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SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!





Logical conclusion 1: Blizzard > Bioware


Logical conclusion 2: WoW > SWTOR

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Purchasers do not equal subscribers.... end of Jan look at the numbers then that will give a real picture... hope it does well as any competition in the market will be good. just can't help thinking that the "bordem factor is strong in this one" hope the new content hits the spot...
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VGChartz is the same entity that said TOR had sold over a million preorders only in NA prior to launch not including digital orders. That number was obviously nowhere close to the truth.


You guys need to stop trusting this site. Most of you thought there were 2 million preorders because of this stupid site. Now you're excited because after three weeks in retail the game is finally topping an "extrapolated" two million units.


The second the game tops 2 million units you'll know. Bioware will brag about it. They always do.

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I love coming into threads that shows SWTOR's massive success. You will see people try so hard to spin it negatively, so funny to watch.


Personally I find it much funnier the fanboys entering every thread and trying to show all bugs and problems are not there! Like... ability delay! that was the most hilarious of all.

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Assuming 2mil is thereabouts accurate; then this is positive news re initial sales and ongoing sales.


Lets not get too excited though, with all the marketing, most I've ever seen for a mmo release, the sales number were always bound to be large.


Lets hope the paid subscriber numbers, the number that really counts in a mmo, continue to stay above the 1mil mark and grow for a long time :D

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




Does not change the fact that the game in its current state will not survive long. At the moment you might aswell call it Warhammer 2.0 becuse there following the exact same mistakes both in development and in community response.

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If they spent the claimed $300 million, and that was over a year ago, then they still haven't made a profit.


I seriously doubt most people will continue a subscription with the current game state (ie, buggy as hell and 0 end game content and broken combat etc etc). I hit 50 1/6, cancelled 1/8 myself.


As I posted in another thread a few days ago, this game gives off a serious DC Universe Online deja vu vibe.

Edited by sleepthief
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Nope, the higher they reach, the harder it is to go back to pandas.

Leave fast, before it's too hard.



You'll see MoP will break the housemade record again with 24h sales, I think it's going to be +3,5 million ( Cataclysm had 3,3m / 24h and almost 4,7 million units in the 1st month ).


SW:TOR cannot stand WoW right now, maybe in the future.



And yeah, they sold 2m copies of it - but I am pretty sure they will never have more than 1,5m subscribers after the first months.

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They like this game and are upset about alot of bugs that bring it down?


Logical fallacies help no one. stop it.


What game breaking bugs bring it down? Seriously, there is no MASSIVE bugs that make the game unplayable. If you're ever expecting an MMO to have 0 bugs then you might as well just sway clear of this genre because WoW has been around for 7 years and still has tons of bugs.


All the doomsayers on these forums are getting ridiculous, they act like such small minuscule bugs are such huge game breaking issues.


If you can't enjoy the game, that's fine. Just stop playing and stay clear from the forums. Not every game has to be for you. Obviously lots of people enjoy this game, whether that's for 3 months or 10 years, who knows, it's a game. Enjoy it or move on.



Hell, even when Cataclysm was released for a few months there was times where you couldn't even QUEUE for battlegrounds. OH and let's not even get into the whole arena thing, where you could bug your MMR and get Gladiator and as far as I know is STILL yet to be fixed because blizzard couldn't care less about it.


People that think WoW or other MMOs are some sort of perfect game obviously have never played them or need to take off their rose-tinted glasses.

Edited by KhealThar
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I used to like both WoW and SWTOR. Not so sure about WoW anymore. I tried playing again using my gf's account (mine is not subscribed anymore and her's only is because of a nice person who broke into her account, paid for a month's playtime and then was unable to access it anymore because we changed her login, password, and added an authenticator), I had to roll a new toon obviously and I guess I never realized how dumbed down that game has become. They have a flight path from Goldshire to Stormwind....THATS A 30 SECOND RUN and people are too lazy to make the trip on foot >.<)


Anywho, on topic I am very very glad to see the game is selling well because despite any bugs that may exist currently I love this game and hope it succeeds.


WHAT!... Holy cow, I have not played the game since 2007. Jesus what did they do to that game?

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




And it's not even global yet, imagine the results if it had been :)

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1: What is their retention rate? I'd love to see which MMOs kept the highest percentages of users beyond the first 'free' month, and how many were still playing a year after they started.


2: How many records has Justin Beiber sold? Sales =/= quality

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I thought vgchartz had star wars at like 1million pre-orders in the US alone? like 2 weeks before release. At least I remember a lot of people making threads and hyping 1 million retail pre-orders in the US alone.


Exactly. They were way off in preorder estimates.


It's 2 million sales when Bioware releases the actual data. Hopefully that will be soon.

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