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  1. Lack of denial of service for failing to input key says otherwise. Try another one.
  2. official launch remains 20th. I have not been asked to input a retail key, nor denied access for failing to put one in.
  3. I'm guessing someone skipped the press releases and blogs. But no. It was to prevent excessive server stress.
  4. Yes. During peak hours you can expect queuing. But there's also going to be additional servers.. so the issue is..?
  5. Or maybe "I can't read and understand first come first served" is not an issue bioware can solve. The only valid argument against Bioware's approach has been the pvp, but even that has mitigating factors that are ignored by people trying to claim Bioware owes them. The name argument... I don't want to see 'Legolas', "Vader", "Skywalker" or variations there-of (examples!) anyway! Show a little creativity, or use a random name generator.
  6. You realise they're going to claim you're "white-knighting" for Bioware, and that they've been utterly and intentionally misled? Just do what a lot of us are, laugh, enjoy the show..
  7. Yeah. It's just as busy as yesturday.. wait! Nope! Tonnes slower.
  8. GG, trying to access while most people are working or sleeping.
  9. Rift. If they start up too many 'servers', there could be mergers, which are pretty bad for marketing. If you, however, mean to suggest 'shards/instances', that has already been covered.
  10. Race to 50, or just a little whining? Go to STO, or Rift, and use the random name generator. There's some good ones. Err, supply and demand will quickly change that anyway. That can and will change over time.. ... meaningless race. ... okay, you get that point.
  11. So, add temporary hardware, increase costs for zero gain? Gotcha.. wait, no I don't. They'd have to take the servers offline to add said hardware, they'd have to take the servers offline to remove it again, assuming they don't have a Rift-style exodus. Difference being that EvE was designed to have mass fleets (read, potentially 1000s of players) and the infrastructure reflects that. They also rarely seem to go above 50k logged in. How many pre-orders for TOR are there? 1million NA retail stores alone? Yes, because you've demonstrated that they are completely bad at this, haven't you?
  12. Seriously? I've explained already: it don't matter how many extra instances you add as they'll only increase server stress.
  13. You don't know the difference between server and shard. Hint, think of the shard as a terminal, and that will make it very clear why adding more shards does not work.
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