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Everything posted by Westwind

  1. I find that heat is a terrible resource system for those "oh crap" moments, like when a patrol walks in on you or enemies respawn on top of you. It needs to be managed and kept below a certain level at all times, and when you really need to be able to pump out the damage or risk dying, it's bound to screw you over. In any other situation where you're in control it works just fine, however. My hands down favourite resource system has to be the Assassin/Shadow force bar, though. Steady regen beats the heck out of degrading regen any day.
  2. In all honesty, I'd go Powertech. I really regret going Mercenary, since basically to be your most effective you're going to have to stand there firing off tracer missiles like a turret. I really wish I'd done more research into the AC's, but the idea of running around guns akimbo blinded me. Right now I'm playing Pyrotech merc and it's more tolerable than Arsenal, but it doesn't do nearly as much DPS and it has major heat problems. I just can't stand being immobile looking at cast bars any more since quitting WoW. :/ If you're looking for a different gameplay experience however, just pick whatever AC is not the mirror to the one you have as your Trooper.
  3. Unlink colours from alignments, damn it. I want a green saber. I want more easily obtainable options than red at the very least. I thought purple was going to be to inquisitors as green was to consulars, but dark siders just got ripped off.
  4. Performance optimizations, bug fixes, very little in the way of new content or things that had to be cut for launch. I know it might be pessimistic, but I really don't see it happening.
  5. My Twilek doesn't have a headband, but I'd really like for it to be able to wear hoods without the head tails clipping through. I really don't think it'd be too much to ask for them to drape down over a Twilek's shoulders while wearing a hood.
  6. Or how he says it's better than it looks when he fails and comes back with nothing, wasting my credits?
  7. Nope, made it to the 27th as far as I know. Though apparently it's not strictly first come first serve, as my friend who I redeemed my pre-order with at the same time got in, but I didn't. This was on August 3rd.
  8. So because you're a woman your opinion means more? Sexist much?
  9. I pre-ordered as soon as my local EBgames got their codes in. Nothing I could have done to get it sooner, and yet here I am stuck out in the cold. So yeah, F rating.
  10. Stopped reading there. Nope. I pre-ordered because I was promised early access. If I wanted the game on the 20th, I wouldn't have bothered pre-ordering. I wouldn't have any problem finding a standard edition on launch day.
  11. I'd rather a buggy game that I'm allowed to play than a smooth one I can't ANY day of the week. I'd rather a queue that tells me when I can play than being left in the dark without a clue any. Day. Of. The. Week. I'd rather be kicked off the server due to a crash than to have never been on the server in the first place, you guessed it, ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.
  12. While creating issues that I, personally, find more annoying. Like not being able to play at all while the servers sit with plenty of room to accommodate me.
  13. Why wouldn't I be mad when I pay the same money for the same service, but get treated like a second class citizen while others get world class service? You'd have to be stupid or the world's biggest beta not to get mad at that.
  14. No, the deal was if you pay in advance, you get extra time free. If you don't get the extra time, what's the point in pre-ordering? Might as well just go to the store and pick the game up on the 20th, it's not like there'll be any lack of copies available.
  15. Because most of us figured they'd be steadily allowing more players in until the servers were full, not going for half a day and calling it quits til the next day, leaving most of the servers at low pop for the greater part of the day.
  16. Better way of doing it would be to not cut everyone else off after doing less than a half day's work inviting and setting up servers, while leaving half the existing servers at less than maximum capacity.
  17. I'd rather a proper pre-launch. That way everyone is on equal footing, we all deal with the queues, and nobody gets an advantage over anyone else in any aspect of the game by luck of the draw. This whole experience has left a sour taste in my mouth; one that'll be damned hard to wash out, considering the past sour tastes EA has given me.
  18. Unfortunately they don't get to decide who their audience is, nor do they get to decide what goals their audience sets. Another F from me. Very disappointed with the lack of communication, lack of effort, and lack of caring.
  19. Are you upgrading their gear, or just leaving them naked?
  20. Haven't played WoW in over a year, and the last time I tried making a character it took me a solid 15 minutes to get a name that I found acceptable.
  21. I'm off til Thursday, and not because I booked the days off. I WISH I had work today so I'd have something to do instead of sitting around being annoyed with BioWare and EA.
  22. Except it's not a bonus. It's something I was promised in return for paying early. If I weren't promised early access, I wouldn't have pre-ordered.
  23. Account -> Basic Information -> Time Zone
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