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See this game wont go F2P


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3 weeks and they already are fixing major issues.


Tbh , good job to bioware , hat off for them



They have not even remotely touched the major issues. Even 1.1's PTR notes dont even close to touching even a small precentage of the most glareing issues. There just targeting easy to fix ones (ie Cheap to fix).

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SWTOR will die because of it's core design flaw


SWTOR is a WoW clone with less areas and more linearity. The question you have to ask is, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't? Voice over? REALLY? And i don't know if you've noticed but the cinematics and overall gameplay is TRAMPLED by actual single player games. In single player games, the world changes because of your actions. In SWTOR everything remains the same.


So SWTOR fails as a single player game AND as an MMO, either way you have to pay 15 dollars a month


Plain and simple. And i don't know if you've noticed, but peak times have gone from 16 full servers to 2 full servers.


Oh BTW, don't worry about SWTOR going F2P, EA is too proud to do something like that. Look at Warhammer for instance


Uber Troll

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I will take ANYONES bet that SWTOR will be free to play in a years time. Open your eyes people, yes it hurts but the fact is it's Sunday afternoon in Europe and the server lists are nearly all STANDARD with 5 or 6 heavy and none full. Most people have already left and another load will be leaving in 5 days time......hardly the stats of a successful game.
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SWTOR will die because of it's core design flaw


SWTOR is a WoW clone with less areas and more linearity. The question you have to ask is, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't? Voice over? REALLY? And i don't know if you've noticed but the cinematics and overall gameplay is TRAMPLED by actual single player games. In single player games, the world changes because of your actions. In SWTOR everything remains the same.


So SWTOR fails as a single player game AND as an MMO, either way you have to pay 15 dollars a month


Plain and simple. And i don't know if you've noticed, but peak times have gone from 16 full servers to 2 full servers.


Oh BTW, don't worry about SWTOR going F2P, EA is too proud to do something like that. Look at Warhammer for instance


Then stop playing. I love it and will continue to play. bye.

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It can go F2p or just be killed off as a failure, it doesn't matter, by the time it does I have no interest in coming back, since all the content can be finished within 1 month's time and it is more a singleplayer than an MMO.


Oh really? You have 8 50's and have cleared all endgame contenet and have max rank pvp and social and all items and color crystals and titles? really? in one month? Wow, grats.

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I will take ANYONES bet that SWTOR will be free to play in a years time. Open your eyes people, yes it hurts but the fact is it's Sunday afternoon in Europe and the server lists are nearly all STANDARD with 5 or 6 heavy and none full. Most people have already left and another load will be leaving in 5 days time......hardly the stats of a successful game.


You're still here?:rolleyes:

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To be honest, I consider Free to Play to be inevtiable just because there's usually more money to be made that way.


But I wouldn't expect to see free-to-play - even very limited free to play (say... free-till level 10) till after we see free trials.

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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With a release this bad, they'll likely break the game further trying to "fix" things or make further excuses. The game will then go F2P.


Talk is cheap.


Indeed it is. Every game critic praises SWTOR for delivering the smoothest AAA MMO launch in history, but Polly from the forum knows better. Talk is cheap.

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I will take ANYONES bet that SWTOR will be free to play in a years time. Open your eyes people, yes it hurts but the fact is it's Sunday afternoon in Europe and the server lists are nearly all STANDARD with 5 or 6 heavy and none full. Most people have already left and another load will be leaving in 5 days time......hardly the stats of a successful game.


mind if I tell you that you posted this at 1PM 'europe-time'?


y'know... people over here have this habit of doing stuff with the family during the day on sunday. a lot of people are probably also having lunch.


check again in 4-5 hours

Edited by amnie
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One thing they can do to for thos of us who will be force to fight level 50 on full set of easy mode CHAMPION GEAR the they did not work for


is put expertise on every single piece of level 40 pvp gear and if you where to do this


Put Expertise in every single level 40 pvp gear piece we wont need brakets the my kill pvp in this game theres other options and thes put expertise on level 40 pvp gear set and leave the brakets how they are so they stay fast


even if you make a level 50 bracket level 50 players whit no real pvp gear will get camp by level 50 on champion gear

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The very fact that the game was forced to go to F2P is indicative of failure. They don't go from subscription-based to F2P unless they're making markedly less money than they expected to.


There are plenty of reasons why a game didn't get the initial rush. Bigger releases came out that month or there wasn't much of a marketing budget. Some people may just not be interested in paying for a brand they aren't extremely interested in (like DC Universe). DDO couldn't get my subscription money right away, but once they went F2P I tried it out, even bought a few adventure packs and class/races.

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F2P is a sign of MMO failure. Bioware is preventing this by addressing a lot of problems.


Hence the game will not go F2P if Bioware continues to be this responsive and effective.


LOTRO went F2P like 3 years ago. I guess all those Expansions they keep releasing are just for show.

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It's a misconception that going F2P means an MMO has failed. There are plenty of F2P MMOs that make a profit and are financially successful. They may not be some giant juggernaught, but then, not even P2P mmos are. The second larges AAA MMO out there uses a hybrid P2p and F2P model and it's doing just fine. If TOR was F2P it'd prolly see an even larger playerbase since there are a lot of people who don't wanna fork money on another wow clone, but would be willing to play it if it was free. And from there, if they enjoy the game, they buy things for it.


Companies are only ever worried about going F2P if they know their game isn't good. With a P2P model players are essentially blackmailed into playing. They've paid for it and they want to feel justified, they don't want buyers remorse so they keep playing. Then they've spent the time building up their char and would feel bad for just leaving and letting all that money and time go to waste, so they keep subbing. With a F2P model that fear isn't there, so if the game's bad, people will just up and leave without a care in the world. Only good games can survive with a F2P model.


So going F2P only marks the death of an MMO if that MMO was a ****** wow-clone to begin with.

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