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See this game wont go F2P


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Wow really? Serious hater right there! Do everyone that enjoys this game and cancel your sub immediately! Go back to you precious WoW. I played WoW off and on for a number of years and I cant stand it. I only found it enjoyed when it first came out. So please leave aned never come back


That's why you played for years, right?

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Main thing for me is that the game doesnt feel like StarWars at all. Its a shame because the first 30 levels or so are really good, everything, graphics, locations, combat, even crafting. After that its like they just realised it was taking too long and rushed.


Quests become less varied.

Locations become more boring.

Endgame crafting is worthless. The idea is brilliant, but in execution it is lacking. Do I really want to take 45 minutes to craft something or wait 2 hours for a mission on the offchance I might get the mat I want?

Combat becomes tedious, speedering around mobs rather than fighting, but you cant because its mostly just mob filled coridors.

Too many companions to keep geared/happy/involved, and they basically get abandoned at endgame.

PvP is laggy and dull. Reward system is messy.

World PvP is, just pointless.

Heroics/raids are buggy/untuned.

Orange modable gear is worthless.

Lightside/Darkside gain is pointless other than forcing you to take certain actions, same with companion gain.

Space combat is awesome, but the same 3 missions and trying to pretend its a different mission? Come on.

Endgame gear looks totally stupid.


This is just content wise, I really dont need to get started on bugs.


Noone expected SWTOR to have the content WoW has, but there is no reason it should be years behind on almost every level, it should be streets ahead.

Edited by eloco
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Main thing for me is that the game doesnt feel like StarWars at all. Its a shame because the first 30 levels or so are really good, everything, graphics, locations, combat, even crafting. After that its like they just realised it was taking too long and rushed.


Quests become less varied.

Locations become more boring.

Endgame crafting is worthless. The idea is brilliant, but in execution it is lacking. Do I really want to take 45 minutes to craft something or wait 2 hours for a mission on the offchance I might get the mat I want?

Combat becomes tedious, speedering around mobs rather than fighting, but you cant because its mostly just mob filled coridors.

Too many companions to keep geared/happy/involved, and they basically get abandoned at endgame.

PvP is laggy and dull. Reward system is messy.

World PvP is, just pointless.

Heroics/raids are buggy/untuned.

Orange modable gear is worthless.

Lightside/Darkside gain is pointless other than forcing you to take certain actions, same with companion gain.

Space combat is awesome, but the same 3 missions and trying to pretend its a different mission? Come on.

Endgame gear looks totally stupid.


This is just content wise, I really dont need to get started on bugs.


Noone expected SWTOR to have the content WoW has, but there is no reason it should be years behind on almost every level, it should be streets ahead.

Yeah I didn't favor 30+ much.

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lol are you naturally that stupid, or do you have to work at it? Maybe you just choose to ignore the current sales figures out there right now. If so, please go read them.


Oh, remember WoW fanboys you get pandas soon, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOL

What's wrong with Pandas?

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I predict F2P within 3 months. They are already closing threads like mad if you post that you cancelled your sub, and I'm seeing many of those. The major player hemorhage has begun. I couldn't stomach 30 levels of this "MMO". shoulda called it KOTOR 3 with multiplayer features.
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And once again, Joe Blow, with his Gamer PhD, has decided he knows more than the entire game software development industry workforce!


How... special. How... unoriginal.


Go do your homework, kids.

Edited by KippTabor
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I'm not even getting the thread that he linked, it goes right to the PTR forums.


As for patching, it's not patched until it's on the live servers. So no, Bioware hasn't really "addressed" anything yet. They are working towards (maybe) fixes, but I'm really not sure what ones as there isn't a comprehensive list of what they are working on.


I can say I'm working on the next, best car ever. It's going to have x y z features and cost x amount. That doesn't mean it's true. I can be sitting on the crapper "thinking" about it and that would constitute "working" on it in Bioware's eyes.


Look at the 1.1 patch notes that are up for the PTR.

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I predict F2P within 3 months. They are already closing threads like mad if you post that you cancelled your sub, and I'm seeing many of those. The major player hemorhage has begun. I couldn't stomach 30 levels of this "MMO". shoulda called it KOTOR 3 with multiplayer features.



The reason they close threads is because all that is, is spam for the sake of spam. Nobody really needs to know, or cares if you post 20 "Cancelled my sub today" threads. There are enough already.


I am so annoyed at the amount of people that just refuse to let this game succeed. If you don't like the game, don't play it. It is that simple. Don't troll the games forums, don't spread malicious lies (like the banning emails that have gone around pretty much every gaming website)


Will some players quit? Yes.


Will some stay? Yes.


This was a very smooth launch, with a lot of things going for it. While there may be some bugs, and issues with the game, people need to take into consideration that it has been out for less than a month (even if you figure that early access was the actual launch, which it was not). Other games have had much worse launches. Age of Conan had nothing past a certain level, and you were forced to grind your way up, and with no endgame at launch. WoW went through so many changes during vanilla, and even more throughout the expansions.



And that is another thing. WoW has 6-7 some odd years to develop itself. Compare current WoW to vanilla WoW. There were horrible stat allotment on gear, certain classes were nearly useless, dungeons and raids (up to a point) were almost identical with barely any variety. But guess what, The last half of WoW before it received an expansion was when they started getting it right. You have to remember that vanilla wow had like 14 major content patchs, adding battlegrounds, dungeons, raids, fixing or updating classes, removing certain aspects of the game. Naxxramas in vanilla was really when class itemization hit its best point in WoW, but hardly anyone saw it. Until then you could see healing classes with strength gear, classes that gained nothing from spell damage receiving gear that increased it, etc.


With regards to flight, that limited every expansion since BC. It was frustrating to have to rebuy the ability to fly in each expansion, and it limited the direction the game could go. As much as I personally feel Star Wars should have flying mounts, the sheer amount of gameplay balance that would have to go into a move like that would probably make any attempt to add that feature a nightmare.


In summation, if you do not like the game, do not spread malicious lies, or try and rile people who do like the game up. And give the game time to evolve and grow and find its place in the market. Personally I love it, and will be playing for a while. At least give them a chance.

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I predict F2P within 3 months. They are already closing threads like mad if you post that you cancelled your sub, and I'm seeing many of those. The major player hemorhage has begun. I couldn't stomach 30 levels of this "MMO". shoulda called it KOTOR 3 with multiplayer features.


so the most hyped mmo that is selling quite well right now is going to convert to f2p faster than any mmo ever has?? is it fun to think so unrealistically??

Edited by mcburly
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And once again, Joe Blow, with his Gamer PhD, has decided he knows more than the entire game software development industry workforce!


How... special. How... unoriginal.


Go do your homework, kids.


Betting against an MMO becoming a runaway success is one of the safest bets you can make. You don't need a Gamer PhD.

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I predict F2P within 3 months. They are already closing threads like mad if you post that you cancelled your sub, and I'm seeing many of those. The major player hemorhage has begun. I couldn't stomach 30 levels of this "MMO". shoulda called it KOTOR 3 with multiplayer features.


Very doubtful unless it was planned for F2P which nothing suggests. I would also anticipate that BW expects a significant decline after the initial sales because that's common for almost all MMOs.


The game has a lot of Star Wars and BW fans and should be sustainable for many months. EA/BW have stated they need 500k subs to be profitable. It would take several months of strongly declining subscription numbers that went below 500k or look to go under 500k in the near term before they went F2P and even then they would need to design and implement it which would take a few months. It might also be something that Lucas Arts would need to be involved in which could add additional complications.

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After reading so many negative posts I really started to think about why people would post bad things here about this game if they only intend to quit. I think I know why, or at least why I am doing it.


I like mmorpgs. The first one for me, at least large scale, was final fantasy xi. I remember looking into the distance and being awed at how far i could see far off landscape, and it wasn't there just as an image, I could actually travel there. The scope and size of the world just totally blew me away, and I've been hooked on these type of games ever since.


When I quit ffxi and started playing wow, I again got this feeling, the world is huge, i can explore where I want. Yes it is linear, but this game feels more linear to me than any other I have played, even more so than rift. That feeling , I just dont' like, and I don't want the mmo industry to get the idea that this is a good direction for games of this genre to go, so I am here voicing my opinion that I don't like it, and I have already cancled my sub.


I am currently level 38 sith sorc, and every zone I have seen so far feels so dead, linear and completely dull I feel like i'm playing a single player game. The story was neat for a while, but I can't see paying a monthly sub for a story that will eventually end. That feels like buying a book and then paying monthly to own it. After you read it, there's no reason to keep paying for it.


I really wanted to like this game, but I just don't get that open game feeling I get from some other mmos here. Fans can curse this post all you like, but it just isn't there for me, and I hope games like this aren't the future of the mmo genre.

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