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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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I'll say 3/10.


Ilum PvP is currently laughable. Republic and Imperials hang out, chat, and make sure each other complete their daily while they flip objectives, no combat whatsoever. If I actually attacked somebody, they would probably be shocked and pissed off because it's unheard of.


This. I went to the Illum warzone area for the first time today. I saw one imp, whom I attacked immediately. While we were fighting he said "Hey, let's make a deal." I knew what the deal was and I didn't want any of it. So, yeah, my first time in Illum I had someone approach me trying to make an alliance. Not cool. Also, I noticed he followed behind me re-flipping every point I flipped, all the while staying far enough behind me so that engaging him would be a hassle.


I don't really think the Illum map is badly designed or anything, it's just that it was designed with REAL PvP action in mind (large groups). When one or two guys are all that is out there, I can see how it would be tempting to simply make a deal, since there's no action anyway.


But this type of "let's make a deal" PvP is not new. The EXACT thing happened in Rift when they introduced their PvP dailies and their open-world PvP objectives. People would kill trade with the other faction all day to get their 25 kills (the daily number of kills you needed). And the PvP rifts, which gave tons of favor, were being exploited the same way -- the two factions would get together, grab some stones and then let the other faction kill the stone carrier repeatedly (you got extra favor for every flag carrier you killed). After 2 days of this, people had their full R8 PvP gear set. For those of us who did it legit, it took weeks or months of grinding. And, just like here, the Rift forums were up in arms about it for weeks with people saying "ban them all." Finally Trion just simply nerfed the XP you got from PvP objectives, thus making them useless to do. So no one much does them anymore.


TBH, I think one fix for this type of thing would be to disallow cross-faction chat. I know some MMO's do not allow the different factions to chat in game. It may not fix it totally (people could roll alts or get on vent, etc.) but it would be much harder to set this stuff up when two randoms happen to come across each other. Sure, I like to talk sh*t to people I kill as much as the next guy. Sometimes you can even make friendly enemies with players from the other faction (friendly rivalry), which is cool. But I am not sure the pros outweigh the cons.

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PVP is fine. It's about what I except from an MMORPG. You can't expect serious, fair, and balanced PVP in a genre where success is based on:


1) time-invested

2) gear

3) RNG

4) class imbalance


There's just not enough room for SKILL in such a game. That's why I've never taken MMORPG PVP seriously as being even remotely competitive.


That said, the PVP in SWTOR is definitely FUN - provided your not getting your face melted by a premade full of geared 50s with purple sabers chopping me into pieces. It's annoying, but honestly, it's still fairly rare. I have a good time 90% of the time.

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in beta i would have voted 10/10 because my excitement.


but after all that time grinding only 3 warzones Cant be satisfying to nobody. i really dont understand how this could be high ranked, as if you guys were happy with it and dont need no changes......

Edited by thanatas
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on a scale of 1 to 10? I give it a Negative 10. The factions regardless of claims are unbalanced. The Empire has far more advantages in warzones. Force Users are far more powerful then non-force users and I don't see this changing any time soon.
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10/10. It is the most fun I have EVER had PVP'ing in an MMO. Everyone is powerful and potentially overpowered if geared/played right, real balance. There are afew minor changes such as a lvl 50 only bracket that need attention, but as far as how happy I am with the PVP it's a full blown 10. Huttball is the greatest PVP warzone/BG ever made, period.


I normally get bored with MMO pvp quickly, however with SWTOR i plan on pvp'ing for as long as the game stays active. Very good que times, very balanced win/loss ratio's, and very balanced class mechanics.

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on a scale of 1 to 10? I give it a Negative 10. The factions regardless of claims are unbalanced. The Empire has far more advantages in warzones. Force Users are far more powerful then non-force users and I don't see this changing any time soon.


name one advantage the empire has in a WZ. There is an equal and powerful counterpart to each class. You say force users are OP, but forget to mention that non force users are just as deadly and powerful. BH yank into a fire, is it OP or just clever use of his abilities? What about a smuggler who's capable of dealing the highest amount of burst dmg in the game out of stealth? What about Trooper's who are heavy armored, hit like optimus prime, and can heal like it's nothing? Every class is equally powerful and to be respected, that is the definition of balance. I humbly suggest you give it another try with a more open mind. I have seen each and every class/AC pull some amazing moves in PVP.

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eh its a 1 or a 3 out of 10 for me. Lvl 50 operative here. My biggest problem is there is no blue lvl 50 gear to start out in anymore since they took it out, and that I only got a pvp piece on my first bag open... The pvp gear gamble system is god awful. Gambling isn't fun its just depressing. Stop it.


Also being an ordinary men in the presence of extraordinary men sucks. Really lame watching a sith warrior and inquisitor (or their jedi equivalents) line up in a row and score in 5 seconds. That actually happened. It's not the guy who just respawned and running back's fault either dont say it is.


IDC about bolster because they are adding a 50 bracket, and that pretty much fixes that. Lvl my lvl 12 sith juggernaut can beat people in their 40's in warzones as long as you outplay people its fine so nothing bad bout that.


Huttball really was awesome before everyone got movement powers.. once they did its way too easy to score. Whoever has the most force users wins D:

Edited by Arusphodos
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eh its a 1 or a 3 out of 10 for me. Lvl 50 operative here. My biggest problem is there is no blue lvl 50 gear to start out in anymore since they took it out, and that I only got a pvp piece on my first bag open... The pvp gear gamble system is god awful. Gambling isn't fun its just depressing. Stop it.


You get badges out of the empty bags, and can buy pvp gear with badges. It isn't all dependant upon random luck.

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The people who have posted high ratings, are the ones who just turn 50 and open bags and get everything right from the get go. I opened more than 40 bags and only gotten 3 items! I would honestly have to give PvP a 2/10, for how everything is set up, and when you get unbalanced factions, and your on the highest populated faction, all you ever play is stupid huttball, which sucks unless your team cooperates and passes the dang ball.
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- Gameplay is kinda unresponsive and feels slow

- Netcode is *****, tons of sync errors, player's positions reset after ~2 seconds ..

- Only 3 Warzones and Hutball sucks

- Performance in Warzones is really bad

- Class balance could be worse but there are definitely issues..

- Open pvp not even worth mentioning


Its still fun to play with others.



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name one advantage the empire has in a WZ. There is an equal and powerful counterpart to each class.


The one advantage the empire has is Sorcerers. You are correct that there is an equal and powerful counterpoint in the Sage. However, Sorcs shoot lightning out of their fingers and Sages toss rocks, and as a result the Empire's vastly OP class greatly outnumbers the Republics. Most battlegrounds have 3-4 Sorcs and 1-2 Sages, and that right there is enough to keep one team stunlocked the whole game.

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1 - give us brackets. This is faceroll.


How many of you non-level 50s are using the pvp consumables? How many of you are using stims? How many of you are using every buff to your advantage?


Oh, you didn't know about them...




Yes, brackets will definitely help you then

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I'am a lvl 42 rep and i give it a 2, its just 99% mini games.


I've seen very little world pvp (seems no point being on a pvp server)


cc is a joke


hutball.....and i'am a rep (its ***** and why is it even ingame)


If it wasnt starwars it would just be another 1 month mmo.

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- Open World PvP (non-Illum) is on a scale somewhere between non-existent to worthless to attempt. You have no incentive to go after and kill opposing members of the enemy faction aside from the tiniest bit of Valor. No commendations, no tokens, nothing to make you go "I *want* to kill that player!" Instead it's "He's all the way over there...eh f*** it, not worth the effort." For a game called Star WARS there is a severe lack of WAR on the planets.


- Illum is such a broken, shameful joke that whoever designed it, and whoever allowed it to be implemented as it is, should be fired. This is not an understatement. It is offensive.


- Warzones are PvP that has been duck-taped on to this game. That's not to say they're not fun, I award the 2/10 points of my score because of two of the Warzones (1 for Alderaan and 1 for Void Star). Huttball is the least fun, least popular WZ and is played the most often. When I want to PvP (and I would hazard a guess that this is the same for most people) I want to kill the enemy. Micromanaging a ball is not killing the enemy. Killing the enemy is not the priority in Huttball, scoring is, and that means I'm more playing a sport than I am killing people. That is not PvP, that is a chore and something I did not sign up to do. And of the 2 WZs that *are* fun...how many times I can do them over and over before even they get boring and I go in search of a different game where PvP is supported and encouraged is a question I'll probably be answering shortly.


The saving grace of PvP in this game SHOULD have been Open World PvP. Bioware clearly invested tons and tons of work into making these huge, gorgeous planets...and entirely discourages people from PvPing on them. Almost never do quest zones overlap, there are no player-kill quests or rewards, nothing to encourage conflict on these planets...despite the fact that people come to PvP server in search of conflict.



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