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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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PvP combat itself is pretty fun but playing Huttball 90% of the time is not.


Neither is opening twenty bags and getting no champion gear, while my friends have a full set after a day.


Neither is a ten minute queue.


Neither is playing the same twenty or so people over and over and over.

Edited by GlowRage
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Thats your oppinion. Most people thathated arena werent very good in it and people usually dont want to see how mediocre they are in terms of "skill". In this game ability delay and bad craracter responsive evens out the playfield since good players cant perform as well as they could. Their fast reactions to situations and countering enemy moves is denied by animations preventing em to start new ability even when GCD is over. When pro gamers can interrupt their own INSTANT casts, there is something seriously wrong in the game.


Right ... because ppl lack skill that's why they don't understand the fun factor of 40 minute long 2v2, 3v3 deathmatches in tiny arena. Or you know ... it's just boring and lightyears away from anything that they think PvP is about.

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When I was on beta weekend test servers against similarly geared and leveled players




Now that we have 50's in full pvp gear fighting level 10's.





This needs to be fixed immediatly. The free month thing is almost over, and I for one wont continue playing if the game isnt fun anymore.

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1 point for the fact I get decently fast queues.


1 point for.....


Thats all I can come up with.


Right now, PvP annoys and frustrates me more than anything. Constantly getting rolled by premade teams of fully PvP geared level 50s in Voidstar and Alderran, and watching teams of jedi/sith 6-0 my team in Huttball by jumping, sprinting, and dragging allies across the map to them really just makes warzones a huge waste of time.


In beta I told Bioware over and over you NEED ot make premades grounds and players who queue solo in seperate queues. Other insisted that Bioware make level brackets for PvP. Bioware did neither and it has really made PvP a joke. There is no casual enjoyment of PvP. Only poeple getting any enjoyment out of it are the ones who spend most their day doing in with a premade group.


Bioware has 2 more months of my subscription. If things dont get MUCH better, I can always take my money and time elsewhere to find this quality of fun. In the grand scheme of things, this may not seem like a big deal, but I would like to think I am the "average" player, and if this is the kind of satification (or lack there of) I get from the game, then my words should not be looked at as a threat, but a warning.

Edited by Clege
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Remove expertise entirely, add a brief game delay if teams are imbalanced in player count at the start, fix darth maul's voice in voidstar, and I'll be very very happy.


Less talk of nerfing classes so early in the release would be good too. If a group works as a team and plays their classes wisely then there wont be as much trouble. Don't try to kill an agent or smuggler as a consular or inquisitor casting spec from close range etc. People are learning how to play their classes better and work as teams, if you're struggling you may need to sit back and think of what role you play in a fight and how you can best fill it. Victories are not won alone, SWTOR is about teamwork. :)

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That +1 from 1/10 comes from how awesome huttball is (yea, I really, really, really like huttball).


However, the -8 comes from the abysmal framerate issues in warzones.


Well... they said "optimizations" in their updates-to-come list, so hopefully it means the framerate bullcrap.

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6. as in a D.


most significant reason - ability lag. its so frustrating. it messes you up.


also...*** is up with lame inviso losers being able to go invisible when they are getting their @@# handed to them? 3 guys pounding on a guy and POOF he's gone. lame as...


split up the zones. no fun playing vs ppl with way better gear and more abilities because of their levels.


thats all for now.

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I give it a 4/10 , thou I understand for BioWare that PvP is simply a side show for them. I never expected much, PvP in this game was being thrashed since Beta. Balance needs to be addressed but even more so mechanics of certain classes in a PvP setting , and yes I mean Gunslingers/Snipers, worst mechanics for pvp of any class in any game I've played.


the problem is the pve part of the game is not very accessible at all, might just be down to impatience, but hey i pay to play not spam a channel.

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Subtracting points for:

- Random Loot bags. These are awful and everyone knows it. Needs to be changed ASAP.

- Resolve System doesn't work at all. Replace with diminishing returns so that I can't be stunlocked from 100% to death.

- No 50 bracket = "Hi I'm a 50 with PvP gear and a healbot, YOU LOSE!"

- MINOR ability lag occasionally. It's being blown way out of proportion on the forums.


Class balance is much better than most people make it seem. Operative/Scoundrel burst is a tiny bit too high. Commando/Merc damage in general is significantly too high and burst is way more consistent than any other class.


Playing an almost full Champion-geared Gunnery Commando.

Edited by MetallicaRulez
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I would say I'm about a 7, the frame rate and ability lag issues are the only reason its not higher(both have been aknoledged and a solution is in the works, though timeframes aren't given, they are working on it). Also addressing several other issues that some people had:


- In patch 1.1 lvl 50's will have their own bracket, this is in the ptr test notes (link wil be at end of my post for those who want to see my source)

-Loot bag RNG is being addressed. Rather then specific gear item tokens, they are changing to give out generic gear item tokens that can be traded in for ANY piece of gear, which should alleviate the repeat items being awarded.




Edited by Stogan_Strongbow
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The shuttle room in Dorn Base Command Center on Hoth is no longer considered contested territory.

Ka on Voss is now a PvP Sanctuary.



Level 50 players now participate in their own Warzone bracket and will not be matched with lower-level players.



The daily and weekly mission objectives in Ilum now require defeating enemy players and/or collecting armaments from the center objective.

Players now gain increased Valor from player kills in Ilum.

Players now gain increased bonus Valor for kills based on the number of objectives controlled by their faction.

Increased bonus Valor is now granted for player kills when defending an objective your faction owns.

A notification is now displayed when a player gains Valor.

Three new respawn points have been added for each faction.

Companions are now restricted from the PvP objective area on Ilum.

Notifications are now displayed when enemy players are close to an objective.


Bug Fixes



The scoreboard value for “Highest Protection Per Single Life” now functions correctly.

Players who have left a Warzone can no longer receive an MVP vote from teammates.

Your PvP status will now be toggled automatically upon leaving a PvP region.

Additional feedback is now provided when a player attempts to toggle their PvP flag.

The Bolster tooltip now more accurately represents the buff’s effects.



Corrected a rare issue that could cause the Frogdogs to be declared the winner in a 0-0 match even if the Rotworms held the ball last.



Mountable turrets in Ilum no longer deal damage to targets behind them or outside their range.

Turrets no longer immediately dismount the player after use.


From 1.1 on the PTS

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Subtracting points for:

- Random Loot bags. These are awful and everyone knows it. Needs to be changed ASAP.

- Resolve System doesn't work at all. Replace with diminishing returns so that I can't be stunlocked from 100% to death.

- No 50 bracket = "Hi I'm a 50 with PvP gear and a healbot, YOU LOSE!"

- MINOR ability lag occasionally. It's being blown way out of proportion on the forums.


Class balance is much better than most people make it seem. Operative/Scoundrel burst is a tiny bit too high. Commando/Merc damage in general is significantly too high and burst is way more consistent than any other class.


Playing an almost full Champion-geared Gunnery Commando.


i hear a lot about this no 50 bracket stuff, but guess as we know, in version 1.1 this will be solved. There will be implemented a 50 bracket so those players under 50 will not have to play against maxxed out players

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5/10 atm


Straighten out ability lag, fix the PvP gamble for gear. Fix illum to avoid win trading, 50 brackets (coming next patch). Expand WZ slots for bigger battles, 10/15/20v20, more warzones or new modes.


what this guy said.


i don't really have a problem with the brackets, but the ability lag is horrid.

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They get an A for effort but PvP at the moment just doesn't deliver. Warzones have there moments when they are fun but after 2-3 of them I can't do it anymore. They begin to feel like a chore.


In order to make PvP much more optimal some massive changes would have to be made and I don't think Bioware has it in them to take risks like that. So far everything in the game is very safe. It's all been done before and proven to work. Being a large business that is for profit this makes perfect sense so I honestly don't blame them for going the safe route.


I'm a little confused as to why people thought PvP was going to be really good in this game. This game was developed by Bioware. They have limited MMO experience and their focus is usually on RPG and story.


The PvP will never measure up to the effort put into story driven missions and flashpoints. Just wait till Guild Wars 2 comes out. That's where all the real PvP is going to be at.


the game was made by Bioware/Mythic which Mythic has nothing but PVP experiance . DAoC was one of the most enjoyable team based experiances i ever had the pleasure to take part in . those relic raids got crazy

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patch pvp. dont wait until tuesday.....just patch it.


every champ bag should have an item...random item is fine (equal chance for every piece though, dont get cute with it).


Ilum is a joke, we just farm the daily with no pvp what so ever.


why is there like a 2 sec lag on my skills in warzones?


if i ever get queued up against my own faction i will quit the game for sure.


stop making people play the warzones randomly. at least make it rotate through all three in order so i know when i will be forced to play huttball and voidstar.


epic fail. so much wasted time and effort in the story and the rest of the game sucks.


stop talking about how many people bought the game.....its star wars, what did you think was going to happen?


i will never level another char to 50 because i will be forced to do the story line.


once you patch pvp and that is probably going to be done wrong or you will add more stupid story stuff i will probably quit this game.


herp derp.

Edited by jaenisch
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Im just not having fun in pvp anymore, at low levels or high levels. being lower level or not having pvp gear and going against those that you and you just get wrecked. ive gone up against single players who have dropped me from 100% to 0 in seconds, even at level 50. going up against an entire team that can do that? why even queue, its not fun.

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