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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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If I tell you Ford sold 2 million Focus cars will you run out and buy it? It's not what he can and can't say it's the motivation behind it.


Nice. I was going to say more than 2 million Ford Pintos were sold. It's a great start for the game, but the key is to keep as many subs for as long as possible. The Star Wars and BW brands are huge draws, but it will ultimately come down to the game itself as to whether people stay.

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I seriously put little faith in a list that classifies Diablo as an RPG. I love Diablo, Diablo I even more than Diablo II (and there's no way I'm gonna bother with cash-shop Diablo III), but Diablo is NOT an RPG by any means. It's a Hack and Slash


And since Cata-clysma is merely an EXPANSION to WoW, one that only cost them subscribtions at that, it simply shouldn't be on that list either.


Meaning: SW:TOR should actually be #2 on that list.



I'd actually even say that WoW is not an RPG. It's also a Hack and Slash, just like Diablo. Making it an MMOHnS. Good luck finding ANY MMO that is actually an MMORPG. SW:TOR is actually the only one that could loosely qualify for that category, technical limitations permitting.


So what you're saying is that SW:TOR is #1 in a category where it is the only product? Congratulations to BW!

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So basically if we have 75% loss of subscribers from box sales, the game will still be profitable.




Yep. Cool isn't it? :)

But 75% sub loss will never happen, not that i'm a fanboy. Well i am, i like the game, i like the developers, i like the sw theme.

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No, it's because your characters' PERSONALITY is woven into the game mechanics. It's not just the talking. It's the DECISIONS.



Actually it's BIOWARES decision


In WoW if i want to RP a paladin of the silver hand or of the adent crusade, I can.


In SWTOR if i want to play a trooper I'm ALWAYS going to be in havoc squadron


You are what Bioware wants your character to be, any decisions beyond that are strictly for cosmetic light/dark gear

Edited by Blackwater
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Whats it like living in fantasy land guys?


Every single server is standard to full. Where are all these people who quit? LOL


Week 1: 16 full servers


Today: 0 full servers.




Note the downward trend




Week 1 sales: 1.6 million

Week 2: 300k

Week 3: 42k


Don't know how much more proof you need

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Week 1: 16 full servers


Today: 0 full servers.




Note the downward trend




Week 1 sales: 1.6 million

Week 2: 300k

Week 3: 42k


Don't know how much more proof you need


Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC) RPG 9.09 1.18 0.57 0.00 2.09


Pokémon Red / Green / Blue Version (GB) RPG 9.22 11.44 9.70 10.22 31.37


pokeown !

Edited by pivich
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Here's people:


3 years from now:


Star Wars: The Old Republic has just reached the highest selling game above WoW, Diablo and all other rpgs. Thankyou SWTOR fans and we will continue to make this game cater to you


Haters: Pfff...you just wait JUST WAIT after the 30 day subs are up..THEN you will see fail...oh..****..wait whaaaat? It's been 3 years? umm...TOR sucks!! lol

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Week 1: 16 full servers


Today: 0 full servers.




Note the downward trend




Week 1 sales: 1.6 million

Week 2: 300k

Week 3: 42k


Don't know how much more proof you need


West coast servers are "heavy" right now. It's 1 am on the east coast, people are going to bed. They upped the servers capacity so heavy servers = full servers from 1 week.


Nice epic fail. All PC games have steep drop offs after first week.

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Week 1: 16 full servers


Today: 0 full servers.




Note the downward trend




Week 1 sales: 1.6 million

Week 2: 300k

Week 3: 42k


Don't know how much more proof you need


Week 1? You mean that week where everybody and their dog were playing during times that were not their normal playing times because of the game being new and the excitement. The same week where people were off from school and from work due to the holidays? That week 1?


Also, it is very rare to continue to have huge sales after the first week, not uncommon for sales numbers to drop drastically after the first week.

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I guess it is more like a mattter of taste. I really like this game. I like it more than WoW.


Yes, SW:ToR has bugs. Yes, Bioware could have done a better job at removing them. Are the bugs destroying the game? No. Most of the bugs can be helped by relogging.


One poster (in already deleted thread) said "Can another company aside from Blizzard please make a decently launched / polished title that has content?" That made me laugh... Just look at each patch Blizzard made... bugged a lot - Druids cannot leave instances when transformed, loadingscreen getting stuck, multiple dcs, falling bug in cities, missing quest NPCs, totally disbalanced PvP (blood dk etc.)... do I need to continue?


Then another WoW fan said something like "I played WoW since beta and it had more content than SW:ToR"... that made me roll on the floor laughing. WoW didn't even have battlegrounds. Only PvP back then was world PvP. It did have 2 raids and only 3 end game dungeons.


What currently bothers me most about SW:ToR is the lack of high-resolution textures in the game. Bioware keeps advertising with the content that is currently not used in the game. Not very honest and fair I say...


I do not like space missions in SW:ToR. If they allowed my own piloting, it would be a LOT better. If they would at least give us option to control where will my ship fly next ("I do not want to circle around asteroids! Nobody is there! Not even enemy fighters! Take me back so I can bombard the station dammit! Mission failed, didn't destroy all antenae... Well, maybe if you didn't fly around those asteroids, I might have done it!")


I find end game content satisfing. I still haven't gone through entire Eternity Vault even on normal mode. And I still struggle with the hard modes of flashpoints. Different flashpoints for Republic and Empire made me create characters on both sides just to find out that for example planet Taris is completely different when you play it as the other side - even looks differently. I have heard that Balmorra is side dependent too.


What I love most about SW:ToR are the group quests. Yes, if you play at night, you have to spend some time gathering party and all that but finally I don't solo everything when playing a low level character.


Will Guild Wars 2 be better? I do not know... maybe, maybe not. It will be free and have a better graphics. But it will probably lack the life just as the first Guild Wars did. Will I try it? Certainly, and I am looking forward to it! Until then SW:ToR will be my #1...

Edited by Jedlosson
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Here's people:


3 years from now:


Star Wars: The Old Republic has just reached the highest selling game above WoW, Diablo and all other rpgs. Thankyou SWTOR fans and we will continue to make this game cater to you


Haters: Pfff...you just wait JUST WAIT after the 30 day subs are up..THEN you will see fail...oh..****..wait whaaaat? It's been 3 years? umm...TOR sucks!! lol

Oh, the delusion...

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I didn't read the whole thread, but did anyone actually go to the link the OP posted? First of all they're only at ~1.8 million sales (according to the link), and there was a dramatic dropoff from week 1 to week 2 to week 3. Second of all, they are not even close to 4th best selling all time. That list in the link factors in a user score to give them some kind of score and that's how it's listed 4th. There are a lot of RPG's that have sold more than 1.7 million copies.


edit: LOL looking at that link even more it shows mass effect and dragon age selling 0 copies in the US. So basically the entire site is garbage. You can't trust any data on there.

Edited by Shillen
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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




All the Chicken Littles will continue running around screaming negative garbage. Wait till the trailer for the game is played at the re release of Star Wars 3D in theaters. several worlds of new customers will be flooding our servers.

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Theyre upset SWTOR didnt launch with pokemon games or pandas questing with bamboo sticks on turtle shell islands.


Did you read what you wrote before you hit submit?


The same panda diatribe.

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




fanboi much?

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Totally made up, VGchartz is not reliable in the least. If 2 million copies of SWTOR sold EA would be making an announcement. I call total BS. Last announcement from Bioware was that they had 1 million registered players. Until Bioware themselves says something I will not believe it.


BTW did you know EA stocks are falling. I wonder why that is.

Edited by AirshipGirl
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