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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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8 or 9/10.


I really like it. Rewards skill, cooperation, the bolster is great, easy to find games. Great balance (alts in all classes, and everyone of them dominates in some way).


Just wish there was more of it. -1 for the occasional laggy/buggy skill.

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I can understand not many warzones - they will come

I can understand no rankings - they will come as well.


But the ability delay, frame drop on warzones? That is just a basic joke that should be eliminated at the point of beta tests. This kills pvp for me.

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3 due to lag, no real reward for killing a player, no loss for losing, no way to pick your own war zones, and Huttball.


Get rid of me being forced to play Huttball and I'll raise it to a 5. Get rid of Huttball and lag and I'll go as high as an 8.

Edited by Ian_Blackmoor
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currently I'm 8/10 for warzones. Each WZ is good.


I looked at ilum and its neat and looks like it could be fun.

On my server its all republic owned.


My OOMA rating = +1:


combat log: -1

In game map info: -1




Low Frustration Level:+1

Simple objectives:+1

PUG effectiveness:+1

PreMade effectiveness:+1

Imbalance: 0

Ease of control: -1


Level Design: +1

PvP Guard and taunt useability:+1

PvE connection to PvP:-1



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Core concepts are good, but several factors drag the grade down.


*Ability lag. Being looked at though, so hopefully fixed soonish.


*Open world pvp doesn't really work in such a controlled and funneled world.

There are slim chances of any ad-hoc fights spiralling into all out war, If you find an opponent it's just a quick gank and that's all.


*Warzones, we need more of them, please no more huttballs.

3 zones, one of which has nothing to do with the conflict in the game..... just saying.



*Incentive to pvp is simply to get an arbitrary "rank" and loot with pvp-specific stats on them..

This is a road to nowhere and gets old fast.


*Why is there even a pvp-specific stat in the game?

Basically, i jump into a wz with excellent pve- gear and get crushed every time, simply because i haven't pvp-ed as much as the others??

This is in my mind a very poor idea and makes the future possibilities of pvp content narrower.. a lot of potential lost, if you ask me.





Please consider adding an RVR mechanic, something similar warhammer had.

Create a whole open world PVP planet if need be, complete with forts to conquer/defend.

(the tools and space is there, use it)


Something like:

Outpost #1: 5% non-combat runspeed to all members of the faction that currently controls it.


Outpost #2: +10% hp-regen out of combat to all members of the faction that currently controls it.


Outpost #3: All taxis are free of cost.. or something. you get the idea.


Central base: At least one outpost must be claimed before attempting to take this..

Kind of like the Node-system of Unreal or planetside, theyre all connected in a web.

This would give players an excuse to be sneaky, coordinate, engage in mass pvp with a clear goal that rewards collective efforts..


Award an appropriate buff to match the difficulty..

say something like, "the timer on medical probe rez is always set to minimum" or something.


At server reset, everything goes back to npc control..


Voilá, pvp with a purpose.


The point is to have incentive for everyone to *want* these things, but not handing out I-win buttons and "Phat lootz" Even though a trophy to stick on the wall of the ship would be nice.



Tl:dr for you ADD folks:


The current system feels like an afterthought and doesn't feel integrated at all into the game, even the "openworld" pvp feels artificial.


Warzones are all well and good, but are really nothing but a "mini-game" and without relevance when considering the full scope of the game.

As it is It's just repeatable content without purpose outside of it's frame.


I'd like to see the line between Pvp/Pve blurred somewhat..

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Core concepts are good, but several factors drag the grade down.


*Ability lag. Being looked at though, so hopefully fixed soonish.


*Open world pvp doesn't really work in such a controlled and funneled world.

There are slim chances of any ad-hoc fights spiralling into all out war, If you find an opponent it's just a quick gank and that's all.


*Warzones, we need more of them, please no more huttballs.

3 zones, one of which has nothing to do with the conflict in the game..... just saying.



*Incentive to pvp is simply to get an arbitrary "rank" and loot with pvp-specific stats on them..

This is a road to nowhere and gets old fast.


*Why is there even a pvp-specific stat in the game?

Basically, i jump into a wz with excellent pve- gear and get crushed every time, simply because i haven't pvp-ed as much as the others??

This is in my mind a very poor idea and makes the future possibilities of pvp content narrower.. a lot of potential lost, if you ask me.





Please consider adding an RVR mechanic, something similar warhammer had.

Create a whole open world PVP planet if need be, complete with forts to conquer/defend.

(the tools and space is there, use it)


Something like:

Outpost #1: 5% non-combat runspeed to all members of the faction that currently controls it.


Outpost #2: +10% hp-regen out of combat to all members of the faction that currently controls it.


Outpost #3: All taxis are free of cost.. or something. you get the idea.


Central base: At least one outpost must be claimed before attempting to take this..

Kind of like the Node-system of Unreal or planetside, theyre all connected in a web.

This would give players an excuse to be sneaky, coordinate, engage in mass pvp with a clear goal that rewards collective efforts..


Award an appropriate buff to match the difficulty..

say something like, "the timer on medical probe rez is always set to minimum" or something.


At server reset, everything goes back to npc control..


Voilá, pvp with a purpose.


The point is to have incentive for everyone to *want* these things, but not handing out I-win buttons and "Phat lootz" Even though a trophy to stick on the wall of the ship would be nice.



Tl:dr for you ADD folks:


The current system feels like an afterthought and doesn't feel integrated at all into the game, even the "openworld" pvp feels artificial.


Warzones are all well and good, but are really nothing but a "mini-game" and without relevance when considering the full scope of the game.

As it is It's just repeatable content without purpose outside of it's frame.


I'd like to see the line between Pvp/Pve blurred somewhat..



Those rewards are not incentives at all. I mean at lv 50 do you really want 10% HP regen or speed increase?

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I'd like to give PvP 10/10 but unfortunatley my server has the worst faction imbalance and trying to get by in Ilum takes about 4 hours (dailies).


Yes, I'm republic, out-numbered by imps all the time.

Edited by Drahh
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7. It would earn the last 3 by:


a) Completely redesigning Ilum. Its just fail.

b) Nerfing BH Mercs / Trooptard.

c) Allowing full modding of gear including PvP gear so I can change my look to not be identical to everyone in my advanced class (yes I know this is in the works).

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Those rewards are not incentives at all. I mean at lv 50 do you really want 10% HP regen or speed increase?


And there is the crux of the matter..

Does everything you do have to benefit just *you* ?


I'd pvp more if it'd mean my faction would gain an edge overall, no matter if it's minor.

If i get a something out of it personally would be just icing on the cake really.


The egocentric approach works well enough in the short run, but as a sustainable system it's pretty horrible.

It feeds the greedy side of us that just want more loot and status, does it make pvp feel meaningful though?


A mix of some sort would be preferrable, at least in my view.

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Content: 6 - 3 Warzones is fine, but any less wouldn't be acceptable. Ilum is fine, although it still needs work. Open PvP is encouraged, but not thought through.


Balance: 7- Not too bad for such a young game. Sure there are imbalances, but none are game-breaking (if you ignore faction imbalances). Gear scaling is probably the biggest issue.


Progression: 4 - Gear is too easy to obtain compared to PvE gear and the best gear is a grind, rather than a proof of skill.


Performance: 3 - Low FPS, laggy and unresponsive abilities, horrible hit-detection and netcode. It's playable, but just barely. If I weighed Ilum a little more, it would score even lower.



Overall: 5 with the biggest issue being the poor and inexcusable performance by the game's engine.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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3-4. I do not mind class mechanics and who is OP or UP and all that crap but two Unreal Tournament maps and one Bloodbowl ripoff Star Wars does not make.



My wishlist for PvP:


1. More maps and separate brackets, from Assault Campaign (Voidstar) to Huttball Championship


2. Maps designed with vehicles in mind, like Battle of Hoth


3. Dogfights (space combat PvP)


4. Ability to take out expertise mods from PvP gear and put it in my orange armor. I actually saw a yellow post saying this will happen but I know how much a devs word is worth in these games.


I do not really have a reason to pay monthly for what we have now.

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