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Server population is dropping...


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Started counting at 8 PM PST


Server: Mask of Nihilus

Faction: Imperial


1-9: 73

10-12: 75

13-15: 77

15-17: 63

17-20: 87

21-23: 82

24-26: 77

27-28: 49

29-30: 52

31-33: 95

34-36: 70

37-39: 60

40-42: 81

43-45: 63

46-48: 71

49: 14

50 assassin: 34

50 sorcerer: 74

50 juggernaut: 50

50 marauder: 32

50 powertech: 24

50 mercenary: 44

50 operative: 24

50 sniper: 24


1,395 concurrently on this PVE server. Imperial fleet currently has 158.


Are people only counting on the servers flagged Light? ;) Also, lolsorceror population.

Edited by marshalleck
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Notice how the numbers start being posted, the truth starts coming out in hard data, and all the fanboi's just *vanish* like a fart in the wind?


"oh dey at workz see.. thats why only 200 people on yur server! Huh huh har har."


"Oh dis game juz launch. You haz 200 people to play wit. I has over 2 thouzand.. but 200 is good rightz!?"

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Started counting at 8 PM PST


Server: Mask of Nihilus

Faction: Imperial


1-9: 73

10-12: 75

13-15: 77

15-17: 63

17-20: 87

21-23: 82

24-26: 77

27-28: 49

29-30: 52

31-33: 95

34-36: 70

37-39: 60

40-42: 81

43-45: 63

46-48: 71

49: 14

50 assassin: 34

50 sorcerer: 74

50 juggernaut: 50

50 marauder: 32

50 powertech: 24

50 mercenary: 44

50 operative: 24

50 sniper: 24


1,395 concurrently on this PVE server. Imperial fleet currently has 158.


Are people only counting on the servers flagged Light? ;) Also, lolsorceror population.


1400 players per server is tiny. That's barely a server. Servers should have 5000 people.

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I don't know why people are bringing up that wow has low pop servers, don't they have x-realm lfg and bg's?


Doesn't help with with Auction House or group questing. Also by using the cross-realm lfg and lfr you're condemning yourself to playing with bots. Might as well just allow the use of 3 companions at the same time. They're usually more talkative.


Not saying I don't want to see a cross-realm lfd. But many people hate it. And for those people it's either playing only with friends in a low pop server or re-rolling to a more highly populated server.


Notice how the numbers start being posted, the truth starts coming out in hard data, and all the fanboi's just *vanish* like a fart in the wind?


"oh dey at workz see.. thats why only 200 people on yur server! Huh huh har har."


"Oh dis game juz launch. You haz 200 people to play wit. I has over 2 thouzand.. but 200 is good rightz!?"


Don't gloat. So far the only people having serious problems with server population are a few east coast servers. And there are twice as much east coast servers compared to west coast so it's obvious they overdid it. Perhaps an american can explain why they felt the need to make so many servers for that timezone?


1400 players per server is tiny. That's barely a server. Servers should have 5000 people.


It's only for one faction. And no game has a server population of 5000 for one faction :rolleyes:

Edited by Safiir
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Hater : here is an unverifiable anecdote and a graph that doesn't support my argument but I don't understand that .. THE SKY IS FALLING


You need all that to compare what something should be to what it currently is?


I worry for you mate.

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if that went any faster over your head it would have left skid-marks on your scalp


Hahaha, you are too easy!



Children are no challenge :(


(at least this thread has taken a turn for the better, that is kinda sad)

Edited by Harower
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And there are twice as much east coast servers compared to west coast so it's obvious they overdid it. Perhaps an american can explain why they felt the need to make so many servers for that timezone?


Because contrary to most gaming conventions and the media California is not the cultural center of The United States.80 percent of the U.S population lives within an 8 hour drive of the east coast.

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Hater : here is an unverifiable anecdote and a graph that doesn't support my argument but I don't understand that .. THE SKY IS FALLING

You do realize that it wouldn't be a sky falling issue to a person that doesn't like the game or doesn't want to play the game?


I'm more inclined to thing it's

  1. How a fanboi comprehends what he reads when someone says anything negative about that certain object of fanboying
  2. The person that says negative is concerned about the situation, because of an interest in it

Persons you belittle are mostly latter, you seem to be mostly earlier.

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Because contrary to most gaming conventions and the media California is not the cultural center of The United States.80 percent of the U.S population lives within an 8 hour drive of the east coast.


I see. Well I guess it makes sense then. Though they still overdid it at least there was some kind of logic.

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Everyone saying "holidays are over", but forget a lot of people's 30 free days are up as well.

And the re-subbing might not be as high, IE a lot has cancelled.


I know I will probably sub for one month, then cancel for a bit,cause I'm going to play another Bioware game, ME3.


And then Alan wake PC version.

But I will be back to finish some other class stories.

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A sad sad quote from my server boards.............




Yesterday evening primetime.


12 People at Rep Fleet.

I was alone at Ilum.

No lvl 50 Wz´s popping all evening.

No pugs going to any lvl 50 flashpoints. (I play a healer)


So what are you suppose to do when you hit 50?

I can´t really join the small group of 8-10 people doing Ops HM since I´m not geared for it

and I can´t gear through fp hm´s or pvp since there are no groups going.

Catch 22 (yes I believe I´m using the phrase correctly).


Tried out Empire side on a heavy server. 200+ people in the starting areas. Hundreds of people at fleet.




No you can´t have my stuff, it´s all going to burn with me in my Viking boat burial."

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So what are you suppose to do when you hit 50?



It is rather late for that character, but you should finally get a clue that sacrificing the rest of the game in your haste to reach level cap was not the correct objective.


That is why we read from page one all the way through to the end. Duh.


Wowboys cannot adapt.

Edited by Gleneagle
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Because a few weeks ago was Holidays, and now its work/school/college


I know i find myself with less time to play because I'm back in college. doesn't mean ive left or that im no longer gonna subscribe, it just means that you need to learn the peak times for your server.




He said last week...not a few weeks ago!

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I suspect they might do what WoW did (yes, even the mighty WoW has low pop servers with the same complaints/demands) long before they ever consider merging servers. That is, create cross server LFG/LFD tools for both PvE and PvP.


LoL, cross server play came WAY after WoW was KING of player numbers. It just made it alil easier for DPS classes to find groups cause no1 wanted to tank or heal. Made something that already worked....work even better.

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Started counting at 8 PM PST


Server: Mask of Nihilus

Faction: Imperial


1-9: 73

10-12: 75

13-15: 77

15-17: 63

17-20: 87

21-23: 82

24-26: 77

27-28: 49

29-30: 52

31-33: 95

34-36: 70

37-39: 60

40-42: 81

43-45: 63

46-48: 71

49: 14

50 assassin: 34

50 sorcerer: 74

50 juggernaut: 50

50 marauder: 32

50 powertech: 24

50 mercenary: 44

50 operative: 24

50 sniper: 24


1,395 concurrently on this PVE server. Imperial fleet currently has 158.


Are people only counting on the servers flagged Light? ;) Also, lolsorceror population.



Yes I am only counting the Defenestrator because it is MY server. I have no problem with other servers being super awesome and fun.


My server (and some others like the Courageous and Crevasses City) needs help. If you combined all three of the servers I mentioned you would still have less than half as many people on your server. Does that seem right to you?

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My server (Legions of Lettow) peaked last sunday with over 600 people on imperial fleet. (2 full channels)


Server pop is dropping? rofl, dream on :)


Great! You had more people in fleet than if you added the entire populations of Defenestrator and Crevasse City together and put every single person in the fleet.


I'm glad the server population dropping isn't affecting you. I'd like to have the same game experience without rerolling all of my characters and completely abandoning my server.

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