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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post your Smugglers name


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Mubbers Centauri, Republic Privateer (Gunslinger)


After Captain Mubbers the leader of the Lat Brigand Musicians from Moorcocks "The Dancers at the End of Time" which I was reading for about the 4th time when I made the character. I kinda wish I had stuck ' at either end to make it more a nickname than the actual name.


Hope they bring in a hairstylist option someday... I tried being funky, now I make sure to always wear a helm.

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The Outlaw Vith Forn :D


Forn is the last name that i gave my Revan in KotoR. So i just carried it over to this game. I just made up Vith after rolling through the random names on the character creation list, saw something similar to Vith cant remember what it was right now though lol.

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