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Server population is dropping...


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I personally have a couple ideas why I think population levels have dropped since launch.




2) Speaking of WoW... I think quite a few players that came over to try the game have since went back to their lvl 85's with their elite pvp/raid gear. I really believe that this is a big part of the reason. A lot of players have invested so much time and money on WoW over the years, that they just can't cut the cord yet.





A lot of WoW players (pretty much all the ones I know) want to play something else. We're tired of WoW because we've been playing it for 6 or 7 years. The gameplay is still fun, just long in the tooth.


Bioware has a pretty great chance to bring people over, they just need to work on population balance and totals, as well as basic quality of life things (like addon support and combat logs).

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As many have said:


The game was released during the holidays in order to spike sales.


It was a new MMO when many people had plenty of days off and/or school was out.


They just released a patch that frustrated a lot of players.


The free month just ran out and a lot of people either quit or are waiting for something before re-upping. This is normal in MMOs.


This is not 2003 or earlier. There are plenty of good MMOs available today. If players are not happy, they are not willing to wait a year, 6 months, or even 3 months. They will go back to their old game.


I came very close to quitting after the mess on patch day too. I canceled (was going to do 3 month sub) but decided that I wanted to play with my guild (they were going at least 1 more month) and there was nothing interesting until GW2 unless I wanted to get some friends to fire up our old Minecraft server again, go back to Rift (no, thank you), or play through Skyrim again.


I remember shortly after FFXI and Shadowbane coming out... people would say "you cannot judge an MMO by how it plays in the first few months. Give it time". That all changed when WoW exploded. Now, players have a stable and high budget game with plenty of content that they can go back to any time an MMO does not meet expectations. MMO developers only seem to have 1, MAYBE 2 months now to get their product to be in great shape. Players use to give them months, sometimes even a year. Those days are over. Maybe next time EA will give Bioware more time to develop and test. Or maybe I am wrong and players will be a bit more patient. I still think you need to wait 3 months before it is time to even think of judging the long term potential on an MMO. But I am sure it has been a rough week over at Bioware. Fun game. Just not sure it has the long-term potential I was hoping for as a Bioware and Star Wars fan.

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Hey Bioware, is it possible that you could merge some of the lighter US East servers together? There's just way too many and am currently stuck on a server that is hard to find groups on unless you're on during the 1-2 hour peak time.


I appreciate you having the foresight to have enough servers for the initial rush but I think you went overboard when it came to US East!

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24 people on Corella(47-49) Planet, I mean really it's sat and i am sitting and spamming LFM for about a hour or two, I had people in general LOL @ me wondering when i was going to give up. I found it funny for a while myself because no one was being mean about it. Most people were making fun of my determination to find a group.
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24 people on Corella(47-49) Planet, I mean really it's sat and i am sitting and spamming LFM for about a hour or two, I had people in general LOL @ me wondering when i was going to give up. I found it funny for a while myself because no one was being mean about it. Most people were making fun of my determination to find a group.


This is exactly what I've been telling people though every time these threads come up. So of the 24 of you on Corellia, none of you were willing to group up? That's exactly what it sounds like. If that's the case, don't be mad at anybody but the players on your server for playing a MMO and being anti-social

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This is exactly what I've been telling people though every time these threads come up. So of the 24 of you on Corellia, none of you were willing to group up? That's exactly what it sounds like. If that's the case, don't be mad at anybody but the players on your server for playing a MMO and being anti-social


eh, 24 people on a planet isn't that many. they are all probably on different parts of their quests, and not many people want to run a HEROIC that they've already finished. with the sheer number of HEROICS on most planets, it's not likely 24 will be enough to get one rolling without luck.

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eh, 24 people on a planet isn't that many. they are all probably on different parts of their quests, and not many people want to run a HEROIC that they've already finished. with the sheer number of HEROICS on most planets, it's not likely 24 will be enough to get one rolling without luck.


Aren't HEROICS repeatable? Aren't HEROIC 4's doable with 3 people and a companion. Aren't HEROIC 2's doable with two people and two companions, or sometimes even one person and their companion? The chances of all 23 other people having done whatever the quest was is a longshot. Most of the time people either won't group up like in this example, or there isn't enough spots for all the people who respond to lfg calls. Don't stick up for anti-social mmo players

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Populations are continuing to grow, the only problem you're seeing is faction imbalances which are more noticeable on some specific servers, than others. I've been watching the server list and I've seen more typically "standard" servers go "heavy" each week. There's always gonna be a drop off when the first month hits in these games, but many analysts believe up to 95% of the playerbase stayed.


There's no other "real" option other than the really old fashioned MMO's we've been playing, SW:TOR offers a more exciting game, albeit some of the gaming experience itself has its bugs; those are being fixed at a pretty fast rate and people see this so there's really been no point in leaving. It would appear, however that a bunch of the trolls have left!

Edited by Jesira
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