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This can't be true, can it? - TOR Has 350k Concurrent Players; Minimal impact on WOW


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OP, and everyone else, learn to read. 350k concurrent means there are only 350k people online at the same time... but the actual user base is around 1.5 million. You do realize the EU and USA are pretty far apart when it comes to timezones, right?


People work and play at different times.


i already stated that, but people fail to comprehend

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350k concurrent users...World of Warcraft didn't have 350k REGISTERED ACCOUNTS at launch.


That's a fricken awesome number. Heck, WoW didn't gain their first Million Registered accounts until like 8months after the game launched. Most MMOs nowadays don't even launch with more than 100k subs.


TOR has set the new bar. All these naysayers are just jealous.


And just how many people actually played MMO's back in 2004? You aren't comparing like with like. The MMO market is very different from when WoW launched.

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Source: http://furiousfanboys.com/2012/01/tor-has-350k-concurrent-players-and-minimal-impact-on-wow/


Can't be right...right?


"After only a couple weeks online, the news for The Old Republic has gone from good to bad. Following some drama over the weekend, news has come out that after one week on the UK charts the game dropped from #10 to #38. Now the analysts are stepping in and while they see a healthy MMO market, they don’t think that TOR is hurting WoW at all:


Baird Equity estimates that the game has peak concurrent users of roughly 350,000 players.


According to analysts at Cowen and Company the uptake of The Old Republic has had “minimal apparent impact” on Blizzard and Activision’s market-leading World of Warcraft.


Hopefully things pick up and the concurrent player base grows, otherwise the game will become like Warhammer Online in a few months."


Considering the game sold like hot-cakes and IS much better than anything currently out there (at least in my experience) I'm taking this with a grain of salt...


I don't trust any review sites anymore after MW3 came out and every review site gave it 9+ while the user base gave it a 2. That right there tells you, plain as day that these sites are taking the money, giving a good review and running.

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Source: http://furiousfanboys.com/2012/01/tor-has-350k-concurrent-players-and-minimal-impact-on-wow/


Hopefully things pick up and the concurrent player base grows, otherwise the game will become like Warhammer Online in a few months."




Except Warhammer and Wow were both fantasy MMO's. When Warhammer started bleeding, people jumped back into WOW to get their fantasy MMO fix, which snowballed. I think this game is mroe solid, as WOW isnt sci-fi, or more importantly, Star Wars.


They DO have too many servers, which concerned me. They throttled too much at release, and people are a bit too spread out.

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Sounds about right, but considering I've never even heard of these guys and there site doesn't even load I'm better off taking this with a grain of salt and waiting for words from other sources.


But 350k concurrent users sounds pretty good right now.

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350k concurrent users...World of Warcraft didn't have 350k REGISTERED ACCOUNTS at launch.


That's a fricken awesome number. Heck, WoW didn't gain their first Million Registered accounts until like 8months after the game launched. Most MMOs nowadays don't even launch with more than 100k subs.


TOR has set the new bar. All these naysayers are just jealous.


When wow launched the market leader, everquest, had less than 200k subs. Different times, different culture. As for setting the new bar, rift says hi. 1 million accounts before launch.


As for how many concurrent users wow has the only thing I was able to find was an article from the Asia Times comparing a game to wow. In it the article noted wow was maintaining 1 million concurrent users in china. Granted most of those are gold farming scum but still.


350k ain't bad but for the prerelease hype, tor fell pretty short of the mark.

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The hilarious thing is that 350,000 is a fantastic number, and if you click through to the analyst source, it's actually using the massive success of TOR to show that the MMO market is going to continue to grow.


We view the early success of Star Wars as an indication of a healthy MMO market," said Baird Equity Research's Colin Sebastian. "While there is likely some shifting of usage from Activision's World of Warcraft, we see a viable market for multiple million-user MMOs in the US and Europe."


Baird Equity estimates that the game has peak concurrent users of roughly 350,000 players.


According to analysts at Cowen and Company the uptake of The Old Republic has had "minimal apparent impact" on Blizzard and Activision's market-leading World of Warcraft.


But it also noted that it expects a decline in WoW subscriptions the fourth quarter to be higher than 2.5 per cent, following recent trends in the game which have seen players leave the game.

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I guess you missed what everyone has already posted that "concurrent" players mean how many play at the same time.


WOW only has 250 K "concurrent" players. Meaning its doing better then WOW. Some people are... well.. ignorant...

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So many kids don't know what "CONCURRENT" players mean.



350k CONCURRENT players is HUGE.


This equates to nearly 2 million Active Subscriptions.


Only a small percentage of the total playerbase are playing at the same time at any given moment.

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Seems like nonsense to me. Except that people may well be too spread out due to the initial rush and queue management.


This is an abnormal MMO launch because the game appeals to casual players. So the initial rush of gamer freaks isn't what really matters, but the long term interest of more normal people.


350k concurrent subs? That is a ton. They must have misquoted that or the article is a complete fail.

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SWTOR did not have a 300 million budge either, that was a false rumor. The only numbers that EA has put out about dev costs is 80 million




It varies from 100-300 million amongst different analysts. You can make the number how you want to serve purpose on company that is in this business for only one reason, to make money and keept shareholdders happy.

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The hilarious thing is that 350,000 is a fantastic number, and if you click through to the analyst source, it's actually using the massive success of TOR to show that the MMO market is going to continue to grow.


Yeah... the actual report this troll blog is showing is actually positive.... for both TOR and MMOs in general.

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Considering that 1 out of every 2 players in WoW are a goldfarmer/spammer ... the numbers of 'real' players for WoW are seriously skewed.


I have to say, I've always felt that part of WoW's success has been a result of people trying to make money by running a business selling stuff in WoW.


Of course, it goes all chicken and the egg when you realize that the only reason people would try that would be due to the games initial success.

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So many kids don't know what "CONCURRENT" players mean.



350k CONCURRENT players is HUGE.


This equates to nearly 2 million Active Subscriptions.


Only a small percentage of the total playerbase are playing at the same time at any given moment.


1 million aint 2 million.

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It varies from 100-300 million amongst different analysts. You can make the number how you want to serve purpose on company that is in this business for only one reason, to make money and keept shareholdders happy.


The 100-300 million numbers include the costs of buying/provisioning Bioware and such, so that really isn't equivalent to Blizzards numbers.


The bottom line is "Analysts" ultimately get paid by gaming companies, so they will say what gets them paid for the next game. So they are completely untrustable unless you really know how their pocket gets lined.

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It varies from 100-300 million amongst different analysts. You can make the number how you want to serve purpose on company that is in this business for only one reason, to make money and keept shareholdders happy.


you cant go by analysts, they have no clue, the only official numbers is from EA which is 80+ million.

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The hilarious thing is that 350,000 is a fantastic number, and if you click through to the analyst source, it's actually using the massive success of TOR to show that the MMO market is going to continue to grow.


I know... the thing the article the OP frames it in totally twisted it.


To the other guy, WoW's record is 2 million concurrent worldwide when they still had 13 million subs.


If you take that number any concurrent user number has to be multiplied by 6.5 to get the number of subscriptions, which puts TOR at just over 2.2 million.


If you scale the number down to 4 because a lot of people will be playing longer stretches at the time of release it's close to 1.5 million.

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The hilarious thing is that 350,000 is a fantastic number, and if you click through to the analyst source, it's actually using the massive success of TOR to show that the MMO market is going to continue to grow.


It's because so few people understand there is a different between "concurrent users" and "subscribers." :p

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1 million aint 2 million.


It's far more than 1 million if the 350k concurrent users is true.


A game having 35% of it's playerbase playing at the same time is UNHEARD OF.


That's why I say it's closer to 2 million.


If you've been around online gaming enough, you would know this to be true, but most kids haven't.

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It's because so few people understand there is a different between "concurrent users" and "subscribers." :p


The TOR haters don't understand this. The OP is a troll and doesn't get it either. Starting at 350,000 CONCURRENT players in fantastic.


The drop for OTC sales was obvious. Early adopters have already purchased the game. D


Unless you are WoW, MMOs rarely have "millions" online at one time.


In fact, WoW is well past its current peak of concurrent players.

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