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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jedi ship looks awful


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I actually like a lot the Defender. It really seems what it is: a battleship, a small size war vessel. I wold not like it to be another way. Some may say it doen't look "jedi-style". That it's true: to me it looks like some Republic personal transport adapted for times of war, which makes it perfect for a Jedi Shadow.
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Sorry, but as long as Troopers get The 'Clap, every other ship will be superior.


That being said, the Defender is well within tolerances for a Star Wars diplomatic vessel. It's got elements of the original Corellian Corvette from ANH, and the diplomatic vessel from TPM.


Looks right at home as the non-starfighter vessel of a Jedi.

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I like the Defender, but I always feel like the med bay needs more than a bed--a kolto tank, maybe?--and the room with your stash needs some bunk beds (whole room devoted just to your closet, right off the common area?). Maybe we're supposed to assume that the crew beds and sinks, toilets, etc. are pulled out from the wall when needed, Serenity-style.


I wonder if it was a conscious decision by the developers not to give Jedi ships beds for the crew, or if they just didn't have enough time to finalize their design. At least the Jedi master bedroom is nice--seems very appropriate for a Jedi.

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I love my Defender! I still get a little thrill walking up to it. As I've said from the beginning, though, the back end could use some work. It's like they took the front 3/4 of a larger ship, stuck engines on and called it done.


The interior could definitely use some love, though. It's extremely small and incomplete. The cargo hold should be in the, y'know, cargo hold. The med bay needs more than just a bed. The crew needs somewhere to sleep. It just looks unfinished... except for the lounge area. That part is brilliant. Love the cockpit, too, except the captain's chair looks more like a fix than a fixture.


For all ships, I'd add a button on the console that works exactly like the door... triggers the landing sequence from the pilot's seat, rather than running back to the airlock and throwing yourself out.

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i didnt mind the ships but i just wish there was alot more interaction with items on the ship like seats as you can only sit in the cockpit not in the conference room or lounge and medibay would be better if there was some interaction there for Proffs like Bio and i also thought there could do with a Modification bay in the cargo hold or somwhere, just seems dull and nothing to do, be nice if the game board worked be awsome playing that hehe (gameboard from Ep 1 in your lounge).

hope they bring in items you could maby buy items for your ship (not mods, Decor or somthing) or just add them


i just hope that when the guild ships come out theres loads to interact with

Edited by Morvoldo
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Funny thing about opinions about how something looks... It's completely subjective.


This. I used to think the Phantom was the best ship but there are a few things I don't like. The ship is just one flat room albeit well designed, with the exception of the engine room which I don't like either. The engine has like open containment? With parts just floating around I assume they are held in place by an invisible magnetic field of sorts.


The Defender to me has a much better layout inside, although I prefer the Phantom's color scheme over all the yellow. I do love them both but Phantom is no longer my #1.

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The Jedi ship looks awful, especially when playing Space Battles.

It just doesnt look good.

The bedroom is nice looking, with a Jedi touch to it.


The layout isnt the best, better than Trooper though.


Best looking ship, looks-wise and layout-wise is the Imperial Agent ship.

Sleek, great layout and simply looks great.



Heh, I keep waiting for someoen to refer to it as a "Warthog"

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This thread's a little funny to me, because my main is a Bounty Hunter. Her ship is cool on the outside, other than how worn and messed up it looks, but the inside's cramped.


Then, I got my Consular's ship and was friggin' shocked.


"...Nothing's rusting in here!


"Holy crap, is that a conference room?!"


My BH feels a lot poorer when I play her now. XD

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This thread's a little funny to me, because my main is a Bounty Hunter. Her ship is cool on the outside, other than how worn and messed up it looks, but the inside's cramped.


Then, I got my Consular's ship and was friggin' shocked.


"...Nothing's rusting in here!


"Holy crap, is that a conference room?!"


My BH feels a lot poorer when I play her now. XD


Haha so true :)


Personally i like the Defender a lot.

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Most liked ship so far? Jedi Knight. Simple layout, stylish.

The trooper ship is badly organized and i always take a wrong turn trying to get to the bridge. And dont even get me started on the smuggler ship. What a pile of garbage.


Those are the only 3 ive seen so far :>

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