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The ANTI LFD and LFR tool thread!


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This is a thread meant to show Bioware that the majority of players DO NOT want LFD or LFR tools even if they arent cross server because it has a huge impact on the community not only server but as a whole.


I srsly do not get why people started whining so much about this lately? Its not something that if you don't have you can't play the game properly.


I found groups and started groups for heroics 2/4 and flashpoint myself asking in the general chat .


Word of advice : DONT BE LAZY! And ask in the general chat and you will find people, sure it might take awhile sometimes but at least the spirit of the community will be kept alive.


Look what happened to WoW because of it ( again, the no cross server argument is invalid) - no more wpvp ( yes ganking at summoning stones was still considered pvp on pvp servers) and people turning jerks.


GET A GROUP YOURSELF and the satisfaction for finishing a flashpoint will be higher, you will get to know those players and eventually add them to your friends list.



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I don't really care about this subject either way, but can we stop claiming to speak for the majority if we don't have hard numbers to prove it?


^^^ this.


and although im against an LFG tool that hands you a group on a silver platter that might have the most skilled players or could stick you with the guy that requires a helmet to play, i do believe that the current mechanic is lacking.


something similar to the LFR tool in wow would be a fine option, doesnt spoon feed you a group but makes it easier to tell who wants to do what without requiring you to be at the fleet spamming general.


doesnt hurt the community either since you still have to ask around to find the players you wanna play with, but allows you to see who wants to join you and still allows you to avoid lord of the facerolling ninja looters.

Edited by LilTikiBoy
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I don't care what they do as long as they don't expand the comment in the /who window.


I think it would remove the sense of mystery from the game if you could see more than the first few characters of the LFG comment.

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Yes, search the forums and you will find that the majority of SWTOR players hate the ideea of an LFD Tool.


You mean few vocal individuals that are posting all the time and chime in any thread that even remotely mentions LFG tool. . .

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Reeeeur Reeeur Reeeur Reeeur


Excuse me sir. Statistics police here.


Claiming you are in the majority requires that you have data to back this up.


Carry on.


Reeeeur Reeeeur Reeeur Reeeur.


LOL. Best post of the morning.


In all seriousness though, as an intelligent person who personally witnessed the decline of the WoW community to the ******** drivel it is today, I can tell you that the LFD was most, if not all of the reason. Complete and total anonymity, with no repercussions on your own server, leads to the elitism and general *******ery that can be seen on every single forum post on the entire WoW forums. Cross realm instantanious LFD was the $10m mistake that Blizzard made, and they've been dashing around trying to create new content ever since.


I have no issues with a LFD tab somewhere, but it absolutely MUST NOT be crossrealm, and it must not be automated.


BioWare is not responsible for the things that comes out of our fingertips into the chatbox, but they can do everything in their power to prevent the trolls from trolling. Not allowing a LFG is the first step in this direction. Whether you like it or not, its the truth.

Edited by mattdell
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I happen to be in the anti LFG group as well, however I think that some form of LFG (Such as an extra tab which shows all the players in the server looking for groups) wouldn't be bad.


However, what I don't want LFG to be is like queuing up for a warzone

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Actually, when WoW added the LFG tool, a whole new world of the game opened up. Before then, trying to find groups was nearly impossible, as it will be in SWTOR as well. The only thing we have gong for us in SWTOR is the population size. As it grows, the number of jerks will too and spamming chat for groups will get out of hand and useless. When the LFG tool came out in WoW, I was suddenly able to play content I had never seen before. Most Wrath dungeons had never seen me gracing their halls, and heroics--you're crazy. You had to be in an uber guild to run those. With the LFG tool, I played WoW for probably 2 years longer than I would have otherwise.
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This is a thread meant to show Bioware that the majority of players DO NOT want LFD or LFR tools even if they arent cross server because it has a huge impact on the community not only server but as a whole.


I srsly do not get why people started whining so much about this lately? Its not something that if you don't have you can't play the game properly.


I found groups and started groups for heroics 2/4 and flashpoint myself asking in the general chat .


Word of advice : DONT BE LAZY! And ask in the general chat and you will find people, sure it might take awhile sometimes but at least the spirit of the community will be kept alive.


Look what happened to WoW because of it ( again, the no cross server argument is invalid) - no more wpvp ( yes ganking at summoning stones was still considered pvp on pvp servers) and people turning jerks.


GET A GROUP YOURSELF and the satisfaction for finishing a flashpoint will be higher, you will get to know those players and eventually add them to your friends list.




The game currently with its sharding and very static ambience is already pushing a almost NWN feel . Aside form the space station i rarely see people. thank god i have a solid gamming guild that has been together since EQ 2 . I have made zero new aquaintances in this game largely do to ease of content and heavy sharding through the zones. A dungeon finder would destroy any chance of socializing with people on the station. I really like this game but there are some serious fundemental MMMO flaws. A dungeon finder would only put a nail in the coffin of TOR's in game server community's.

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I'm all up for an improved LFG tool, just as long as it isn't like the one WoW is currently using.


I would not mind something like one of the previous systems wow used. Just a nice little interface that shows who is looking for a specific instance but did not actually teleport you straight to the instance. I don't really see the problem.

Edited by Krabcakes
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It needs to be part of the game. Let the player decide if he wants to use it or turst in his fellow gamers to get a group without spamming in fleet wasting time. If you dont want the LFG que dont use it, dont punish those of us who play at odd times because you want a sense of community
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Yes, search the forums and you will find that the majority of SWTOR players hate the ideea of an LFD Tool.


(Buzzer sound)


Oh, I'm sorry contestant that is the wrong answer!


Actually, the forum represents only a very small percentage of the player base. Considering the majority of forum posters are repeat posters and the fact that this game has well over 1 million subs, the forum most likely represents less than 2-3% of the entire game population.


Thanks for playing though and we'll see ya next time!


Y'all come back now!

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This is a thread meant to show Bioware that the majority of players DO NOT want LFD or LFR tools even if they arent cross server because it has a huge impact on the community not only server but as a whole.


I srsly do not get why people started whining so much about this lately? Its not something that if you don't have you can't play the game properly.


I found groups and started groups for heroics 2/4 and flashpoint myself asking in the general chat .


Word of advice : DONT BE LAZY! And ask in the general chat and you will find people, sure it might take awhile sometimes but at least the spirit of the community will be kept alive.


Look what happened to WoW because of it ( again, the no cross server argument is invalid) - no more wpvp ( yes ganking at summoning stones was still considered pvp on pvp servers) and people turning jerks.


GET A GROUP YOURSELF and the satisfaction for finishing a flashpoint will be higher, you will get to know those players and eventually add them to your friends list.




WoW exploded during the BC xpac, there was no LFD , no LFR, no EZ mode content.


WoW has been bleeding millions and millions of subs ever since they introduced LFD. It is garbage, the only people who like LFD are people with short attention spans who don't stay subb'd long anyways.


if bioware puts in cross server LFD, i will cancel immediately.

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This is a thread meant to show Bioware that the majority of players DO NOT want LFD or LFR tools even if they arent cross server because it has a huge impact on the community not only server but as a whole.


I srsly do not get why people started whining so much about this lately? Its not something that if you don't have you can't play the game properly.


I found groups and started groups for heroics 2/4 and flashpoint myself asking in the general chat .


Word of advice : DONT BE LAZY! And ask in the general chat and you will find people, sure it might take awhile sometimes but at least the spirit of the community will be kept alive.


Look what happened to WoW because of it ( again, the no cross server argument is invalid) - no more wpvp ( yes ganking at summoning stones was still considered pvp on pvp servers) and people turning jerks.


GET A GROUP YOURSELF and the satisfaction for finishing a flashpoint will be higher, you will get to know those players and eventually add them to your friends list.




You just dont get it, do you?

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WoW exploded during the BC xpac, there was no LFD , no LFR, no EZ mode content.


WoW has been bleeding millions and millions of subs ever since they introduced LFD. It is garbage, the only people who like LFD are people with short attention spans who don't stay subb'd long anyways.


if bioware puts in cross server LFD, i will cancel immediately.


Truth, and correlation from me.

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A dungeon finder would only put a nail in the coffin of TOR's in game server community's.


I disagree. A dungeon finder would not be cross-server. It would have a positive impact on on the community as people would not have to sit around spamming chat.


The fact that we do not even have server forums makes any comments about community laughable anyway.

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