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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Haha you guys are so dumb. Here's what happened:


1) They set the server caps low in order to spread people out across many servers


2) They raised the server caps


3) Dummies think the game is dying and post a thread about it

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Ahh good a place you number crunchers and prophets can flock to.


Side note I heard from a guy that knows a guy that saw a fax for walmart going under. I went in lastnight to shop and sure enough there was only 15 people in the whole store! It's only a matter of time.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


I know some people who just play it heavily and then when the free month is up they stop playing, so perhaps that maybe the case sometimes

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I know some people who just play it heavily and then when the free month is up they stop playing, so perhaps that maybe the case sometimes


So they buy (if they do which I doubt most of the time) a 60 dollar game to play the free time only? lol..

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Actually what I noticed is alot of server leveling.


During the holidays last week there were a few full servers on the west coast alot of very heavy a few standard and quite a few light servers.


Now there is no light servers ALOT of standard servers and during prime time quite a few very heavy and even some full servers.


Looks to me like they increased caps and leveled out populations at some point. Could just be me though.


My server is still showing well over 250 people in fleet in one channel as well.


and places that were populated before are still populated like drummond kas to name one.


theres still around 100 people on in my guild in the evening as well.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


Populations, at least on my server are not down. The server limits were increased slowly over the course of a few weeks since early access.


Also for many the holiday periods are over so they do not have as much time to game in the off hours. But primetime is still very very active. I still have about an hour queue most days around primetime, and I am expecting longer queues this weekend.


Not everyone has time to game all day everyday all the time :(

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So they buy (if they do which I doubt most of the time) a 60 dollar game to play the free time only? lol..



How is that any different than buying a console game, which gives you about 50-80 hrs of play time, cost's around $60, and you sell it a month later for a new game?


Ridicule people without thinking much on way to your overzealous defense of your game?


Not defending the OP, or his supporters, just pointing out the defenders are getting just as silly.

Edited by einherjar_LC
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If you look at the server stats you can see that there has been a drop off in play in the past 3 days. Which happens to coincide with work and school going back.


The game has shown very little decline before that. The real test will be the weekend numbers

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Because a few weeks ago was Holidays, and now its work/school/college


I know i find myself with less time to play because I'm back in college. doesn't mean ive left or that im no longer gonna subscribe, it just means that you need to learn the peak times for your server.




Wow, my school doesn't start until the 17th(actually all the colleges in this city don't).

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Server pops haven't just been bad, they've been scary low.


During prime time all week long there have hardly even been players in the double digits on most planets on my server. Eight people on Hoth, Nine people on Corellia, Six people on Illum... and this is during prime time. I can play for hours without even seeing any of the other people on the planet that I'm playing on.


Very strange considering that last weekend the wait time was 15-30 minutes to log in and Rep Fleet had 200 people instead of the 50 that were there last night.

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Server pops haven't just been bad, they've been scary low.


During prime time all week long there have hardly even been players in the double digits on most planets on my server. Eight people on Hoth, Nine people on Corellia, Six people on Illum... and this is during prime time. I can play for hours without even seeing any of the other people on the planet that I'm playing on.


Very strange considering that last weekend the wait time was 15-30 minutes to log in and Rep Fleet had 200 people instead of the 50 that were there last night.

The lower level planets are in the 100-200 range from Taris to NS and even tat is starting to fill up.


Maybe most people are still under 35?

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People will leave the game. With the start of the regular work week, I have not had as much time to play as during the holiday season. I would wait and see how it all ends up after another month or so. Then we will know for sure how many left.


My guess is that by the end of this month there are max 150k subscribers left.



This game is a total catastrophe and insult.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do believe it was a mistake on BioWare's part to have created so many servers - as a player on "The Defenestrator," it's very, very disheartening seeing only five (5!) other Republic players questing in Hoth along with me.


Although it is indeed nice to be able to log into my server right away, I'm very much tempted to dump my Level 40 on this server and hop to a more populated server (the obvious quick fix for me), though I'm afraid of not being able to achieve my legacy name wherever I choose. :( I might just try out a new server tonight anyway and see what happens.


Regardless, I do believe it would be in BioWare's best interests to remove sharding (why is even there to begin with?) and start merging servers together. Playing an MMO, you want to feel the presence of other players, and it's just not cutting it right now.

Edited by Aerithel
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All mmorpgs have a drop off point shortly after launch. Kind of like how the opening week of a movie is usually better than subsequent weeks.


After the "new game" hype wears off, people who took days off, go back to work/school, and many people simply quit. That's to be expected, which is why the people who kept screaming for more servers failed to understand that in a few weeks they'd be demanding server merges.

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The lower level planets are in the 100-200 range from Taris to NS and even tat is starting to fill up.


Maybe most people are still under 35?


This is exactly right. The people who rushed to 50 are burned out and not logging in, meanwhile, the lower level planets have very healthy levels.

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That's funny because aside from right here, on these forums, I have only heard good things about the game. Nobody calls it perfect but the actual word of mouth (you know, from other places) seems to be that the game is pretty sweet.


Of course, the hate on the forums is coming from the same 10-15 people that just spam the crap out of every thread possible.


For the record, hate =/= criticism.




*Looks at Mannic*.

Edited by Jediwran
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This is exactly right. The people who rushed to 50 are burned out and not logging in, meanwhile, the lower level planets have very healthy levels.


Yep, if you're with the general population leveling curve, you probably can't get away from the people. Lower level planets are loaded.

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This happens in every MMO.


I played Rift as my last MMO and first it was summer and vacations, then it was fall and everyone was back at school and then it was the holidays and nobody was playing, except that the SWtOR servers were full.


People will make excuses but really, if a game is popular it is immune to these outside influences. I remember a friend of mine bringing his hard drive and video card to his parent's for Christmas just to play wow. They were furious when they caught him.


This game is silly. I think it was designed for 10 year olds. It has no legs with the adult MMoRPG crowd at all.


And yes, I know this is opinion because I just wrote it all by myself.

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