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EGA handled very poorly


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Failure to pay attention to the website is the fault of the "aggravated players". It was clear from the start that is was those who entered the code earliest would get into EGA first. There was no secret to that.


I have to wait because, despite my friends preordering in July, I was uncertain about it and didn't pre-order until Aug 25th. My fault.








They can. But do you want to be competing with 100 other people for that one mob spawn (exaggerated example, sure :D)?


They are doing staggered launch to keep the pressure off the starter zones.




See above.


SWtOR uses instanced zones to alleviate over-crowding.

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Bad troll.


Interesting point though - if there are so many threads complaining about something then there is clearly a problem.


Yeah, the problem is stupid people who didn't read how Early Game Access was a line base don when you registered your pre-order.


The validity of majority though is something only the uneducated use. just because a large number of people thing something doesn't mean they are right. A large number of people used to think the Earth was flat. A large number of people used to think the Earth was the center of the Universe. A large number of people are idiots.


But, since you like following the herd, try eating ****, after all, 3 trillion flies can't be wrong. :rolleyes:

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The launch of the game is the 20th, so all complaints about the launch BEFORE that date are void


Bioware has advertised early access as such "Pre Order and you MAY get UP TO 5 days early"


Yesterday was 7 days out from the launch. Stop your self entitlement whining, and crying. If you think you can provide enough servers with enough stability to allow millions of people on at the exact same moment, then by all means, donate to the cause


I hope everyone that's angry doesn't get early access, at all. Just so they'll learn one of life's many lessons in that You don't always get what you want, that apparently parents no longer teach these days


LOl man why u gotta be hating did u get in game yet? and can u smell that??

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Yeah, the problem is stupid people who didn't read how Early Game Access was a line base don when you registered your pre-order.


The validity of majority though is something only the uneducated use. just because a large number of people thing something doesn't mean they are right. A large number of people used to think the Earth was flat. A large number of people used to think the Earth was the center of the Universe. A large number of people are idiots.


But, since you like following the herd, try eating ****, after all, 3 trillion flies can't be wrong. :rolleyes:


yea well my fists can overcome your words lol. relax there Von Braun...

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If you wanted to play so much why didn't you pre-order when they were first available? It was stated numerous times that's how they would determine who got in first.



To be fair I am sure others are of the same mind of myself.


I was not willing to pay for preorder until I had beta tested the game ( I am not a huge Bioware or Star Wars fanboy).


I made the mistake of preordering DCUonline...

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They can. But do you want to be competing with 100 other people for that one mob spawn (exaggerated example, sure :D)?


They are doing staggered launch to keep the pressure off the starter zones.


5 waves was still too little. The servers are deserted.


They should push out way more waves than that today and not just call it a day at 2 PM.

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Did the last wave get past JULY?


Nope, made it to the 27th as far as I know. Though apparently it's not strictly first come first serve, as my friend who I redeemed my pre-order with at the same time got in, but I didn't. This was on August 3rd.

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That still puts strain on the shards. Over crowding is part of the issue. :rolleyes:


Strain on realms was what the mentioned weekend beta stress test was for. The realms can handle it, and will have to handle it after release during peak hours. If the player load in a zone is too much, instanced zones are in place, and if there are too many players overall a server queue is in place. A server queue of people who actually are trying to play as opposed to a selection of people who may or may not be trying to play.

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Several thousand people in one area puts strain on that area, no matter how many instances you make.


Eital, I won't argue against you on that point. I'm not on yet, but it wouldn't surprise me with the gap between waves.

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Several thousand people in one area puts strain on that area, no matter how many instances you make.


It doesn't. Instanced zones can be run on a separate server - there isn't a Coruscant server where every single instance of Coruscant is run, it can be split up, otherwise the solution would be totally useless.


@Eital: This morning a friend told me there were 37 republic players logged on his server. I do think they need to be more flexible in how many and how often their waves are.

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Seriously i read about half of this original post and although i didn't totally agree, i agree that something has to change because as it is at the moment 9 - 5 job is just not fair to the people waiting.


they can quit their jobs if it means that much to them, or take a day off? we've been knowing about early access since the pre-order was available, there was nothing said about it this whole time until people realized it, just because you didn't read it over the past 6 months isn't anyone's problem but yours, the fact that it is a problem to you is actually the problem and you should work on that.


You'd probably complain if someone said they'd cook you an awesome free meal of your choosing, and then DID, but then didn't make a double portion so you could have it as leftovers.


Also, day 2 of EEA(early early I'm calling it) is soon to start, think positively maybe? Or at least have some patience? Have you folks taken nothing away from the Star Wars movies...because they're full of meaning and relevance to every day life and could probably teach you some valuable lessons if you paid attention to them.

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It doesn't. Instanced zones can be run on a separate server - there isn't a Coruscant server where every single instance of Coruscant is run, it can be split up, otherwise the solution would be totally useless.


Unless you're an employee at one of the server centres, you probably don't know the specifics of how it's being done.


I can tell you, however, from my own experience, that makes little difference if too many people are in the one area.

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Thankyou for taking the time to type out that ill thought out wall of text.


Frankly I didn't care for the tone or manner of it's content and found the whole concept of your topic to be baseless and shallow, lacking any form or structure with which to illicit anything close to a debate.


For that reason I fail to see the point in replying to your original post.


In short, you fail at the internets.

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Im in the game :p... and youre not... simply because i made my mind up about playing this game before you did.


The game is awesome, and the slow waves of players is great especially during launch since the starting area's are not overrun and you can actually get to finish your quests or kill that special boss without waiting for 5 others to do it first, and the occational ninja.


No lag either, at all!...


You've waited for years for this, or atleast many of us have. Whats another few days to you?... go finish buying your christmas gifts and get that sorted, then you can focus on playing the game during the holidays.

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Im in the game :p... and youre not... simply because i made my mind up about playing this game before you did.


The game is awesome, and the slow waves of players is great especially during launch since the starting area's are not overrun and you can actually get to finish your quests or kill that special boss without waiting for 5 others to do it first, and the occational ninja.


No lag either, at all!...


You've waited for years for this, or atleast many of us have. Whats another few days to you?... go finish buying your christmas gifts and get that sorted, then you can focus on playing the game during the holidays.


Tryhard troll #1.


@songofprecept: you are #2, don't worry.

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