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500k+ DMG Club!


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We're the most kitable class ever. Even Warriors can keep on an enemy better than we can with Force Leap. If a person gets past 10 Meters the only thing I can do is pop a CD and channel some lightning unless Speed is up.


Granted, I love playing my Sin in close-quarters skirmishes.


I think you're getting the class confused with something else.


@OP As has been said, putting up this kind of damage vs pugs isn't so impressive. I've never seem damage as high as this thread which is cool but until its vs equal opponents, in other words, people that stand ANY CHANCE, it's not that amazing.

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We're the most kitable class ever. Even Warriors can keep on an enemy better than we can with Force Leap. If a person gets past 10 Meters the only thing I can do is pop a CD and channel some lightning unless Speed is up.


Granted, I love playing my Sin in close-quarters skirmishes.


Force speed. Also get the talent that reduces it's cooldown, you won't have this problem anymore. I'm curious if there are any assassins that have pulled numbers this high. The most I've been able to do was 400k in Voidstar.

Edited by belowthelights
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Posting huge damage + 0 deaths =


Pre-made with healer, near 100% uptime damage.


None of these people can reach 500K+ with out a healer + pre-made and zero deaths.


Not possible.


As it should be noted, being in the 500k+ club also needs to have a disclosure about what needs to happen. It should be commended as a group effort not a single person taking full responsibility of the accomplisment


I've hit 400+k with deaths, as a solo with barely any healing received and being single-target-only as a Sentinel. If I were on an aoe class/spec... I can see 500k being done np by people.

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You know what is sad? I have never reached the dmg I have done on my scoundrel that I have on lower level ranged. We still have 100 "nerf operative/scoundrel" threads though. No I am not saying scoundrels/ops are underpowered, because they do other things very well.


Now we will probably have nerf bh threads. I have said it before and I will say it again. This forum needs to list your rank and your character so that people can see that the higher ranked people with gear do not see these "huge imbalances" that people insist exist. All this crying is bad for new players. If they saw that the higher ranked people think these people are on crack maybe things would settle down a bit.


This game is shockingly balanced. Can BH/sorc outdmg everyone? Yeah. They have a counter though and that counter has a counter and so on. I am absolutely shocked at the people that stand inside "aoe fire" to allow these dmg screenshots, but they do it and often. Then they come on the forum and complain.


I expect a whole lot of rerolls from this thread ROFL. :D

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You know what is sad? I have never reached the dmg I have done on my scoundrel that I have on lower level ranged. We still have 100 "nerf operative/scoundrel" threads though. No I am not saying scoundrels/ops are underpowered, because they do other things very well.


Now we will probably have nerf bh threads. I have said it before and I will say it again. This forum needs to list your rank and your character so that people can see that the higher ranked people with gear do not see these "huge imbalances" that people insist exist. All this crying is bad for new players. If they saw that the higher ranked people think these people are on crack maybe things would settle down a bit.


This game is shockingly balanced. Can BH/sorc outdmg everyone? Yeah. They have a counter though and that counter has a counter and so on. I am absolutely shocked at the people that stand inside "aoe fire" to allow these dmg screenshots, but they do it and often. Then they come on the forum and complain.


I expect a whole lot of rerolls from this thread ROFL. :D


/agreed completely.

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I didn't intend for this thread to go the route that it did, how ever since it would seem all of you know how I play before asking me, I will clarify for you all.


I do not spam tracers and I do not AoE. Also I was playing against equally geared players.


With that said can we get on topic? Thank you.


@Trev HEY!

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Lol 500k+ damage with 79 kills and ZERO deaths.



And people talk about Operatives being OP? No one says anything about BH's.


People are stupid, very stupid, especially mmo gamers, and BH's can do amazing things with a pocket healer, after all they are field artillery.

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Arsenal mercenaries do immense damage when you let them stand there and cast their cast-bar based damage rotation. How surprising. How about considering the fact that they just die against any melee because they are worthless when they can't stand still and cast.


Interrupt their stuff and watch them be useless. Or let them stand on the edges of the battles spamming tracer missilies and aoes and then complain about the damage.


And that stuff about tracer missile getting a cooldown is just idiotic. They would have to rework the whole Arsenal tree for that.

Edited by Nightswail
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Posting huge damage + 0 deaths =


Pre-made with healer, near 100% uptime damage.


None of these people can reach 500K+ with out a healer + pre-made and zero deaths.


Not possible.


As it should be noted, being in the 500k+ club also needs to have a disclosure about what needs to happen. It should be commended as a group effort not a single person taking full responsibility of the accomplisment




Close enough? No heals for me, and it was hutball.

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