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  1. youre probably talking about corruption based sorcs with no dmg output at all. they are as unkillable as a tank.
  2. Operative. the sorc doesnt have anything thats really op.
  3. havent specced healer at all. so how much does resurgence heal for? I can tell you though that this is NOT the build to go with if you play hardmode flashpoints at all as either dps or healer since youll run out of mana as dps without lightning effusion and your heals are not up to scratch + you run out of mana being the healer again. this is the best build for CC+DPS for hardmode flashpoints Ive found. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201bZccMrdRM0zZcroRsMz.1 seeping darkness does a little better than forked lightning. my rotation is affliction, FL,FL, CD (or CL if CD is on cooldown) for mobs of normals use force storm to instant proc chain lightning. its the highest multitarget dps attack you have. death fields dps is poor, but worth casting if there are 2 or more normals.
  4. it will mean a lot of empire players will get better gear too. I havent reached level 60 valor but already have all the champion gear I need, so I would just collect boxes for battlemaster stuff and in a little while any adv. is gone. I dont mind this suggestion but it would mean PvP gear would be even more easy to get compared to PvE gear than it already is, to the point that itll be pointless doing flashpoints anymore.
  5. so where will they fall into? they get moved into PvP servers or will their account be deleted? I think its more fair at this point in time to rollback PvP aquired XP/loot since its SOOOO much easier to attain than PvE gear.
  6. I dont like this fix. mainly because id be irritated if I get ganked by a protected faction who will under your suggestion be advantaged by artificial balance. if they are outnumbered they are naturally going to be on the receiving end of open world conflict. instancing it will fk up the concept entirely, so again its a better idea to make it a neutral zone where ppl can shot rockets at mechs for daily bags in peace.
  7. Terrible idea. a wait time for imp to enter ilum PvP area is worst than the imbalance (though im an imp player). my solution is to make ilum a non-pvp zone for now since PvP is fking broken. it can be applied right now and is vastly superior to your suggestion. suggestion number 2 is to remove PvP xp, and loot entirely and rollback any xp gained from PvP warzones, so PvP noobs have to play PvE to level the fk up.
  8. going to say something a little different and suggest they remove PvP gear altogether. this encourages players to do hard modes/nightmare mode which is a lot harder to obtain good gear from. currently players are punished if they play mostly PvE because its a lot harder to get columi then it is to get champions gear which sit on the same tier. i also think its better if each player gets a roll on each chest rather than selecting need/greed for each item. also having a shared storage space is good so you can use every piece of gear you find.
  9. eldrjth

    Utter destruction

    they should not award XP for pvp. level the fk up in pve and get your gear from there imo. it really puts an end to end game pvp when total noobs make up 75% of your side.
  10. the only way I can see this happening is the other team is SUPER nooby and hes part of a premade. in light of this, most of the damage hes doing is ineffective dmg. i.e. from force storm on 4 bunched guys doing 600hp ticks followed periodically with chain lightning for 3k on 5 guys (this is good dmg) after CD auto finishes in 4 ticks on 3 guys. BUT to kill someone effectively in PvP you need high burst not mediocre aoe/ticks which can be out healed or tanked easily. This is why sorcs arent that great a dps class regardless of dmg numbers they get, which btw is more to the tune of 250k if hes concentrating on taking out players rather than bolstering his dmg numbers. I play a sorc with maxed biochem and champions gear which puts me to my estimation at 90% of the dmg potential of the class and can say that over 400k damage for a sorc is REALLY impossible during normal play.
  11. If anakin didnt lose 90% of his body hed be far more powerful than palpatine so his decision was not a bad one BUT I dont understand why palpatine didnt search for a new apprentice after anakins injuries. this is whats baffling.
  12. the main reason I dont play one is I havent maxed out my first class yet (sorc) with end game gear. the other reason is my sub is about to run out and im not renewing otherwise thered be another operative running around in PvP. thirdly they arent core to the star wars universe so arent going to get as many players as light saber wielders.
  13. I can guarantee you wont win against an equally skilled/geared operative. you may beat undergeared/nooby ones that copy cat the winning formula wrong. you cant counter an invisible enemy by "standing together" when the objective is to CAP or attack, you will invariably break formation or be CC'd or otherwise find yourself separated from your group. stealth also makes the threat presented by a group of enemies very hard to evaluate since you dont know where they will crop up while it also allows them an easy way to cap objectives. IT DOES NOT JUST KILL CLOTHE WEARERS FFS!. it will decimate anyone in a matter of moments or take them out of the battle since theyre too badly injured to fight back. you cannot compete with an out of stealth+knockdown+crit in a straight up fight by being tactical. (because for one thing youre on the fricken floor). NOT to mention they can restealth while in battle hopefully before taking any substantial dmg at all.
  14. wheres your screenies of 400k dmg matches. I want to see atleast 10. MORON>
  15. I missed this part of your post considering the ridiculousness (and unsubstantiated claim) of your opening sentence. THE primary functions of a dps class is to do dmg/kill opponents and not perish. the utility value you mention is minor compared to the devastation a properly equipped operative is able to bring. they can single handedly eliminate the opposition number 1 player which turns the tide of battle in their teams favor. a team of 2 operatives working in tandem is an unstoppable force that even an equally geared tank cannot survive even if supported by healer. THIS is why they are unbalanced. while they prob lack the utility of the sorc they have in spades far greater tools, such as stealth/armour and dmg. So its you who has NO FRICKEN clue.
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