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SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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I love coming into threads that shows SWTOR's massive success. You will see people try so hard to spin it negatively, so funny to watch.


I love how you measure a games success lol


It's a MMO so how the hell can you call it a success or failure after 3 weeks, get real please.


The first hurdle on the road to success is how many resub after the 30 day free period.


Judging by the fact my server has gone from full to standard in 2 weeks and that from tatooine to vos each zone has like 14-25 people on it and the forums are awash with people saying theu are leaving....it looks very bleak indeed. But you keep posting stats about box sales which mean nothing at all for a mmo.

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I see your link and I give you http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics/ notice the downward trend? Double the sales from release would surely have given an upwards trend?


It only takes common sense to realize a few points...


1. When a game first launches whether it's an MMO or FPS people all jump online at the same time.


2. When a game first launches people play the game for longer periods of time.


3. It was the Holidays.


4. As time goes on people start to adjust their gaming schedules and don't glue themselves to 5-10 hour long sessions.


5. People have lives. Work, school, etc.


Whoopsie http://www.mmocrunch.com/2012/01/03/swtor-uk-sales-plummet-after-one-week/. Remember that little tidbit? Its easy to get numbers from any source to fit your argument.


Noooo, really? It's a PC exclusive.


Let's take a look at what PC games have recently made it into a ALL FORMATS chart.


The last one was Starcraft II which as well plummeted off the list because it's a PC exclusive. The one before that was Empire: Total War.


A PC game rarely ever makes it into an all formats chart and the fact that ToR debuted as ten speaks volumes for how it's doing. Obviously it would drop off because again it's a PC exclusive game. They rarely ever make it to the charts in the first place.

Edited by Improv-
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It only takes common sense to realize a few points...


1. When a game first launches whether it's an MMO or FPS people all jump online at the same time.


2. When a game first launches people play the game for longer periods of time.


3. It was the Holidays.


4. As time goes on people start to adjust their gaming schedules and don't glue themselves to 5-10 hour long sessions.


5. People have lives. Work, school, etc.




Noooo, really? It's a PC exclusive.


Let's take a look at what PC games have recently made it into a ALL FORMATS chart.


The last one was Starcraft II which as well plummeted off the list because it's a PC exclusive. The one before that was Empire: Total War.


A PC game rarely ever makes it into an all formats chart and the fact that ToR debuted as ten speaks volumes for how it's doing. Obviously it would drop off because again it's a PC exclusive game. They rarely ever make it to the charts in the first place.


The chart I linked suggested that the server poulations are in decline which agrees with your above points. But this game has increased its subscribers by another million since launch which would suggest instead of a steady decline in server populations we should at least see a flat line in populations, bored subscribers stop logging in but the new subscribers log in more than the bored subscribers do, thus levelling things out. When this game shifts two million copies you will see it posted on the front page of this website

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The chart I linked suggested that the server poulations are in decline which agrees with your above points. But this game has increased its subscribers by another million since launch which would suggest instead of a steady decline in server populations we should at least see a flat line in populations, bored subscribers stop logging in but the new subscribers log in more than the bored subscribers do, thus levelling things out. When this game shifts two million copies you will see it posted on the front page of this website


They're just waiting till the end of the month to see if it can pop past 3 mil. They're playin it cool. Like little fonzies.

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!









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Ok, personally I don't want to see this game fail, I want to see it prosper as I am a big Star Wars fan and thoroughly love the Old Republic setting....BUT!


Sales figures do not an MMO success make, sure you can sell 2 million, but how many of these will be active subscribers 6 months down the line? that's what really matters, MMO's have a huge upkeep, and I believe that Bioware stated they need 500K active to make a profit. That is the figure that you need to watch, but the problem is that charts are "estimates" and no company will actively reveal their total subscriber numbers unless it is an extremely positive number.


When a company doesn't reveal numbers one way or another, that's when you should start worrying. This talk about "OMG GREAT SUCCESS!" is too early to tell one way or another, it's the long term that matters with MMO's

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So you dont state FACTS you find OPINION based articles.


Just reading your post makes me weep. It's sad.

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So you dont state FACTS you find OPINION based articles.


Just reading your post makes me weep. It's sad.


I been quotin facts at you bro this ENTIRE thread.


Not my fault you gotta hate on what has been the most titanic MMORPG launch in the history of the genre.


By May this game will dwarf everything else in the galaxy.

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So you dont state FACTS you find OPINION based articles.


Just reading your post makes me weep. It's sad.


Can you just imagine how "dark side" SnoggyMack will get if he ever gets disillusioned with SWTOR




You know I never actually looked closely at your name. I like my version more.

Edited by Pyrolight
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I been quotin facts at you bro this ENTIRE thread.


Not my fault you gotta hate on what has been the most titanic MMORPG launch in the history of the genre.


By May this game will dwarf everything else in the galaxy.


I would bet money you've never read a classic novel, played more than two MMOs, and watched a lot of Disney movies.

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That's not very nice, it isn't blizzards fault they have wierd people following them.

Would bet alot of money that developers over at blizzard's house laugh pretty much at the rabid fanboys they have... I know i would. Just look at some of them.


Some of them think they actually work for blizzard, and somehow have anything to do with anything in WoW, but there's a problem. Blizzard doesn't care about anyone, they care about money, everybody do.

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I predict SWTOR becomes a footnote in history once D3 and MoP hit the market.


I predict SWTOR will do very well, and keep on going, just like the rest of the games out there. My prediction will come true, since even lineage 2 who had 3,5 million subs is still here, it got released 2002.


And by no means have that number today, atleast i think so. Not sure tho...


But for whatever reason when WoW came it was all about the millions of subs, but lineage 2 who had 3 mil didn't matter, nor did lineage 1 with over 4 during prime.


Wierd huh?


And btwe, blizzard has released, what 3 games? in what 15 years?

Talk about a fail company.

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