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Slicing nerfed AGAIN


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Gathering skills should be used primarily for gathering materials/recipes/missions/etc, not farming money.




And even if so, then "stuff" gathered from slicing should be materials used in other professions, not boxes containing.. credits.

That way, you could either sell those materials to people that can use them in their professions, or use them yourself.

If you sell the gathered stuff, you make money. If you use them for crafting, you have the option of selling the crafted item and also make money.

Without either possibility, a profession is utterly useless nonsense.

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i even dont have slicing and i never had money problems...


you guys just to lazy...


some tips for menoy?


i see loads of people feeling very smart cause they cloak all thair way around mobs


to finish quests etc...


you know what? kill everything on your way on and on...money and xp is yours...


I've started that on Voss so I could save up for some blues for myself and Guss. I also always kill walking mobs whenever I see them because not only do strongs have a 100% drop rate but because it's good etiquette to take them out. If there are mobs all along their path then I kill a group and wait for my pet and me to ambush it 2 vs. 1. I'm still keeping slicing for now until I max it and get some more max level purples, then I'll switchover to something else.

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You've obviously never played any other MMO.


Gathering skills have always been about money, when there are lazy people levelling their crafting professions, there will always be a demand for gathers to sell their bounty at the AH/GTM.


Also, how do you think Gold Farmers make money?


If I had a button that gave me money every time I clicked it, I'd click it every chance I got. There's no choice. There's no investment.


Gather in MMOs generally takes time, effort, and/or money away from doing other things (opportunity cost) and then requires you to sell at market value. This adds to the game economy by introducing goods, not just inflation.


Click -> Gain Money is not the same.

Edited by Edryk
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Say goodbye to those bountiful and Rich slices on the lower tiers. They've been nerfed to rarities.



Now it doesn't really matter if I forget to slice for an hour or not. I make more money doing !@#$!ing dailies.


Until they nerf dailies.


Then I'll have to panhandle for money.


They assume you're already rich from using the undocumented duping feature, so no big deal right?

Edited by Mannic
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Yep. So many people /rage quit slicing that there are always plenty of nodes around these days, and it's free credits. :D


They adjusted it to be consistent with every other gathering and mission skill.


People can make a valid rant about them not making it consistent to begin with, but ranting that it was nerfed is just silly.


Missions still earn some positive credit flow if you do them consistently, but it's not a huge money faucet like it was before they corrected it. I run two companions on missions while playing my third all the time.



I ignore the money box slicing missions, a net gain of 200 credits or even a loss isn't worth waiting half an hour.

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Would you rather go back to the days when you could have 30k Credits by level 20 through Slicing?




I had 45k credits by level 18. Called GTN, vendor trashing everything you cant sell, warzones, and space dailies.

Edited by Jaick
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You don't seem to understand.


If by level 20 you could have 30k, then by level 45...


The fact that before the nerf, you where considered an idiot if you didn't pick Slicing just says everything. Having a stable economy is vital for an MMO, and if everyone was Rockefeller, then the economy would be non-existent.


Actually, no it wouldn't. Because people would actually be able to buy things.


I don't know why people think of game economies the same way as real world economies. There aren't consequences in a digital world if everyone is rich.


Bioware have basically turned the economy is this game into a mirror of the real world one, where there a few haves and loads of have-nots.

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Missions still earn some positive credit flow if you do them consistently, but it's not a huge money faucet like it was before they corrected it. I run two companions on missions while playing my third all the time.

Not if the OP is telling the truth. The box missions below bountiful never gave consistent profits.

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I am glad slicing got nerfed again, it was overpowered and made it too easy to get credits for doing almost nothing.


I have made tons of credits through other crafting stuff and crew skills, it feeds what I need and then im poor again.


Im so sorry your lazy easy mode way of making tons of credits for almost nothing was nerfed. Wait let me get my violin for you. :rolleyes:

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also good point..but those lazy ppeps think crafting is useless..


TH and Slicing were meant to allow players who didnt like crafting to still make money. Was crafting alternative. Not any more. Now its a usless way to get a few recipes. Once you have them you may as well drop the skill. Even the missions have a cap on how many you can do. They lock. TH and Slicing needs to be relooked at by the devs if they dont want us making money on it. 1/2 the missions are lockbox missions. <<<shrugs>>> Not planned very well.

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Slicing allowed people to make hundreds of thousands of credits daily by sitting in the fleet and doing nothing but clicking "Send Companion" every 20 minutes.


And people are surprised that it got nerfed?

I am just amazed by this as well.


All these people surprised that a button that said "Print Money" was removed from the game.

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Slicing is fine the way it is.


Im lvl 37 got almost 900k creds now.

Selling missions and/or items i find.


I have cybertech plus scavenging so i waste money on those crafts too (buying blue metals from market for example)


I have no idea how you guys dont make any money.

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It was NOT nerfed again. This is NOT true.


Logged in to two different toons with slicing this morning for 2 hours each, switching back and forth. Recorded results from missions are consistent with the results from the past week. If anything, this morning was a little above average, but that happens some days.


I am running over 1.2 million credits across my characters, keeping them fully trained, armored and in top level appropriate gear.


Please stop spreading lies about this profession.


I am flagging your thread. Thanks.

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Slicing allowed people to make hundreds of thousands of credits daily by sitting in the fleet and doing nothing but clicking "Send Companion" every 20 minutes.


And people are surprised that it got nerfed?


I only got 400 a while after the nerf and thus did not notice the difference pre and post nerf (since the first 3 tiers of slicing missions pre-nerf clearly was not that fantastic to begin with)


Now with 400 i can make about 100k a day in slicing still, i cannot produce 'actual' figures however i made 240k yesturday whilst doing missions with my missus, level 37 guardian in Quesh/Hoth.. did not do that much on missions but whilst doing them i found pleanty of lockboxes around also and i think the world slicing combined with the 3 missions from my little minions... and artifact schem/mission sales... contributed to about 100k at a guess


Standing in your ship sending people out on missions nonstop is not going to be as good as doing missions/dailies for credits, however the most important thing about this is... you can do both activites at once ;)



Bottom line is... Slicing is far from useless, it has funding my 400 artificer alt and near 400 synthweaving alt.

Edited by Ainianu
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I got my slicing to 400 last week, I do alright. But knowing how to play the market is key. I sell the schematics and mission quests I get. Also took two other gathering skills and sell the mats for very good profit on the gtn.

That's right, all your credits are belong to me!

Edited by Aniaden
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OP states slicing has been nerfed again. People ask him to provide proof of his claim. Everybody ignores the posts asking for proof and either believes him immediately, or just dredges up the same arguments after the first nerf.


If slicing has been nerfed AGAIN, show us the proof.


There has been no information from BioWare stating that it has been nerfed again, and if it has they should not be stealth nerfing it.


From what I can see on my slicer alt, it's has NOT been nerfed again.

Edited by Mandrax
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slicing is pretty useless now. All 6 recipes we get from it and sometimes rare missions. Hell i havent proc'd a slicing mission since early start so the end tier missions are beyond useless.


You only get 6 Cybertech schematics from Slicing? I thought you could get all of them from it.

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I don't have slicing but I am tempted to get it because all I see is these boxes that no one harvests.


But I no need.


Logged in last night, had 99k. Dinged 36.


Spent half on abilities, crafting (got a few new blue and purple recipes, got my first purple with an augment slot...) and doing some Underworld/Archeology missions.


Logged off with 104k and I never sell on the GTN.


Hint: I left the city......



Maybe I don't have an issue with this because playing Aion for a year taught me to kill everything between from where I am starting to where I want to be. Yes you will spend some ore time but look at the benefits...


More XP

More currency

More content because you aren't avoiding anything

Edited by Amiracle
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Would you rather go back to the days when you could have 30k Credits by level 20 through Slicing?


Yes, and then next they could lower the prices on everything and improve crafting, then the money would be in everybodies hands and it wouldn't matter *** slicers make.


As it is now nobody wants to buy crafts because they have huge money sinks to spend on training and such.

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Yes, and then next they could lower the prices on everything and improve crafting, then the money would be in everybodies hands and it wouldn't matter *** slicers make.


As it is now nobody wants to buy crafts because they have huge money sinks to spend on training and such.



Why would you spend money on over priced items when you will out level them in a day or so?

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I am flagging your thread. Thanks.


Go ahead, I slice every day and I know for a fact it has been nerfed because I could send 4/5 companions on a rich or bountiful. Now I cannot.


Thank you for flagging it so that the devs see how pissed off we are and how useless we see this skill.

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Yea this is totally BS. The OP has no proof and I have been doing slicing since before they ACTUALLY nerfed slicing so I saw the difference then and I have seen no difference in how it has been since then and since the new patch.


THE OP IS LYING or at the very least has no clue what he is saying.


This is what the last patch did for those who can't/don't want to navigate to the Patch Notes:




Fixed an exploit that could allow players to receive more items than intended via in-game mail.

Resolved an exploit when selling items.



Flashpoints and Operations



Karagga's Palace


Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering the Operation.


Edited by Vesperascit
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