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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!



Edited by nojan
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I love coming into threads that shows SWTOR's massive success. You will see people try so hard to spin it negatively, so funny to watch.



Theyre upset SWTOR didnt launch with pokemon games or pandas questing with bamboo sticks on turtle shell islands.

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart. It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!






sales analyst and market research said that by the end of January or something they would have 3 million total sales.


look at the Facebook LIKE number its almost at 1 million. Each user can only press "like" once.


i'd say all the industry guessers are pretty much on the spot with this one.

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Yes because we all know how Blizzard has never made news posts about their initial box sales of expansion packs. Or how Blizzard fans do not trumpet how WoW expansions are the fastest selling games.


Obviously SWTOR is not going to be successful at all.


I'm pretty sure EVERY MMO that sells more than 1 million copies gloats about it.


Which is funny cause i honestly thought this game would sell around 3 or 4 million

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gosh this game is definetly failing... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.


Must be a horror for those same 10 haters that keep posting negative lies on this forums




oh and blacky.. name mmo´s that sold more then 1 million copies... thre aren´t to many

Edited by CountAthaulf
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Great for them, the problem is they have to fix all these shotty bugs or those 2 million sales wont mean jack when subs fall off.


The real indicator of MMO success is how well they retain subs in the next 6 months. If they keep even half of those subs they are a success though... even a quarter of them actually.


So heres hoping they will use that money and expidite these major bugs in the game lol. After all they have made upwards of half a billion dollars in the course of a month lol.

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They like this game and are upset about alot of bugs that bring it down?


Logical fallacies help no one. stop it.


Bugs? What forums are you reading? People are crying about not having a dungeon finder option or not having enough non-human races, or not having enough content to do at 50, or not being able to customize the UI. Those are not bugs my friend. I don't see one post on the 1st page of the general forums about bugs.


Logical fallacy much?

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It is bizarre that you hear some people talking about bugs and that they are going to quit playing because of them! All the critics are unanimous that swtor is the best polished MMO ever released. Of course for a huge game like swtor you are going to see some bugs as you play. And they have been working on them as we ve seen that they already released few patches! At least be fair and don't forget the common sense when you criticize! Edited by nojan
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It is bizarre that you hear some people talking about bugs and that they are going to quit playing because of them! All the critics are unanimous that swtor is the best polished MMO ever released. Of course for a huge game like swtor you are going to see some bugs as you play. And they have been working on them as we see they already released few patches! At least be fair and don't forget the common sense when you criticize!


You mean the bugs that me and others reported in closed beta? Wow, great job, bioware

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Pls, i like both tor and wow. Dont be such fanboys...


I used to like both WoW and SWTOR. Not so sure about WoW anymore. I tried playing again using my gf's account (mine is not subscribed anymore and her's only is because of a nice person who broke into her account, paid for a month's playtime and then was unable to access it anymore because we changed her login, password, and added an authenticator), I had to roll a new toon obviously and I guess I never realized how dumbed down that game has become. They have a flight path from Goldshire to Stormwind....THATS A 30 SECOND RUN and people are too lazy to make the trip on foot >.<)


Anywho, on topic I am very very glad to see the game is selling well because despite any bugs that may exist currently I love this game and hope it succeeds.

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