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The "n00b effect" has completely taken over the SWTOR community. That's why I'm done.


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Sadly, it really is. I mean, making difficult levels so that all levels of gamers can complete it is one thing. It's another to sacrifice good gameplay for what is traditionally icing on the cake (story, aesthetic, etc).


Story and aesthetics have always been the point of Bioware games, though. I mean, who the heck picked up Mass Effect or Knights of the Old Republic chiefly for the gameplay? When you're buying a Bioware produced game, a sequel to Knights of the Old Republic nonetheless, and interviews and updates before the game's release repeatedly made it clear that story was the main focus of the game, perhaps people should've come into this game with the expectation that story was indeed a main focus?

I still have faith that Bioware will tidy the game a bit and make the gameplay a little better, but it's disheartening when any call for better gameplay gets shot down by 20 people who are content with mediocre game design.


Constructive criticism that acknowledges the games flaws and points out suggestions is one thing. Pitiful whining that goes onto make claims of who is or isn't a 'true gamer' is quite another.

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"True gamer". Is that like when a politician says "Real Americans"?


A true gamer would never call themselves something like that in the first place. They don't allow their disappointment and impatience to turn into anger that they then pour onto those who dare to not agree with every last one of their ideas for improving the game. They get along with and give at least minimal respect to others, even if they disagree. They don't try to divide the community with obnoxious labels like "true gamer".


Those of you who dislike this game enough to try to divide the community need to pull your noses from your navels for a moment and realize that there's a great big world out there, and not everyone can have everything they want. If you are so disappointed with the product, why dwell on it? Do you think that maybe it's time to move on to another game or activity that doesn't cause you so much anxiety and distress? Or maybe at least attempt to use a little honey versus all the vinegar you've been spraying around the forums? Or is the drama just that much fun?

Edited by KippTabor
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For those of you who are unaware of what "the n00b effect" is, please take a look at
video. A large portion of the community seems content with mediocrity and scoffs at the true gamers who are trying to advocate better gameplay.


It's both sad and annoying.


A true gamer learns a game before they play it. That said, being a true gamer, you obviously knew what you were getting into before you played it. Yet you have audacity to call others n00bs because you lack the power to change the game to suit your needs. You sir are a hypocrite.

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People that call themselves "true gamers" are both sad and annoying.

I got a NES for X-mas when i was 8 with dragon warrior, and mario/duck hunt, since then I have darn near lived and breathed video games. There is nothing wrong with "true gamer" and nothing at all wrong in admitting you are one. If someone went from farmville being there first game to SWTOR being there second, then welcome to the world I have lived in for over 20 years, but understand there is a vast difference between us. Thers nothing wrong with pointing this out.

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OK, that video was hilarious! Excellent use of the Konami Code and other such obscure references.


But seriously... I don't play this game (or any game for that matter) to gain some sense of accomplishment. It's entertainment... period.


If you really want to give your brain and awesome gamer reflexes a challenge visit your local Jiu Jitsu academy (preferrably Gracie Humaita, Gracie Barra or Alliance). It's like playing chess while someone is trying to choke you unconscious (which I've heard they actually do in Russia).

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If SWTOR catered to all the "true gamers" it wouldnt even have 10k subs.


Its called a MASSIVE Multiplayer Online game for a reason.


You dont get MASSIVE by catering to the minority of players.


/end thread

Thats what they make exploration dailies and cute pets for, the casuals. Nothing wrong with Bioware taking the time to add things in the game for the mom and pops players to do. The same exists for raids for true gamers, casuals dont need to see inside the raid, its the place to make the uber content. Even the normal mode raids should be brutal, the hard modes should be nearly impossible.

Edited by RichLather
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Story and aesthetics have always been the point of Bioware games, though. I mean, who the heck picked up Mass Effect or Knights of the Old Republic chiefly for the gameplay? When you're buying a Bioware produced game, a sequel to Knights of the Old Republic nonetheless, and interviews and updates before the game's release repeatedly made it clear that story was the main focus of the game, perhaps people should've come into this game with the expectation that story was indeed a main focus?



Constructive criticism that acknowledges the games flaws and points out suggestions is one thing. Pitiful whining that goes onto make claims of who is or isn't a 'true gamer' is quite another.


That's what they're doing differently to distinguish themselves, just as they did with their other games. It is still fluff, but that doesn't make it useless. It is never an excuse for poor gameplay. I'm not saying TOR is the worst game I've ever played, but there is much room for improvement in this regard. To say that isn't important would be silly.


As for the second part, I agree. However, there are people who post constructive criticism and get met with "lol go back to wow pandsa and pokemonss!!!1" on a regular basis on these boards. Surely you don't approve of that nonsense.

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LOL great video, to bad its all true. With newer shinier graphics game quality seems to degrade. Remember the days of the first gen consoles when games were a challenge and made you think? Nothing like starting Zelda 1 not knowing W.t.f your supposed to do but the game is still 100% beatable AND enjoyable


You're referring specifically to Nintendo Hard difficulty: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard . Most gamers recognize such difficulty for what it is, where difficulty was more often or not a trial due to poor game design. Take the dam level of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, that level just wasn't designed all that well.


Also, I remember a game called Super Mario Bros 3 for the NES. Easy as hell, and still quite enjoyable.

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I got a NES for X-mas when i was 8 with dragon warrior, and mario/duck hunt, since then I have darn near lived and breathed video games. There is nothing wrong with "true gamer" and nothing at all wrong in admitting you are one. If someone went from farmville being there first game to SWTOR being there second, then welcome to the world I have lived in for over 20 years, but understand there is a vast difference between us. Thers nothing wrong with pointing this out.


I starting playing games on my Intellivision, and moved on to the Commodore 64. By the time your precious NES even hit the market, I'd already played 100's of games. By your logic, I'm the "true gamer", and you're just a hollow pretender.


Fortunately for both of us, I'm not enough of a prat to shuttle people into categories based on how long they've pursued a hobby or which genres they prefer or how many pounds they gained during their winter gaming binge. Love gaming? You're a gamer. End of discussion.

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Story and aesthetics have always been the point of Bioware games, though. I mean, who the heck picked up Mass Effect or Knights of the Old Republic chiefly for the gameplay? When you're buying a Bioware produced game, a sequel to Knights of the Old Republic nonetheless, and interviews and updates before the game's release repeatedly made it clear that story was the main focus of the game, perhaps people should've come into this game with the expectation that story was indeed a main focus?



Constructive criticism that acknowledges the games flaws and points out suggestions is one thing. Pitiful whining that goes onto make claims of who is or isn't a 'true gamer' is quite another.

I have a nice eye opener for you, this one might blow your mind.

theres a vid of a really good player rocking mass effect 2 solo on insane. As you can clearly see Mass Effect has amazingly smooth gameplay with a very high possible skill cap. So yea, lots buy ME for the gameplay, its damned amazing.
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For those of you who are unaware of what "the n00b effect" is, please take a look at
video. A large portion of the community seems content with mediocrity and scoffs at the true gamers who are trying to advocate better gameplay.


It's both sad and annoying.



Wow... This guy just about sums up a lot of players on here...


Complain, complain and then... Complain some more. That's what I got from all his videos. That and a lower IQ.

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For those of you who are unaware of what "the n00b effect" is, please take a look at
video. A large portion of the community seems content with mediocrity and scoffs at the true gamers who are trying to advocate better gameplay.


It's both sad and annoying.

These are TRUE gamers.




which one is you? :-P

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Ignorant/stupid people make me sad.


Videogames are created and developed to make money. In the early days of videogames, developers created games for a very small demographic.


This is no longer the case. In an MMO, specifically designed to attract as large a use base as possible, the target market is very large.


Play games with/against other pro-gamers. Don't expect anyone else to want the same things out of games.


I don't expect everyone to be able to compete with me in physical sports, as I'm fully aware of the fact that they don't spend nearly as much time playing as I do. They likely don't take it as seriously as I do, nor do they play as competitively as I do.




I'm not sure why it is, but it seems that many competitive "pro-gamers" behave a lot like whiney little babies when things don't go the way they want. I speak from experience, as I personally know and have played games with "pro-gamers (as in actually payed to play)"

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Ignorant/stupid people make me sad.


Videogames are created and developed to make money. In the early days of videogames, developers created games for a very small demographic.


This is no longer the case. In an MMO, specifically designed to attract as large a use base as possible, the target market is very large.


Play games with/against other pro-gamers. Don't expect anyone else to want the same things out of games.


I don't expect everyone to be able to compete with me in physical sports, as I'm fully aware of the fact that they don't spend nearly as much time playing as I do. They likely don't take it as seriously as I do, nor do they play as competitively as I do.




I'm not sure why it is, but it seems that many competitive "pro-gamers" behave a lot like whiney little babies when things don't go the way they want. I speak from experience, as I personally know and have played games with "pro-gamers (as in actually payed to play)"


You need to watch the video.

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That was the single most EPIC VIDEO OF ALL TIME


My guildies were just arguing for why the cutscene are so great..............LOL. They also happen to be some of my guilds worst pvp'rs.


Swtor's gameplay needs to be tightened up.


PVP feels horrible and sloppy.

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