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See this game wont go F2P


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Yes. Very.

At least not less than swtor.

All theme park mmos are linear, by design.

Now if you dont like swtor, I suggest you go back to pandas, I'veheard they know kung-fu and that their quests are not linear: kill 20 boars, kill 5 elephants, kill 8 butterflies, kill 12 tigers.

This HAS to be a troll. No one without post purchase rationalization would because SWTOR is less linear than WoW


Oh BTW, in SWTOR you still kill 10 rats, only difference is the rats are now droids and you have to listen to someones life story before you do it


-Free the rats (+10 lightside)

-Do Nothing

-Kill the rats (+10 Darkside)



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Really? WoW is linear? The fact that most WoW zones are bigger than SWTORs planets are? The fact that you can FLY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME (Without getting banned I might add)? THAT'S linear?


Tell me. How many times will you do Coruscant before wanting to smash your computer? It was about 3 times for me.


And guess what, you'll follow that SAME progression path in ALL of your characters. And ALL your characters will share 80% of the quests


Not to mention:

-No dungeon finder

-ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area

-Less bugs

-Better quests (Retaking cities, driving tanks, etc. In SWTOR you just talk to someone. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Walk to another area to TALK SOME MORE)

-More classes

-Better UI


The list goes on. So I ask again, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't?




1. Flying anywhere you want, now, how long did that take, 4 expansions and 7 years?

2. How many times do you want to do firelands while puking in a bucket and knowing its no difference than MC, same models on the mobs, and the same enviorment.

3. All of your characters share 100% of the quests in WoW, there isnt even a storyline for each race.

4. No dungeon finder, neither was there a dungeon finder for WoW at the start, LFM UBRS

5. " ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area

" What :S

6. Less bugs ... the game isnt even a month old, U wanna talk about WoW and its bugs when ti got released? Remember the looting handicap? Were ur character was looting with 1 hand up in the air for about 3 months while fighting mobs?

7. Once again, running with tanks, that came in the WOTLK expansion, wich is when the game was what? 5 years old?!?! And retaking cities? Oh please, dont even try to tell me that WoW has world pvp .

8. More classes .. 7 years old game, it better have more classes, and it has gotten 1 past the 7 years :D

9. I love the SWTOR UI, dont even know why people are complaining, but as always, and in time, there will be people producing addons.


Anything else u want to get off ur chest?

Edited by Danijal
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Really? WoW is linear? The fact that most WoW zones are bigger than SWTORs planets are? The fact that you can FLY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME (Without getting banned I might add)? THAT'S linear?


Tell me. How many times will you do Coruscant before wanting to smash your computer? It was about 3 times for me.


And guess what, you'll follow that SAME progression path in ALL of your characters. And ALL your characters will share 80% of the quests


Not to mention:

-No dungeon finder

-ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area

-Less bugs

-Better quests (Retaking cities, driving tanks, etc. In SWTOR you just talk to someone. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Walk to another area to TALK SOME MORE)

-More classes

-Better UI


The list goes on. So I ask again, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't?


What does star wars offer? ITS NOT **** like wow has become for a starter. Go back to your lfr mate and run it 10 times a week on alts.

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One of Bioware's guys talked to TTH and said that he felt that Star Wars fit the sub model and even went to say that the F2P model suits games that don't have a higher production quality on part with big name games such as WoW or TOR. Unless the game magically loses 900k subs in one month, they won't go F2P because it would be more profittable for a subscription based model.
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<Insert obligatory "Stop comparing SWToR to a game thats been in development for 7 years" comment.>


Yeah, but I think the issue is the game seems to be attempting to compete with WoW 7 years ago. That's a misstep.


I think they can correct it if they do a full space-sim in an expansion, that'd be enough to differentiate it. Otherwise it's sort of a not very good WoW with some bits of great single player RPG sprinkled around.


I still think 30 days of play time in the game is worth $60, though. :)

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Really? WoW is linear? The fact that most WoW zones are bigger than SWTORs planets are? The fact that you can FLY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME (Without getting banned I might add)? THAT'S linear?


Tell me. How many times will you do Coruscant before wanting to smash your computer? It was about 3 times for me.


And guess what, you'll follow that SAME progression path in ALL of your characters. And ALL your characters will share 80% of the quests


Not to mention:

-No dungeon finder

-ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area

-Less bugs

-Better quests (Retaking cities, driving tanks, etc. In SWTOR you just talk to someone. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Walk to another area to TALK SOME MORE)

-More classes

-Better UI


The list goes on. So I ask again, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't?


You're an idiot!


WOW has been out for years and you expect the same amount of content and features from SWTOR? When WOW was released you could have applied all of those criticisms to it. If you want to smash your computer go right ahead suggests to me you are impatient and have rage issues. try a shrink.


Much love :x

Edited by Inspyrd
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"I can offer a list of differences"


And you offered 2 which i mentioned already. WOW KILLER BIOWARE AAA QUALITY


Oh and that whole "We don't have a main villain"? Remember Darth Malgus and Revan?

They're both 4 man bosses

. Enjoy



um....LOL....Darth Malgus was killed by Revan in KOTOR....yes you do fight Revan as Empire but you don't kill him..he isn't really a villain...and btw I have read most of your arguments on here and I just have to say you're trying way to hard man...way to hard...

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You're an idiot!


WOW has been out for years and you expect the same amount of content and features from SWTOR? When WOW was released you could have applied all of those criticisms to it. If you want to smash your computer go right ahead suggests to me you are impatient and have rage issues. try a shrink.


Much love :x


What I would expect is that Games and developing/technology has moved on 7 years since that.

It is a bigger market;

a title 6 years in development with the reported budget of 130million and they've copy and pasted quite an amount of the universe, boring missions that just go on and on and on find x kill y, rehashed animations countless times, with a rake of bugs, absoloutly atrocious beta testing policy, BASIC MMO features and a game with LESS features than MOST free MMOs out there that have had less dev time and a 3x smaller budget.


Benchmark it against any title in the genre and it's lacking.


Content does come, that doesn't bother me. I've enjoyed PvP so far and Warzones are fine and I've also enjoyed some Open World PvP just to put that into context.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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Really? WoW is linear? The fact that most WoW zones are bigger than SWTORs planets are? The fact that you can FLY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME (Without getting banned I might add)? THAT'S linear?


Tell me. How many times will you do Coruscant before wanting to smash your computer? It was about 3 times for me.


And guess what, you'll follow that SAME progression path in ALL of your characters. And ALL your characters will share 80% of the quests


Not to mention:

-No dungeon finder

-ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area

-Less bugs

-Better quests (Retaking cities, driving tanks, etc. In SWTOR you just talk to someone. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Walk to another area to TALK SOME MORE)

-More classes

-Better UI


The list goes on. So I ask again, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't?


-No dungeon finder- No need for one..

-ACTUAL social hubs that don't cram every FP and Raid into ONE area- what is more social than having everything extremely close together?

-Less bugs- you seriously expect the game to run EXACTLY the same on every computer on release? keep in mind this game has been in development for 6 years

-Better quests (Retaking cities, driving tanks, etc. In SWTOR you just talk to someone. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Walk to another area to TALK SOME MORE)- don't understand this.......every single quest in wow is the same...either kill x or collect x....I'm currently on my way to become a Darth and hopefully meet the Emperor..that's my quest.

-More classes- yeah you're right....kinda...I think 8 classes are plenty..but there are really 16 individual ones if you wanna get technical...

-Better UI- not even a month of release...it will happen...they have already stated they will be adding in support..

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Invisible walls are currently in place so Republic & Empire don't gank lowbies in towns.


This is just stupid.


If it's a PvE server, just let the opposing faction hang around each other cities without the PvP flag, guards won't intervene until it's enabled (or someone attacks someone, or whatever).


If it's a PvP server, who cares, that attitude IS expected.


Seriously, just another little detail I don't think would have taken much thought/effort to implement and would have added an enormous new layer of immersion, something we could all agree this game severely lacks.


Whatever it takes so we get rid of those annoying EXHAUSTION ZONE! PLEASE TURN BACK!


Gotta love'em... :confused:

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Man a lot of people on here have got things way off...


This is a new release, this is what happens when a new MMO is released get over it...


Wow had the same problems and more when that was released...


Rift had its fair share too


SWTOR is no different


People are expecting Bioware/EA to be any different from any of the other producers of MMO's ???




If SWTOR survives as long as WoW has then we can expect to see some vast improvements but as they are working on patches and fixes now I think they are doing a good job, the game is playable so I don't see why people are griping ? Just for the hell of it ? Try playing instead of moaning on here that something doesn't work...


Yes people are entitled to their own opinions yet I think a lot of them Troll lol lol lol lol too much :)

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Look at the sneak peaks, they just sliced those complain lists in half. I haft to say I'm impressed that they're getting in gear.


The odds of this game going F2P are slim to none for two reasons, one, Its EA/Bioware, two, F2P games suck and I think EA/Bioware/the player base know that. Btw, there is no such thing as a Free to play game, its called Pay to win or PTW for short.

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"I can offer a list of differences"


And you offered 2 which i mentioned already. WOW KILLER BIOWARE AAA QUALITY


Oh and that whole "We don't have a main villain"? Remember Darth Malgus and Revan?

They're both 4 man bosses

. Enjoy

They didn't die, that was MERELY A SETBACK.

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I didn't realize making more money counts as failure these days.

F2P though, as profitable it can be now a days, is like a last ditch effort for some MMO's to turn a profit. Look at DCOU, DC Universe, they went F2P in a year because of a lack of content.


While there will always be the Team Fortress, Lord of the Rings Online, and League of Legends that like to show us otherwise. The majority the others went F2P because they weren't making a large enough profit before hand, or a sign that they were failing.


OT: That's good, it's going to matter when there going to really implement the fixes. But it's good to know that the game is already trying to be fixed.

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Are you suggesting that SWTOR ISN'T riddled with load scenes?


Take these orbital stations for examples. They're literally load scenes for the sake of load scenes.

Yes, but surprise surprise this game's launch is as big as WoW is now. I personally, don't mind the load screens that much, they've been one of those "problems" that I've never noticed until people like you bring them out. This is the only game where I can say I am more troubled by the amount of people who hate it, then actual bugs and issues.

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If by "Evolve their environment" you mean add invisible walls and of course EXHAUSTION ZONE PLEASE TURN BACK right aside of anchor head


And riddle me this. Whats the freedom in clearing Eternity Vault in one night because end game takes no effort?


Dear Blackwater,


So if wow is better than this game? why are you keep trolling on SWTOR forum? can you do us a favor and go trolling on WOW forum?


Thank you

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Read the first few pages, and im shocked by how ignorant most seam to be. I have no other way to group these people other then being Ignorant gamers with a whining mentality. In order to explain this, I will sum it up.


First off. In terms of release, this game has had a very smooth and overall very few big issues, the Taris problem likely being the worst one they have had and they got working on that asap. And being a person who has been there at multiple MMO releases, only LOTRO has had a smoother one, but it being a game targeted at a much smaler market. Those stating that this game has had a bad start, simply have no clue at all on how most MMO's the last 3 years have gone during its start.


Second. Regarding missing features, alot of the desired features are the new features from wow. Like Dungeon Finder, More PvP Warzones, More zones in general to level in. While its true Wow have had a little more variation in options, like you could do Silverpine Forest instead of Barrens, its still not any better due to the fact the quality of the questing experience in wow has been ******. And for those that was there from the start can state it was very very grindy for a long time. Blizzard used many many years in a relative competative free enviorment to polish their game. People seam to forget all the issues wow has had. So basicly the amount of Content in TOR at release aint bad, a few more "alternative" planets like Quesh would be nice however, planets designed for 2 to 3 levels without to many quest lines. However, put this up on wishlist and get enough support behind it and Bioware might deliver.


Third. Stating it will fail because its a wow clone, I played wow. And I will tell you flat out, what the hell makes you think this is a clone of wow ? Dungeon system ? a raid system ? talent tree's ? dude thats been around in games like forever and are not trademarked for wow but because so many seam to play wow they seam to think it is. This game is using several common MMO features that has come to be called STANDARD in MMO's, this means not having it in is extremly risky. Its obvious that Bioware has made a game to target those that are looking for an alternative to wow, in doing so they have done a few things that has been briliantly done.


- They have made the voice acting and quest experience the by far best in recent MMO history, the quality of the questing experience in this game is amazing, this means quite alot of players will actualy level to max lvl for no other reason then following the story. This alone means Bioware has managed to get players to stay long enough to view their endgame, alot of MMO's struggle to get their players to STAY long enough to get to max level. This is the first big point to Bioware.


- While its not a clone, most players will be able to recongnize themselvs in SWTOR to other MMO's like wow, the concept of how the game works is close enough that most are able to catch on rather quickly making the learning curve of the game in the beginning very very easy, this means the game is very newbie friendly. Second big point to Bioware


- While one can not expect the level of finetuning in raid machanics etc from Bioware yet, they have stated clear that they are working on more content for us, more Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations and have statted they will add more low level content also. This already 3 weeks in, they are talking to us the community on what their plans are without revealing the details. And true there are tones of things I would LOVE to see in the game from other games, they are not required to make the game good.




So in short. Alot of people really need to learn what they are talking about before posting. But hey, its the internet, trolls and ignorant people are the majority. Expecting that to ever change is probably the most foolish of all.

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If by "Evolve their environment" you mean add invisible walls and of course EXHAUSTION ZONE PLEASE TURN BACK right aside of anchor head


And riddle me this. Whats the freedom in clearing Eternity Vault in one night because end game takes no effort?


Hop on your flying mount in your beloved WoW and start flying in any direction.


I'll wait a few minutes since the corridors in wow are a little larger to be sure.


What's that? You're flying into an exhaustion zone? What?


How can that be?

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F2P though, as profitable it can be now a days, is like a last ditch effort for some MMO's to turn a profit. Look at DCOU, DC Universe, they went F2P in a year because of a lack of content.


While there will always be the Team Fortress, Lord of the Rings Online, and League of Legends that like to show us otherwise. The majority the others went F2P because they weren't making a large enough profit before hand, or a sign that they were failing.


OT: That's good, it's going to matter when there going to really implement the fixes. But it's good to know that the game is already trying to be fixed.


Most profitable F2P games are so because they were designed around that revenue model in mind.


AFAIK, in the case of "western MMO's", many core elements are modified to suit this new model, and not all of them has the same level of success: LOTRO comes first to mind, and maybe DDO to a lesser extent. DCUO is too soon to tell?


TF2 was a different beast altogether, what I think it really happened is that sales plummeted (years after release) and to keep a constant development they needed constant revenue. They released a item store and, amazingly, it worked. The game itself wasn't being bought as much as before, so it might as well be free as to increase potential customers.

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Hop on your flying mount in your beloved WoW and start flying in any direction.


I'll wait a few minutes since the corridors in wow are a little larger to be sure.


What's that? You're flying into an exhaustion zone? What?


How can that be?


I cancelled wow and I'm only playing this since a few days before release now.


I'm loving many aspect of this game, really no sarcasm intended.


I like the combat better, ye I don't care about the delay since it feels and looks alot cooler to fight.


I love the voiceovers and the great stories.


Why am I not feeling just as much as home as I did in wow?


They didn't find the x-factor sadly, I don't feel like "playing all the time" with this game, it doesn't feel like an MMO! I don't find any places particularly "homey", where is my social hub? I can't even see it even though I'm standing around with 50 other players.


I'm sorry, I'm just not as impressed as I thought I would be, I really wanna love this game.


I guess expectations were too high while waiting for it for several years :S

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The list goes on. So I ask again, what does SWTOR offer that WoW doesn't?


From my point SWTOR offers me things WoW could not since I could never play WoW for more than a week. I tried to return to in several times but same thing, couldn't last more than several days. At that time I was playing EQ2.


So obviously SWTOR offers things WOW does not (at least to me and my friends who also do not play WoW) since I'm still playing it since early access and I do not see myslef stopping from playing it anytime soon. And I don't particularily care that endgame is not yet great because me and the friends I play with do not rush to max level and we play several characters at different times to discover the various class stories.


So yes I will play over the same side quests at least four times since I intend to play each class to the end. But I already did that with other mmorpgs (EQ, EQ2, LOTR, Rift, and more). I dont really mind that.


In the end it is a question of personal taste.

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um....LOL....Darth Malgus was killed by Revan in KOTOR....yes you do fight Revan as Empire but you don't kill him..he isn't really a villain...and btw I have read most of your arguments on here and I just have to say you're trying way to hard man...way to hard...


Malak, not Malgus. Two different people. I know its confusing because they have similar tatse in lower-jaw ornamentation, but bear with me. Malgus was the dude in the SWTOR trailers while Malak was the dude in the Red PJs (I'm kidding, a little) who betrayed his master, and had his *** handed to him in return.

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