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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

REPONSE:Server population dropping = not really


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I'm quite surprised at people claiming the game is losing subs since there are no longer uber queues at peak time and most servers are pretty much standard pop.


I would like to remind you all two things.


1. holydays are over= people work/study/date


2. we cant know for sure how many people cancelled since all of them still have 15 days remaining to play. This includes the whiners and more on....that populate.the.forums



so please stop claiming thinga you.can't.really know for sure.


wrote this on my phone. be.kind.

Edited by DarthAgonny
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I'm quite surprised at people claiming the game is losing subs since there are no longer uber queues at peak time and most servers are pretty much standard pop.


I would like to remind you all two things.


1. holydays are over= people word/study/date


2. we cant know for sure how many people cancelled since all of them still have 15 days remaining to play. This includes the whiners and more on....that populate.the.forums



so please stop claiming thinga you.can't.really know for sure.


wrote this on my phone. be.kind.


This game is losing subs.

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Dont forget that theyve been increasing server caps steadily to remove any queues. But i guess the conspiracy theorists have already tried with that one.


Last night there was approx 60 people on the 'shard' I was playing when typically there was 100-110. VERY SMALL sample here, just one observation, but there was a difference.

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Last night there was approx 60 people on the 'shard' I was playing when typically there was 100-110. VERY SMALL sample here, just one observation, but there was a difference.


so you are saying this game lost almost 50% subs since yesterday. Logic fail

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i play EU server, and i can acualy say that, when i get of work 5 ish, and start to play 6ish,


the are usualy way more than it was during the holidays, witch is annoying cuz 200 300 ppl in imp fleet is lagging ><


also for the other zones, no issues fidnging a group to do what ever (and im lvl 45 atm)

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so you are saying this game lost almost 50% subs since yesterday. Logic fail


Sorry I missed that part. Can you please point to where I said TOR lost 50% of their subs?


I just shared an observation without any analysis of any kind. AND even stated it was ONE observation and a small sample.


This type of response is what makes this the single worse forum community of any MMO I have ever played.

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Every MMO loses subs after it launches, it's inevitable."That other game" did and now look at it, it has 11 million subscriptions. Making the game is the first hurdle, winning back your customers is the next.


No it really didn't. Day 1 200k accounts were created. By March subs were at 1.5 million. Will be interesting to see how TOR growth compares over the first 90 days.

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Who wants 11 million customers...Not me.


Lets face it, the people that subscribe to SWTOR now and like it are the same people that liked WoW when it had 800k subscribers and was u know, actually a game, not just a drip feeder for junked out teenagers that need a digital high.

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Last night there was approx 60 people on the 'shard' I was playing when typically there was 100-110. VERY SMALL sample here, just one observation, but there was a difference.


That must mean this game is completely DEAD, as last time I was playing my Sith Assassin, there were only 13 people in my shard. Of course, the fact it was 4:30am might have had something to do with it...

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Dont forget that theyve been increasing server caps steadily to remove any queues. But i guess the conspiracy theorists have already tried with that one.


Yea this right here is what they were doing. It is not from people quitting. Regardless though there will be people who quit and that is typical. The real test of this game though is the 90 day mark. I for one will be sticking around. I am having a blast and they are putting in more fixes to pvp so I am quite happy.

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One thing that has been true throughout mmorpg history is that , on average, people play up to twice as much during the beginning weeks of a new game and to a lesser extent after an expansion.


So it is possible to see peak population numbers as high as 2 to 1, when things even out it ends up being 4 to 1 or 5 to 1.

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At least 10 of my buds from work just bought the game in the past week - 2 weeks. The game is definitely not dying... if anything it's growing. On top of that, I'm fairly certain they upgraded server hardware or just raised the server capacity because there's never less than 180+ people on the Republic Fleet on my server whereas when there were massive 45-95 minute queues there was an average of only 65+ people on the Republic Fleet at any given time.


Even if the game lowered to only 1000 subscribers I would still be playing. I love the game. They fixed pretty much every bug that I was noticing/was actually a major problem. Sorry if people are too dumb to realize that most of the bugs in this game are not "major" or "game-breaking" in any way shape or form.


For the record, I'm in a massive guild with over 100 members and we all raid/HM FPs/PVP daily.... so if there's major bugs, we have seen them and experienced them firsthand. I can also tell you from my personal experiences with Everquest launch, Star Wars Galaxies launch, WoW launch, Rift launch, and now SWTOR launch, that this game has had the absolute smoothest launch I have ever seen. Anyone who quits now is a ******* and will most definitely be back in 5 months when all of the small things have been ironed out. Everyone should just stop worrying about this game's successes/failures and just have a good time because this truly is an awesome game with tons of things to do and beautiful worlds to explore.

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