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The game isn't the problem


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No, you are wrong. TOR is being criticized because it misses VITAL MMO tools and MMO gameplay. TOR is being criticized because it has copied WoW in almost all ways BUT it hasn't perfected/improved anything. The new and exciting things it offers are mainly single player.


Besides, things evolve. TOR seems like it has missed the last 7 MMO years in MANY areas.


And that is why it's being criticized and fairly so. No vision at all.


The lack of Vision is on those that don't understand that this game is it's core.


If you are building a new MMO, you build a Base Core, perfect it, refine it, then once you feel good about it, you add to it.


Let's say it was released with every single add-on you wanted to start....then, a couple of months down the road they find a glaring flaw and have to change the way something operates, not only do they now have to change the Core, they have to spend even more time adapting the systems that were desinged around that Core to fit the new design. If it was only the "ONE" add-on that was effected, then the work to implement the fix was just doubled, but more times than not, a CORE Change is going to effect more than just one other option and would severly hamper the "fixing" process. When it's time to implement they can devote their full attention to it, making it top priority.


The Core of this game is Solid, and has room for everything you, I , and others want (add-on wise) and can and probably will be implemented, but not until it is time.

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Target of Target was not released with WoW.

Neither was the integrated threat system.(Was 3rd party addon.)

See above.

Damage meter was also 3rd party.

Macros? Really? I've pretty sure there was a point in time that rogues could make a macro and just spam it and pull 10k dps at one point in time.


WoW was successful because it was polished and adhered to the masses. Not because of these addons.


yeah 3rd party addons, at least someone, somewhere could write them ...


and the other most stupid argument "I do not want to be rich because... "


just because someone may abuse or exploit an ability or feature of the game, does not mean that it is better if the feature did not exist at all


they should have age restrictions on these forums

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Basically, everyone against vital MMO things that should be implemented are telling people they are spoiled.


We're all spoiled in the western world, beds to sleep in, fresh water every morning. We should all go back to our roots, kind of how they are living in most parts of Africa today. We shouldn't have clean water, barely any food and we should all inject some serious viruses into your bodies, we're just spoiled to have what we have in the western world.


Braindead arguments that makes no sense. You can deny it if you want, but that doesnt change the fact that this game will not last very long if they don't implement these things that a MMO needs to survive today.


Comprehension fail.


OP said nothing along the lines that these feature's shouldn't or don't need to implemented.


Point is, expecting every single feature you have grown spoiled with by long-standing high profit industry-leading games to be in a new game the day of launch is unrealistic and doesn't happen.


They do need to be and will be implemented, over time, as with any other game.

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Really doubt it, cause you are on here crying for crutches to help you complete something. Since you called them stupid im guessing you are a DPSer and you attempted a hard mode(more than likely BT or Ess on normal) and you pulled all the aggro died, then proceeded to yell at the tank and healer instead of looking at yourself. Honestly this thread you created is "stupid" and most people in here are fine out having any of the above and are not on here crying because they are finding ways around it.




Thanks, but I've done every hardmode flashpoint several times, both with questing gear and with good gear. They are all easy.


Again, I can play, addons doesn't learn anyone to play, stop being clueless.

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It is very simple ADD ONS = EASY MODE, and one or two button win. People complaining about this are finding this game mildly more difficult to play and they want the game easier. Or they are getting their hind end kicked in PvP becasue they have become so dependant on their add ons.
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I really don't understand the need for DPS meters and threat meters or whatever. Macros? Get a clue guys.


You may as well ask for a button which plays the game for you then notifies you when you get a loot drop. Thats how simple you make it by using so-called addons.


Take control and stop letting the game play you!


If you do not understand it means you have never ever raided. You have never had to win a place in a team and hold it. That is OK, there are plenty of casual players that do not care about raiding hard bosses.


If you had any humility you should say "I do not care for what you are asking because I do not want to raid or do anything hard". Pretending to be able to cope with hard content where others cannot makes you look like a complete fool.

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If you do not understand it means you have never ever raided. You have never had to win a place in a team and hold it. That is OK, there are plenty of casual players that do not care about raiding hard bosses.


If you had any humility you should say "I do not care for what you are asking because I do not want to raid or do anything hard". Pretending to be able to cope with hard content where others cannot makes you look like a complete fool.


But you can play the game and do everything you are saying without add ons, you just need to learn to do them differently.

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Curious how many would stand in the street staring down an oncoming garbage truck because they don't have DBM telling them to get out of the way.


That made me laugh so hard. And to answer the question, probably a good chunk of society.

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Wow. There is so much facepalm in here, I do not know where to start.


WoW launch was freaking terrible. The server queues were ridiculous, and if you got in, you were lucky if you didn't get DC'd for taking a FP. The talent trees were a mess. But the combat system for the most part was fairly smooth. Apart from massive unoptimized landscapes and horrific lag in areas of congestion.


That aside it took them six months to pull their "act" together to stabilize their servers and the game playable.


And for all the add-on/macro naysayers, DBM only became very popular in the early-mid stages in TBC. DBM is the mod, that so many uninformed armchair forum warriors are bashing, that started WoW down the path of addons that gave you all this information on the bosses and timers.


Vanilla WoW had a combat log, it had macros, and it had addons, but none that gave you the amount of information that DBM gave. In Vanilla, I used CTmod package, this included the CTRaidFrames, CTBagMod, CTMaildMod, CTPortraits, CTBarMod. I used TitanBar Panel. And I used Clock.


CTRaidFrames: Allowed me to reduce the raid frames size and to sort them by class. I graduated to grid later on.


CTBagMod: WoW's bag system in Vanilla was so terrible, but this mod let me reduce the size of my bags(UI wise) and sort them.


CTMailMod: WoW's mal system was an ultimate POS. You could only send 7 items, and it did not remember your friends or guildies, so you had to type it out each time. This mod rememdied that.


CTPortraits: The precursor to Unit Frames, which NurfedUI also did a great job at. Got rid of all the portraits and the eagles and orbs and fancy shmancy stuff.


CTBarMod: Allowed for moving and re-sizing the Action bars.


Titan Panel: Allowed you to place information such as gold amount, coordinates, bag slotss XX/88 onto a handy bar that could be minimized.


Clock: Literally a stopwatch, with one timer to time the enrage timer for Ragnaros.


Please tell me how these mods play the game for me? Does the ability to make my icons not take up so much space on my screen play my game for me. Does the stopwatch make the rest of my guildies play better? Does the fact that I can sort my raid frames to categorize all druids with druids make it so that all the safe areas are highlighted for me?




Not all addons are terrible, and not all addons are needed. In TOR's case, they are following the same path as WoW. Zero UI customization, until much later. WoW adopted many of these mods and integrated it into their own game, aka "stole", because they were smart, and also the whole security and compatability issue.


So please for the people who seriously have no clue what they are talking about. Refrain from releasing your sheer stupidity on the rest of humanity.


For the record, I personally am fine with the current UI. I do wish I could reduce the scale, and move the action bars, but the overall layout is actually pretty good.


I do wish I could have macros, like:


/cast Strike

/cast SummonVehicle[alt]


If you have to ask why I would want this odd macro, you clearly already do not know enough about macros from WoW to make any sort of argument.


I would want smalltime macros like the above only because I have small hands, and I think it'd be a bit much to request that the rest of humanity buy bigger keyboards, so it would be a level playing field.

Edited by Chaosmagistrate
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This is such a stupid argument. Using this logic, everyone can be excuse for making inferior products because "when the competition first started, they were just as bad as this."


WoW brought in over 1 billion dollars in subscriptions in one year, multiple years in fact, and close to that for several other years.


This game had a pretty big budget pre-launch compared to other games. But I think it's awfully silly to expect that their development team could operate on an equal playing field and provide a product with identical features, before it even launches and they start seeing revenue.

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I didnt say anything about addons, so i think your the clueless one.




I do know how to play, I do know how to read.


Thanks though. Perhaps you are the one who should learn to play.

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The lack of Vision is on those that don't understand that this game is it's core.


If you are building a new MMO, you build a Base Core, perfect it, refine it, then once you feel good about it, you add to it.


Let's say it was released with every single add-on you wanted to start....then, a couple of months down the road they find a glaring flaw and have to change the way something operates, not only do they now have to change the Core, they have to spend even more time adapting the systems that were desinged around that Core to fit the new design. If it was only the "ONE" add-on that was effected, then the work to implement the fix was just doubled, but more times than not, a CORE Change is going to effect more than just one other option and would severly hamper the "fixing" process. When it's time to implement they can devote their full attention to it, making it top priority.


The Core of this game is Solid, and has room for everything you, I , and others want (add-on wise) and can and probably will be implemented, but not until it is time.


When big changes take place addons usually break and have to be modified. Whatever you have written about "Core" is junk. Changes are made continuously that affect class abilities, talents, proc rates, the combat system, everything. Look at critical block shield in WOW for example. It is not a static world, it keeps changing.

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Had a epiphany when reading this forum.




WoW has spoiled their community to the point that now when another MMO comes out that isn't catering to their needs instantly it is consider a bad MMO. Yes I understand some of should have been implemented (combat log) but sometime small things get overlooked when you are coding millions of lines of code.


Or if you gave it thought beyond it's not there you may realized the devs wanted to wait to ensure that the combat log functions correctly with the myriad types of damages, shields, heals, and defenses.


For all of those vet gamers of MMOs, (Neverwinter Nights, UO, EQ) we know how to get through content without all the fluff, but the the newer generation of gamers does not.

Even in Vanilla WoW we did not have all of that and my guild cleared all the end game content. Was it hard very, was it gratifying knowing we cleared it without help extremely.




Link to the history MMO:




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God I love the fanboys who run to the new excuse "Well WoW didn't have it at launch so its ok swtor doesn't have it" WoW is 7 years old....way to raise that bar high bioware


WoW got those features over 7 years of development. Thinking a brand new game can have all of the content and features of a 7 year old game is absurd. Have fun waiting for that game to come along. The rest of us will enjoy what we have.

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I do know how to play, I do know how to read.


Thanks though. Perhaps you are the one who should learn to play.


I play just fine, we are clearing stuff without any of the "addons"(as you call them). We are also not on here crying about it.

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I'm fine overall with the game. My largest concern is the ability to get groups at max level. Standing in fleet watching general chat isn't my idea of a good time.


I know that it's also guild dependent. On my server, it seems like there is still a lot of small guilds that have leveling spreads pretty wide, so there is some of that too. I'm hoping things will shape up real nicely in the next 20 - 30 days.

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