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People are lying about the game to make it look bad


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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


Take a chill pill, I say. It's not that I don't agree with you, the game's been just recently released, and it's obvious it's gonna have some bugs, and with time they'll disappear. I don't know about that Ilum explot, so I can't say anything on the topic. People trying to control the trade market are free to do so, because THAT'S the way this game's been created. And, for the love of god, don't claim that "people who are already level 50 have no lives". You're free to level slowly, try different classes, do every single quest/flashpoint/repeat heroics everyday, but that doesn't mean everyone has to play like you. I'm level 50, but I also have a wife and kid to feed, so I assure you, that even if I wanted to become a "nolifer" I have no possibility to do so. By trying to appeal to all the haters, you're hating yourself.

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People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


So, this is quite the objective statement.


Considering that most people view 30 fps as playable, I completely disagree. I don't build $3k+ gaming rigs to play at 30 fps on Medium/Low settings with no AA. I see a DRASTIC difference from 30-60 fps, and I can even see a change from 60 fps to 90-100 fps. Many people don't notice a change, but I am blessed (and often cursed) in that aspect.


That being said, if my computer is unable to play SWTOR at a near constant 60 fps (dipping below that 1-2% of the time is inevitable, which is fine by me) at MAX settings, my gaming experience is ruined. I maybe the niche gamer when it comes to performance/quality, but there is an obvious flaw to the game if I am unable to have it running the way I expect it to on my rig.

Edited by Bob-ombaFett
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I agree to some extent


I play both Swtor and wow Because they are both amazing games


Call me a fanboy or what not I just enjoy them


I have a HP dv4 laptop with a 2.5 x2 Processor and a Built in Nvidia video card which is substandard and I get amazing fps on medium settings



Blizzard Isn't afraid they are encouraged that there is competition to make wow a better game


They would never do that to make their game better

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


I either don't read those threads anymore or if I happen upon one by accident I won't post there. I will not be trolled nor will I enter into a debate that is falsely posted for the purpose of degrading this MMO or those that choose to play it. 9 times out of 10, those posting just have some agenda OTHER the greater good of the game.

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You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!
You're amusing. You're wrong, but in an amusing way. Please do continue posting along these lines. I could use more levity in my forum browsing. :D


OnTopic: I'm glad that you aren't experiencing the issues that others are. Unfortunately, your experience is not universal. A good number of bugs and other problems exist within this game. EA/Bioware is even fixing them, thereby proving their existence ... or are you instead claiming that EA/Bioware is being deceptive about their patches?

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


I wouldn't say that there are too many outright liars. There have been two threads linked in this topic which shows blatant lying, but the worst thing people are doing is massively over-exaggerating small issues. That's not to say there aren't some larger issues, but many are calling bugs game breaking when actually they are just a small annoyance.


Anyway, look forward to calling out all the liars in the coming weeks. There are many who said they are cancelling, or have cancelled, we will soon see how many of those actually did cancel.

Edited by Mandrax
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Dumbest contention I have ever witnessed on this forum for a long time.



"I don't have low fps, so it's clearly YOUR fault!"



SLI 580 GTX overclocked

i7 920 @ 4.1 gHz

12 gb DDR3 RAM @ 1333 mHz.

SSD with 200 gb.



In warzones, with shadows off, I get ~30 FPS.



My rig can handle any game on the current market maxed out at 60 fps or higher, and it will handle any game on the future market maxed out as well. If SW:TOR, a game with sub-par graphics to say the least, doesn't run well on my computer, it is the GAME'S FAULT, and not a client-side issue at all!


Your the dwarf hunter on the wow forums who bashes swtor every second you get a chance too


Nice! >.<

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Your the dwarf hunter on the wow forums who bashes swtor every second you get a chance too


Nice! >.<


I wouldn't say that, but yes, I am a dwarf hunter. I'm fair to everything and everyone, though, so when I bash the game, it isn't just a baseless assertion.

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People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


You can't be serious...

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Your the dwarf hunter on the wow forums who bashes swtor every second you get a chance too


Nice! >.<


He's also the person who got banned from MMO Champion as well. He started so much stuff there they banned him. The person lies so much he can't keep them all in line.


With the way the devs have been calling liars out I wouldn't be surprised if he is up next on their chopping block.

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First of all, I love this game, and I will be playing it until I either die, or it dies. These issues are not lies. I cannot say much about the FPS issue, since my computer is average at best, so it could be my machine. But these delays in PvP are a real issue, when you have a consistent latency of 50-60 in Warzones, with a consistent fps of 30-40 in Warzones, and are getting 1-2 second delays on abilities, it is a serious issue, not to mention Bioware themselves acknowledge this issue.


So to say people are lying because you don't like what they say, is wrong.

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Some people are having FPS issues. Im not that I have ever noticed. but some are.

However, I would say that a few of them could probably fix the problem themselfs

if they would stop complaining long enough to see that the problem is on their end.


As for lying to make the game look bad. The morons copy pasting a emil they see that someone they dont even know got and claiming they were banned for no reason

when they were never banned at all. Bioware should teach those liars a lesson and ban them for real for a few days.

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Blizzards scared lol, they are bleeding subs, and dont like the idea of actually having competition. So how do you beat that? Smear the hell out if it with false advertising. Politics meets gaming.


I have always wondered if they are in fact guilty of this practice.


Not saying we should grab our tinfoil hats... But the thought has always been in the back of my mind. I am glad I am not the only one.

Edited by XOrionX
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ability lag is amazingly annoying for melee in pvp, since it seems like server doublecheck each time you fire off an ability - first on a client side, then on a server side. in the end, you are just running circles bashing your ability and activiting global but it never fires off.


if OP never experienced that it means either he is a ranged player, or never participated in pvp seriously.


ability lag is the single annoying thing in the game to piss me off right now, oh, and an effing LOCKED CAMERA

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Don't forget this one as well...




Jealous Liars are Lying...


Yup, and I'm sure there is a lot more lies on these boards, these are just a couple that have been proven. People will outright say almost anything just to stir up trouble. I would love if Bioware had the time to expose all of the liars, but alas, it is doubtful anyone could have that much time!


Lesson learned: Take everything you read on the internet, particularly on an mmo forum, with a massive grain of salt.

Edited by Fellthar
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People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!


There are quite a few oft posted workarounds to deal with this bug. And they are working on improving it bit by bit for various specs that players have.


I understand the complaint. But of all the things people are complaining about, this is one of the few that has quite a lot of advice on how to fix and work with.

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


I've never been bitten by a rabid animal it must not happen.


btw nice troll, Bioware acknowledged these issues.

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


So in other words, anyone who has a complaint or issue needs to stop posting?


You are not helping the game with this post. You are making everyone who likes the game sound like the guy who did the "Leave Brittany Alone" video.


-1 internets, sir.

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I'm loving the game and I'm going to continue to play.


No end game? I got 7 more storylines to play through and enjoy.


Idc about PvP so ....


I did notice an ability delay, they are working on it, but it's not a major delay and it's never gotten my character, or pet killed over.


Crashes? Never, not one time.


Is the game perfect? No, but nothing ever is.

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Tor is getting it really badly. Go to metacritic and look at all the red ratings (most of which were made in the first day or two). Honestly I do think BW f'd up in allot of small areas...ALLOT of small areas. The heat is a good thing ultimately, patchy patchy patchy. I WANT THIS GAME TO GLOW GOD DAMNIT!

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