wipe.

Nobody's feelings get hurt and you all can repeat the same process over and over as a one big group of fun lovers. SO FUN WOW!

Edited by Hairless
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I think most of us (there are always fanatics) that are against addons are NOT against built in UI customization.


Im all for being able to change the UI to what you want, but we dont need addons for that just that Bioware does their job and adds it to the game.


I'd much rather see them focus on improving the overall gameplay experience, squashing bugs, and putting out new content than futzing about trying to create UI that everybody will love when they have a fanbase ready, willing, and able to create UI improvement for them.

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So I put in a ticket praising the game and noted about how the UI feels incomplete, I also asked about authorizing addons in the game.


I got a reply and it said that Bioware is not going to authorize them! This bothers me, addons GREATLY improve a game with proc alerts, boss warnings, customizable UI, simplified AH and so on.


Developers dont always have all the right answers or ideas, add-ons allow them (by popularity ie: Deadly Boss Mobs, threat meters, QuestHelper) to evaluate if anything they created could be done better or incorporated just as those addons where added to that other mmo.


I dont know if addons where ever an issue in that other game, I do know that I take on all the responsibility and risk of using and downloading one if they compromise my account. They are all free to!


What am I missing about the threat Bioware feels about addons?


Oh great another I want add ons vs I don't want add ons thread, i'm guessing macros, dpsmeters and threat meters have come up like atheists arguing with catholics again.


There are already 3 or 4 massive threads arguing this subject, why make another? Half the forums says don't do it and half says do.

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Seems to be the anti-addon crowd calling everybody the "noobs" "scrubs" "wowbabies" "bads" and so forth, not the other way around.




It's always been that way here. Most of the anti-addon people here are the most insulting, immature, and condescending people on this board.

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It's always been that way here. Most of the anti-addon people here are the most insulting, immature, and condescending people on this board.


Hahahahahahahaha, the irony... oh the irony.


That's just not true it is entirely 50/50. That's the problem with having an opinion which is entirely subjective and based on no facts... people still think they're right.


Only a small number of people are insulting but they're the ones who scream the most and the loudest, don't straw man and stereotype a group just because you're on the opposite side.

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Hahahahahahahaha, the irony... oh the irony.


That's just not true it is entirely 50/50. That's the problem with having an opinion which is entirely subjective and based on no facts... people still think they're right.


Only a small number of people are insulting but they're the ones who scream the most and the loudest, don't straw man and stereotype a group just because you're on the opposite side.


Hahahahahahaha no.


We aren't talking about the wrong or the right, we're talking about the behavior.


Do a search on any thread talking about addons or even LFD or arenas. You'l see what I'm saying is true.

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Well, on the one hand, not having addons is a good thing because you can watch the game, instead of a bunch of numbers and timers. A lot of addons really ruin the immersion.



On the other hand, they've completely failed to provide a decent UI, thus proving that they probably should let some legit programmers (addon community) create some addons for us to use.


Immersion? Seriously? That's going to be your argument?


I can understand a lot of things, but immersion is not going to be one of them. You can't really stay immersed in a game when every person you see who chose the same class has the same companion as you while also running through the same story, making you run class quests twice if you have more than 1 of the same class in the group. Yeah...that's /real/ immersive.


As to the original topic, the UI sucks balls. It really does. Lacks basic functionality that harkens back to the day of EQ for christ's sake. Can't move hotbars. Can't resize most windows. Limited number of hotbars. At least they gave you several pages of hotbars for the bottom, but it is a clunky and awkward system.

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I have to admit I was a huge addon user in WoW and tbh since playing this game I only now realise how much they took away from the game.


DBM - meant i could watch bars instead of looking for an animation or listen for an emote, so much of the game missed.


grid - could cause massive tunnel vision, which leads to it own issues


damage meters - too many people use them incorrectly which conters their possitive qualities


threat meters - totaly not needed in ToR. generaly speaking the boss will emote or look away from the tank when someone pulls agro. quick taunt and issue resolved. Sorry you just dont need a big "YOU HAVE AGRO ALARM." THEY ALREADY EXIST INGAME", start looking for them.


these are just a few of the most popular combat mods I can thin of off the top of my head. There are lots more I know, used em.


Thing is once the addon door is opened where does it stop? I mean look at that addon in wrath that put markers over the game "stand here, when x does this" and the likes. Took blizzard 2 patches to be able to get rid of that making it so easy for the "baddies" everyone wants to dodge by having addons to get into raid teams. Then low and behold that addon disapeared along with half your raid team cause they could not function without it.


The game already has half of the things you all want in it, just in a different manner that I am affraid you will have to get used to. It does need a few little extras, like customizable UI and at the very least a combat log (dont forget WWS was always better than recount)

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Well, on the one hand, not having addons is a good thing because you can watch the game, instead of a bunch of numbers and timers. A lot of addons really ruin the immersion.



On the other hand, they've completely failed to provide a decent UI, thus proving that they probably should let some legit programmers (addon community) create some addons for us to use.


I had to say something when you posted that comment:)


I would LOVE to be able to watch and quote "immerse" myself in game but i cannot, why you ask?


I playing a Sith Marauder, with soo many abilities and keybindings my toolbar is a mess, organised mess that is....


I spend more time looking at toolbar checking for ability cooldowns and global cooldowns along with checking if my DOTs are over or if my PROC have been triggered or if a "reactive ability" has triggered than actually watching the dam game:mad:


Its getting silly now, and plenty of other players agree, we NEED UI MODS, yesterday..


I would love to be able to watch combat, but if i did id die every fight, its getting very anoying as so far around 90% of battles i play i spend watching toolbar with Sith marauder.

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They have said for months there would be no add ons, at least not around launch... personally I hope they dont stick them in.. as it turns things into elitist groups only wanting certain DPS or Gear etc


Again I for one hope they dont let people do personal add-ons

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I also like some addons from wow especially...but most ruined tht game for me..especially dps meters and such...I was mostly a tank and everyone kept giving notice on being #1 on dps making my life difficult...( if you had ever a warrior tank you would know)...but ....MOST IMPORTANT....it NOW takes 1-2 minutes for a screen / planet to LOAD....imagine the program having to load 3-4 addons...lol...it would take an hour....
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Turbine already did same mistake and when devs realized that at least DPS meter is needed was too late. Same time in WoW you can customize as you like, I'm not talking about DBM or Recount, simplest thing. Ability customize your UI, make it more flexible, that you actually could see fight, instead watching cool downs constantly.

If OP speaks truth then this game is already dead and ends up in to same category as many other non popular games. Just fan club will play.


Same time in Blizz headquarters dev team preparing for Diablo 3 launch.


Is that GC, laughing so hard? Yet another "WoW killer" failed.

Just last thing left to try, if GW2 is same fail then I will give up with MMO's.

Current game devs generation is too retarded, they don't understand what majority players looking for.

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There are loads of good things that SWTOR has adopted from WoW. And there are also loads of mistakes in WoW that Bioware has fortunately identified and avoided to make here. One of those mistakes is to allow addons. Addons are a first step towards losing control of balance. For example in PvP, if a spell alert blinks each time an opponent's CD gets ready, then this CD get less effective and the devs will sooner or later have to react by improving the CD. But then on the other hand, such a game is difficult to balance even when it's standardized for everyobdy. If each player has a different level of non-standardized info, it will become impossible to balance.
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Why are some people so bad at mmorpgs they can't figure out what is going on without damage meters?


How does a bad player get better without damage meters?

If A and B are of identical level/spec/gear/computer/latency but player B's performance is only 50% of player A's performance, how will player B ever realize that he is doing things wrong when he can't compare himself to other players?

Do you prefer to not have damage meters so that bad players can stay bad?


Bad players are bad because they don't take the initiative to improve.

They are either not aware that they are bad or they simply just don't care.

If it's the case of awareness, damage meters will let them know what they are doing wrong and what they need to do different.

If they simply don't care, well.. then they probably also don't care that people don't like inviting them to their groups and I am fine with that.

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Addons are not crutches. Do you mock people for wearing shoes? God gave us feet and the ability to develop callouses.


It's a quality of life issue.


I've played wow a long time, I raid end game, I use bartender, x-perl, recount, omen, dbm, etc. However when i first started raiding, i didnt, i had no idea what damage i was doing, it was Burning Crusade, i was a Combat Rogue Dual wielding daggers with no weapon specialization, because i wanted to put points in ripost. (DPS parrying stuff in raidz yo!) I was new, i did my own thing, i thought i was 'cool' for doing it, but i got sat a lot. Finally i did some research, downloaded recount, looked at sites and adjusted my spec. Suddenly, over the course of about a week i'm top dps.



Some of you will take this to mean 'lulz Addons hold ur hand' but this isnt the case. They provide INFORMATION. They allow players to improve in a more conveniant and dynamic way. This isnt the dawn of gaming. I'm not in a MUD typing /kill to attack the text elf on my screen colored ANSI green. Most folks who kvetch about recount dont actually know what it does. A raid leader or really anyone can look at logs, see what they died to (or keep dying to) find out which rotations work best, and more. All these things help one improve but they DO NOT do it for you.


People say that Addons made wow fail. Um, they may have lost some subscriptions, but it's still /the/ most successful mmorpg around. Period. It is the standard to which all other games are compared.


I like this game, the leveling is interesting and immerse and does /not/ feel like a grind. Congrats Bioware, so far so amazing. However I'm running heroics and flashpoints and i have NO FRIGGING CLUE how much damage i'm really doing. Sure little numbers pop up on the screen, but that doesnt tell me much. Would it be better if i kept my dots up? Should I just save my force for Maul? I like to play, but i like to compete, i like to be good, i like to strive to be better. Addons are tools that give the information that allows one to judge improvement.



Also, really. The insults, condensation, smacktalk... please, grow up, put on the big boy pants and talk like adults. Simply spamming ADDONZ R CHEATING!!!1 is not constructive and patently false.





Also, for reals, let me adjust my UI, It hurts, a lot, to use this. It's so... not good.


And since BW already replied about character responsiveness, and ability cooldowns not synching with animations and whatenot... i'll leave that alone.

Edited by Wretchedscar
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Well, on the one hand, not having addons is a good thing because you can watch the game, instead of a bunch of numbers and timers. A lot of addons really ruin the immersion.

To optimise my performance I'm having to stare at tiny Buff icons watching for proccs. I'm actually having to watch the UI more than in WoW because the information is presented in such an abhorrent manner.


If I could have, say, PowerAuras to display my important proccs as fancy symbols near the centre of my screen, I'd be able to actually enjoy the fights. With AddOns like Bartender I can move these godaweful action bars out of the way, resize them, etc. With a unit frames AddOn such as SUF I can get rid of all the stupid artwork that is using up ~60% of the UI and scale the information that I need to see to be bigger. With buff frames like Raven I can create dedicated anchors with various filters, because trying to see which Affliction debuff out of the other 4 is mine is a complete pain in the arse.


I could go on. When you configure AddOns correctly they allow you to see ALOT more of the fight than would normally be possible, while still performing optimally.

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