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Operative / Scoundrels - Are they balanced?


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I play an assassin and I love my class, I have the ability to defend and do good sustained damage - nothing too bursty except for when they get low and I can execute. I have full Champion gear and over 480 expertise and am always playing in tank stance with a hybrid shock build. So I'm normally pretty hard to take down...


But whenever an Operative or Scoundrel jumps me, and I don't have my trinket, they ALWAYS drop my health down below 40% in 2-3 seconds, and after that I can survive for 3-4 seconds more before they tear me apart - is this normal? I would understand if I was under-geared or a lowbie but I'm not - I have almost 6000+ armor over 15'000 hps - how is it that any class can drop over half my hps in just a few seconds?


Am I the one doing something wrong here? Even if I do pop my trinket they just vanish and open up on me again doing insane amounts of damage.


Any tips would be helpful, or should I just bend over and take it? ( vs equally or greater geared operatives/scoundrels ) I can take on anything else except for certain tank classes and op/smugg. :(

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There is currently no way to counter this either. The knockdown opener they do cannot be trinketed out of. You just get to take it until it gets under control.


My level 50 sniper in pvp gear still gets whacked down to 1/3 hp in 3 seconds. Nothing you can do.


It also doesn't knock people down a good portion of the time or makes them warp across the screen due to its buggy nature. Also, it gives you a full resolve bar, and it CAN be trinketed out of.

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I play an assassin and I love my class, I have the ability to defend and do good sustained damage - nothing too bursty except for when they get low and I can execute. I have full Champion gear and over 480 expertise and am always playing in tank stance with a hybrid shock build. So I'm normally pretty hard to take down...


But whenever an Operative or Scoundrel jumps me, and I don't have my trinket, they ALWAYS drop my health down below 40% in 2-3 seconds, and after that I can survive for 3-4 seconds more before they tear me apart - is this normal? I would understand if I was under-geared or a lowbie but I'm not - I have almost 6000+ armor over 15'000 hps - how is it that any class can drop over half my hps in just a few seconds?


Am I the one doing something wrong here? Even if I do pop my trinket they just vanish and open up on me again doing insane amounts of damage.


Any tips would be helpful, or should I just bend over and take it? ( vs equally or greater geared operatives/scoundrels ) I can take on anything else except for certain tank classes and op/smugg. :(


You are a op/scoundrels anticlass. If you are not beating them one on one something is wrong with the person behind the keyboard.


They should never ever get the opener on you if you are both stealthed and you know they are around. Their entire dps revolves around a positional opener and as soon as you see them you should be hitting them with ur insta cast.


After that they are yours. I can turn it around and say when a assassin/shadow gets the jump on me? I am screwed. When ranged gets the jump on me 30 yards away? I am screwed.


The only reason people aren't crying about assassins/shadows on this board is there is no combat log. If they knew the burst they were chaining together out of stealth, people would be crying nerfs for them as well.


The fastest I have ever died has not been to a operative. It has been to an assassin who had procs. As far as premades? Assassins/shadows are superior because they offer guard/taunts/ranges stuns/WAY better healer interupts because a op/scoundrel's opener fills their tagets resolve bar.


The ONE class that shouldn't cry about ops/scoundrels is yours. Who has a legitimate complaint? Bounty hunters/commandos that are dps specced and sorc/sages who are dps specced. The problem? Both specs can do more warzone dmg and are a hard counter to other melee. We are their counter. Why are they crying? Because they want no counter. Same reason idiot mages cried in WoW and STILL continue to cry in WoW on their forums.


As far as healers? When guard/taunt and expertise gear are used? We are probably the worst "healer killer/interupter" in the game. Healers running around without guard (why would they) and without expertise (brackets will fix this)? Yeah we destroy them. So does any burst class in WoW before resilience.

Edited by biowareftw
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i honestly dont understand why people qq so much about balance


it doesnt get more balanced than mirrored classes in a side vs side pvp game



the only thing messed up right now are abiluty animation delays but they will be fixed and the sides have mirrored classses


ias far as OP goes and its mirror ,,, in a pvp match or open world


if they blow their quick opening wad on one of my teammates ... i kill the OP in about 6 secs maybe 10 max sometimes 5 ....if they get jump on me then they get me a lot as thry should unless i get away or have bubble and cc locks up ... i am a sage and never played a OP but ill tell you this ill own them in pvp warzones becuase as soon as i see them take down a team mate there is nothing and i mean nothing they can do then ... no escape for them from me they are dead quick ... i think everyone forgets that



if they get jump on me they will kill me 3 out of 5 times that seems balanced to me in a pvp team game with mirrored classes since there are more scenarios they die to me under



why all they qqing all the time everyday by qqers im sick of it


qqing over crap that aint broke cuase games to go downhill quick and become very very very bland becuase of what devs do with a nerf bat .... many times over reactive and unneeded



just becuase you die a lot in pvp


doesnt mean anything other than maybe you do not know how to hot key as well as others and and maybe your not good at remembering where your keys are or worse yet if your a keyboard mover or turner in pvp give it up youll die repeatedly over and over to a mouse turner / mover


only movement keys you need from keyboard are strafe and jump everything else should be with mouse or youll lse over and over in pvp if you using your curser to click cast from hotbar you will die over and over and over

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No, they're completely faceroll. Don't feel bad losing to a fotm baddie that can't hack it playing any other class.



Rofl wow. Quit throwing around terms when you clearly don't even know what they stand for.


FOTM baddie = flavor of the month baddie. Generally a term reserved for individuals who have rerolled or began playing their operative to own in PvP until the next patch.


You know how many people knew operatives were going to be strong at release? Clearly not many. I'm lucky if I see one a battleground. Usually what happens to a quickly thrown together talent tree at the end of beta, tested by next to one at 50. Yes, I'm sure TONS of people 3 weeks into the game leveled their asses off to get to 50, realized operatives hit hard as sh--, then quickly leveled an operative to 50 and have since geared them out in full champion gear.


You win my idiot of the day. Idiot.

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Rofl wow. Quit throwing around terms when you clearly don't even know what they stand for.


FOTM baddie = flavor of the month baddie. Generally a term reserved for individuals who have rerolled or began playing their operative to own in PvP until the next patch.


You know how many people knew operatives were going to be strong at release? Clearly not many. I'm lucky if I see one a battleground. Usually what happens to a quickly thrown together talent tree at the end of beta, tested by next to one at 50. Yes, I'm sure TONS of people 3 weeks into the game leveled their asses off to get to 50, realized operatives hit hard as sh--, then quickly leveled an operative to 50 and have since geared them out in full champion gear.


You win my idiot of the day. Idiot.


You're lucky to see one in a WZ, so that makes them underpopulated? Ranged already has a distinct advantage due to lag and ability delay, you honestly think people didn't realize fairly quick that Ops were strong? They don't need to be 50 or in full Champion gear to be so. Oh,and thanks for the award. You win my "Smug, Jack*ss of the Week" Award. Enjoy.

Edited by Jesmcalli
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No, they're completely faceroll. Don't feel bad losing to a fotm baddie that can't hack it playing any other class.


Being the FOTM class means that there are thousands of people playing them in pvp across all lvls of play. But you really only see a few of them at 50 ever so often in a pvp match. what you always see and hundreds of them are sages/sorcs.

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Being the FOTM class means that there are thousands of people playing them in pvp across all lvls of play. But you really only see a few of them at 50 ever so often in a pvp match. what you always see and hundreds of them are sages/sorcs.


Exactly. It is not FOTM if you don't see them around every corner. I do say they are the least played class in this game currently.


Which again means that you have least experience playing againt them, which again leads to that you counter them wrong and they own you because of that.

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There is currently no way to counter this either.




I would say that they are balanced IF there was a counter to stealth or some way to mitigate the damage. However, in the current state, these classes are not balanced.

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No, they're completely faceroll. Don't feel bad losing to a fotm baddie that can't hack it playing any other class.


They are not fotm at the moment. Actually they are far, far away from beeing fotm as the least played class on a rep side.


Anyway, according to your statement i rolled a scoundrel at EGA because i would be destroying enemies in PVP. Do you think i'm some kind of fortunteller to know beforhand that they will be like they are? Get a grip dude.


I rolled a scoundrel because they seemed to be like for example burglars in LOTRO not because i thought they will be fotm (according to you).


For you, every person playing a scoundrel rolled because of how it is in PVP?

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I would say that they are balanced IF there was a counter to stealth or some way to mitigate the damage. However, in the current state, these classes are not balanced.



there is a counter to stealth, BHs and troopers get an ability to detect stealth. also some classes, mainly tanks, have talents to increase stealth detection.

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Rofl wow. Quit throwing around terms when you clearly don't even know what they stand for.


FOTM baddie = flavor of the month baddie. Generally a term reserved for individuals who have rerolled or began playing their operative to own in PvP until the next patch.



Warzones are currently filled with reroll operatives/scoundrels. Every warzone I've played in the last 3 days has been made up of mid to high lvl everything else and low lvl operatives/scoundels.


So yes I call them fotm right now judging by what I'm seeing.

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Warzones are currently filled with reroll operatives/scoundrels. Every warzone I've played in the last 3 days has been made up of mid to high lvl everything else and low lvl operatives/scoundels.


So yes I call them fotm right now judging by what I'm seeing.


I've noticed this.


What these people don't realize is that Operatives are pretty terrible until late 30's and really get cooking at 40 with acid blade. Most of them will give up before then.


In the meantime I'll just continue to gank them.

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Warzones are currently filled with reroll operatives/scoundrels. Every warzone I've played in the last 3 days has been made up of mid to high lvl everything else and low lvl operatives/scoundels.


So yes I call them fotm right now judging by what I'm seeing.


Simple solution, just do screenshots of the score table after let's say 10 warzones? I assure you and am ready to bet you that all we will see at those screenshots will be that there are loads of Sages, Sorcs, Mercs, BH's, Troopers and Gunslingers and the class that will be represented the least on those screenshots will be a Scoundrel.


I bet this will be the same on almost all servers regardless of who will take the screenshots.


I'm also playing warzones everyday and i see no sudden influx of scoundrels/operatives.

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I play an assassin and I love my class, I have the ability to defend and do good sustained damage - nothing too bursty except for when they get low and I can execute. I have full Champion gear and over 480 expertise and am always playing in tank stance with a hybrid shock build. So I'm normally pretty hard to take down...


But whenever an Operative or Scoundrel jumps me, and I don't have my trinket, they ALWAYS drop my health down below 40% in 2-3 seconds, and after that I can survive for 3-4 seconds more before they tear me apart - is this normal? I would understand if I was under-geared or a lowbie but I'm not - I have almost 6000+ armor over 15'000 hps - how is it that any class can drop over half my hps in just a few seconds?


Am I the one doing something wrong here? Even if I do pop my trinket they just vanish and open up on me again doing insane amounts of damage.


Any tips would be helpful, or should I just bend over and take it? ( vs equally or greater geared operatives/scoundrels ) I can take on anything else except for certain tank classes and op/smugg. :(


To answer your question no.. they are not.. the only class in the game that can take 13k+ health from full health 0 in 3-4 seconds.. anyone else who argues it either plays an op or is an idiot.

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You are a op/scoundrels anticlass. If you are not beating them one on one something is wrong with the person behind the keyboard.


They should never ever get the opener on you if you are both stealthed and you know they are around. Their entire dps revolves around a positional opener and as soon as you see them you should be hitting them with ur insta cast.


After that they are yours. I can turn it around and say when a assassin/shadow gets the jump on me? I am screwed. When ranged gets the jump on me 30 yards away? I am screwed.


The only reason people aren't crying about assassins/shadows on this board is there is no combat log. If they knew the burst they were chaining together out of stealth, people would be crying nerfs for them as well.


The fastest I have ever died has not been to a operative. It has been to an assassin who had procs. As far as premades? Assassins/shadows are superior because they offer guard/taunts/ranges stuns/WAY better healer interupts because a op/scoundrel's opener fills their tagets resolve bar.


The ONE class that shouldn't cry about ops/scoundrels is yours. Who has a legitimate complaint? Bounty hunters/commandos that are dps specced and sorc/sages who are dps specced. The problem? Both specs can do more warzone dmg and are a hard counter to other melee. We are their counter. Why are they crying? Because they want no counter. Same reason idiot mages cried in WoW and STILL continue to cry in WoW on their forums.


As far as healers? When guard/taunt and expertise gear are used? We are probably the worst "healer killer/interupter" in the game. Healers running around without guard (why would they) and without expertise (brackets will fix this)? Yeah we destroy them. So does any burst class in WoW before resilience.


This man is right. I agree and know that everything stated is true. This could be written on stone tablets from the word of Revan himself...but with all the whining, watch the stone tablets be broken.

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With equal gear, OPs are almost useless as melee spec.

Yes, they can kill baddies in 10 seconds, but against decent players who trinket the stun and then CC you back, you cant do anything: Operatives dont have a charge or srpint and need be be behind the target in melee range, other classes have knockbacks on a 20 sec cooldown. Do the math.



I personally specced healing and i am a MUCH greater influence.

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I have been playing an OP since early release..


We have great opening burst but we are not really OP if you think about a few things...


All of my burst skill require me to be behind the target, unlike lets say Voltaic Slash.. ( LOL ) If you think its easy to stay behind someone in a MMO without collision detection then your nuts.


If you let someone stay behind in an MMO then your really nuts...


Bottom line is we are designed to do high front-load ( or ummm rear load ) dmg .


We do not get abilitys that lets say let us run through acid and fire traps without taking dmg and force sprint to the goal line..


We do not get ablitys that let us fly from the bottom of the screen all the way across the screen and score..


In conclusion if you are attacked from BEHIND by a OP and sustain high dmg over a 3 to 5 sec span congrats cause that what were designed to do .

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