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Why no imperial trooper


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no you were never generic except when compared to other players... same as any game... the simple fact you could make the choice of what to do made you special


and no offense if you didn't know you were going to be a "super leet hero" and everyone would be fawning over you than you must have never played any other BW game and never read or watched any of the material about the game before it came out


in short if you are looking for that generic Mr.nobody style play this game, or any BW game, are not for you... it's just not their style


Wrong. I played Dragon Age Origins, and I was the dwarf commoner, everyone treated me like crap for a significant portion of the game.

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Errrm, no. Plenty of force sensitives have been killed at the barrel of a blaster/rifle.


only either by another non-force using HERO or by multitudes of mass fire ... which is kinda his point... A "HERO" character with a toothpick will in a story can kill the population of small planets without breaking a sweat... a generic no name grunt would be one of those who are swatted like a fly by all the heroes everyone else is playing... if they weren't then they weren't a generic no-name average grunt


Wrong. I played Dragon Age Origins, and I was the dwarf commoner, everyone treated me like crap for a significant portion of the game.


for about the first 30 minutes until you become the most powerful in the world super grey warden who could mass murder hundreds of enemies in minutes and were fawned over by everyone who knew you... even when you were the commoner you were "special" and above all the other commoners around you... you have no valid point

Edited by Liquidacid
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there is no video game that you play standard generic soldiers with any degree of accuracy.. I spent 8 years as an 0311 0317 serving in two foreign actions and unlike a large majority of soldier actually did see a lot of action and for the most part it was still boring... the only people who ask or think stupid crap like you just spouted are those who think what they see about soldiers in movies, TV shows and games like COD are what it is like in real life... if they ever made a game that actually portrayed what it was like to be a "standard grunt" it would be incredibly boring


But that's not what we are asking for. We are not asking to stand guard for 8 hours. We are asking to be a generic soldier on the frontlines.

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You put the republic trooper as a class you can be, so why can't we be imperial soldiers as well. I thought it would be cool being able to be a imperial troopers but you can't be a imperial troopers. I think both the republic and the empire need a new class. The republic should have a republic agent, while the empire needs the imperial trooper.


You want to be one of the stormtroopers I slaughter by the 100s?



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Theoretically/Logically they should be each other's opposite but in this case they aren't


The BH is the Empire version of the Trooper.


I'm just not going to respond to things like this, I have explained over and over again, that its not the same story or setting.

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But that's not what we are asking for. We are not asking to stand guard for 8 hours. We are asking to be a generic soldier on the frontlines.


again your lack of understanding as to what a real generic soldier, even one on the front-lines,actually is is the reason you are failing to comprehend anything said here

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Bounty Hunter is the Imperial Trooper.


I know, it makes no sense to me either, but hey.


The bounty hunter=smuggler, not trooper. Bounty hunters are hardly soldiers of the empire, and the story lines are completely different.

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only either by another non-force using HERO or by multitudes of mass fire ... which is kinda his point... A "HERO" character with a toothpick will in a story can kill the population of small planets without breaking a sweat... a generic no name grunt would be one of those who are swatted like a fly by all the heroes everyone else is playing... if they weren't then they weren't a generic no-name average grunt




for about the first 30 minutes until you become the most powerful in the world super grey warden who could mass murder hundreds of enemies in minutes and were fawned over by everyone who knew you... even when you were the commoner you were "special" and above all the other commoners around you... you have no valid point


Special because you were a criminal. You had weapons, but thats it. And it lasted for like 2 hours that you were treated like crap.

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Apparantly the Empire dosent have Special Forces - Oh wait, canon directly says otherwise

Common sense would dictate otherwise

Gameplay DIRECTLY shows them in play


Apparantly the Republic dosent have Agents - Oh wait, canon directly says otherwise.

Common sense would dictate otherwise

Game play DIRECTLY shows them in play


Apparantly the Empire dosent use Smugglers - Oh wait, canon directly says otherwise

Common sense would dictate otherwise

Gameplay DIRECTLY shows them in play


Apparantly the Republic dosent use Bounty Hunters - Oh wait, canon directly says otherwise.

Common sense would dictate otherwise

Game play DIRECTLY shows them in play



None of these roles are special or otherwise unique and any military both past, present and future would use them because they work.

Only the most stupid and naive indiviudals would think Special Forces are somehow unique.


By that logic only Britain has spies and America has Marines because clearly thats what popular movies show.



Ideal solution would be to add 4 new stories to the mix with 2 for Republic and 2 for the Empire.




Allow an Endgame option to effectively become your mirror.


Smuggler can choose to become an Agent for the Republic, they have already done the story so it dosent need to be change and the skills only need to be transferred from on to the other.


Would be a road to allowing faction switching as well but that is another subject.

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again your lack of understanding as to what a real generic soldier, even one on the front-lines,actually is is the reason you are failing to comprehend anything said here


I don't get why its so hard for you to see why anyone would want to be a generic soldier. Just because you were in the army and have already seen what it's like doesn't mean we have.

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And plus how do I know your not lying about being in the marines. You could just be some nerd who barely ever leaves his mother's basement, much less been to Afghanistan.


ah yes.. as all your points have proven to be incorrect and misguided it's time for the name calling...

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Well, In the movies BH was pretty much used exclusively by the empire - and taking the prequel trilogy into consideration, the clone troopers fought for the republic before the republic became the empire due to Palpatine.


And no, the BH isn't the same as smuggler. BH uses one handed blasters, but it's abilites and armor are closer to trooper.


Agent is closer to Smuggler, but users sniper rifles instead of one handed. They did a little variation between the factions is all.

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My points are not incorrect and misguided, you just seem unusually against a idea that wouldn't hurt you at all.


you state you want to be a generic soldier of the line then dismiss what a soldier of the line actually is and what they are in terms of placement in a story.. so yes they are misguided and incorrect

Edited by Liquidacid
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you state you want to be a generic soldier of the line then dismiss what a soldier of the line actually is and what they are in terms of placement in a story.. so yes they are misguided and incorrect


But once again why do you care if we wanna be a generic soldier. Just because you don't doesn't mean we don't.

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I agree we should have a Sith trooper option. Not only would it be really freaking awesome(That Armour :-P), and make more sense than an army of Bounty Hunters, but it would mean the Republic Trooper wouldn't have to have all the BH abilities. I mean, why can a soldier shoot lightning? Why do they have grapple line thingies? Why can they fly at the enemy?


BH should have either been a faction free class, that could be used by both sides,(then the two troopers would be mirrors) or they should have left it out entirely, and I say this as someone whose main character is a Powertech.


I even feel the smuggler is in the same position to a degree. Why would so many smugglers be fighting on the frontlines of a war? Also, due to the mirrored classes, picking up an extra blaster makes them into expert snipers. Just seems...awkward to me. Sith Trooper and Republic Spy would have been better classes i think. I suppose its too late to do anything about it though.

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But once again why do you care if we wanna be a generic soldier. Just because you don't doesn't mean we don't.


I have no problem with them adding an Imperial trooper class down the line.. but again (like the republic trooper) it will never be a generic trooper because that would be pointless and boring... you seem not to be able to even grasp or understand what a generic trooper actually is that you are arguing for

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To be honest, I'll never understand who thought it would be a good idea to put Smugglers as rep classes and BH as Imp. BH's work for whoever pays, hell the BH storyline even has them going after Imperials. Same with Smugglers. If they really wanted to keep those two classes, they shoulda made them unique and made them cross-faction. Since they already mirror classes, a proper Imp trooper being the mirror to the rep trooper would have been far more fun. As well, an SIS agent being the mirror to the Imp agent would have been fun as well.


So it's not enough that the mirrored classes have identical abilities, you actually want them to be identical? Gee, that sounds exciting... :rolleyes:

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I read somewhere that the Republic Trooper was based on Jango Fett. So, if you think of it, they probably gave BH to empire first, and in their attempt to mirror it they gave the Republic Troopers because that was the closest thing they had to BH with the clones in the prequels.


Considering how Jango was a BH before his clones were made troopers, it makes sense that they'd have cool utilities and such. Plus, your trooper dude on republic isn't just a grunt. No player character in this game is just a grunt.

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