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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your personal top priority fix for this game?


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Personally, mine is character responsiveness/ability delay. My 2.5 cast aimed shot shouldn't take 4-5 seconds to actually fire. It's my best move and yet this issue is ruining it's potiential.


I REALLY hope they fix this fast, because I'm going to completely shun things like PVP until I can actually use my abilities properly.


If you could make one fix the priority, what would it be?

Edited by Galbatorrix
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The inherent feeling of playing at 900+ ms latency in a warzone (even if I personally am always at 60-85). I mean it when I say that this game would be flawless in my opinion if that were fixed. To a lesser extent, I wish I had better FPS in warzones.
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General FPS issues+Warzone lag/FPS issues.



I could live with everything BUT MAKE THE GAME AT LEAST PLAYABLE! :(



It's weird.. my FPS actually got worse the more I played. I have a new dual core machine with 6GB of memory and I was able to run everything on high with 30-50 FPS when I first started in mid December (I had shadow's off, but everything else was on high). Now, with everything on LOW, I get like 20 FPS max.

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General ability responsiveness. It's frustrating seeing an ability animate partially four times in a row because I hit the button too many times (Riposte etc). It's annoying having an ability channel but not do its effect (I'm looking at you Master Strike and Force Stasis). It's annoying to hit my Force Kick - Spell Interrupt to not have it activate or to activate too late.


Regardless of those frustrations, I still enjoy the game a lot. But, as with all games, it has room for improvement.

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The majority of this forum unsubscribing so constructive, well thought out discussions can happen



The General forum will NEVER be like that. I play WOW too and even with that games success, you still have the gen forum riddled with complainers.



BTW, this isn't a thread dooming the game. I LOVE the game. I just wish they'd fix the ability delay. :D



I was also curious what others felt was there top priority, hence the thread.

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1. Character Responsiveness

2. Complete overhaul of lootsystem (this includes PvP bags, medal system, champion rewards, chests not opening in instances, not being able to masterloot in Operations)

3. Dont disband group when you join any warzone.

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The General forum will NEVER be like that. I play WOW too and even with that games success, you still have the gen forum riddled with complainers.



BTW, this isn't a thread dooming the game. I LOVE the game. I just wish they'd fix the ability delay. :D



I was also curious what others felt was there top priority, hence the thread.


Oh, don't take that as directed at you :)


That is just my top priority lol.

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I Want to Have a constant fps of at least 30+ on my machine. Nvidia asus GTx550TI duo core 2.66 Ghz @ 1333Mhz 4x 1Gb ddr 2 ram. Vista 32 bit uses only 3.5g ram though.


I get as low as 10fps in some areas in swtor :*(. The strange thing is, when the game launched it performed better. with a more constant 40+ fps. It does not matter (except for maybe a few fps) when run it on low or max settings. with shadows on or off. I play without bloom and v sync.


Now this setup is not top of the line. But I play many, many games on this. And no game NO game except this one runs this bad. games I play at medium to high settings with 60+ fps:


Portal 2


Modern warfare 3

Trackmania 2 Canyon


Crysis 2

Battlefield 3


now for my sub that was required to play I had to add a gamecard of 60days playtime. Wich saddens me because I can not enjoy this game with all this gameplay lag I am having. I would have canceled my account if Biowhere would not fix this game for me within say20 more days.


If this game just runs smooth. I can forgive all the bugs and the response delay to be honest. I very much enjoy the story lines of all the characters and grouping up and questing with people.

Edited by Martylang
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i guess i would say, guild bank as priority, then legacy system need to be unveiled asap.


and i dont get those major problems everyone seems to get, i dont suffer actions delay or lag, fps rate is ok with me, the game is pretty fluid and best of all, my server rarely give me any queue's, last time i got one was in december (i play everydays btw).


i dont get all the crying and whining, but i'll agree that most patche's as of now are rather useless.

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  • Ability delay fix
  • Chat bubbles
  • Anti aliasing
  • High res textures
  • More ambient music
  • Less unnecessary instancing
  • An auction house that doesn't suck
  • More freedom, this is supposed to be an MMO.
  • FPS fix
  • Memory leak fix
  • Client crash whenever I exit a warzone on certain planets
  • DC to character selection screen upon entering a WZ
  • NPCs that actually serve some purpose other than cardboard cutouts, even allowing us to click on them and hear the tiniest bit of dialogue would've sufficed
  • The ability to re-sheath my weapon when running after combat
  • Target of target
  • Macros
  • UI customization
  • Fix grass from growing 3 feet infront of me



You know, the stuff that should've made release :-)

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