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Infuriated by Portrayal of Republic


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I have almost played through my whole quest line now (Consular) and it is one huge defeat/ crisis of the Republic after another. Everywhere I go the Republic is being beaten, destroyed, infiltrated etc...


It seems Bioware is going out of their way to show how inept and/or worthless the Republic military is. It seems in all the whole galaxy I am the only one that can do anything right.


At every turn the Empire is outsmarting us, outgunning us, and generally better than us. I am shuttled from one disater to the next, barely able to hold on.


Not once have I gone on the offensive for the Republic. To me this says that there is a huge bias against the way people view the Republic faction.


I have not played the imperial quest lines but I highly doubt they are all about inept, weak, pathetic soldiers that cannot do anything right alone and running from one failure to the next trying to keep pace. They are probably all about invading and conquering the Republic.


I am sick and tired of always being the faction that has the bias against it (In this case Republic).


I know that nothing can be done at this point. I just wanted to point it out for discussion.

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Did you not see the opening movie? The Sith have the upper hand, the Republic do not. It only makes sense that everything is an uphill battle.



Plus, the cardinal law of alignment is that it's way cooler to be evil.

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You should play some imperial storylines before complaining about this. It's not as biased as you might think.


I kinda felt the same was on my BH. Always trying to help the Empire fix something/regain control of something.

Edited by Vesperascit
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As a person who has played both sides a lot, its the same on the Empire side. Plenty of times I see inept troopers, sith lords and their infighting, and republic invading imperial controlled worlds through intermediaries.
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It's kind of like how Alliance is a total joke lore-wise in WoW.


Republic are the underdogs. If you don't like it you have to go Empire. I like being the underdog but don't like some of the crap coming along with it (right now mainly the insane faction imbalance that leads to republic side being a ghost town).

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I have almost played through my whole quest line now (Consular) and it is one huge defeat/ crisis of the Republic after another. Everywhere I go the Republic is being beaten, destroyed, infiltrated etc...


It seems Bioware is going out of their way to show how inept and/or worthless the Republic military is. It seems in all the whole galaxy I am the only one that can do anything right.


At every turn the Empire is outsmarting us, outgunning us, and generally better than us. I am shuttled from one disater to the next, barely able to hold on.


Not once have I gone on the offensive for the Republic. To me this says that there is a huge bias against the way people view the Republic faction.


I have not played the imperial quest lines but I highly doubt they are all about inept, weak, pathetic soldiers that cannot do anything right alone and running from one failure to the next trying to keep pace. They are probably all about invading and conquering the Republic.


I am sick and tired of always being the faction that has the bias against it (In this case Republic).


I know that nothing can be done at this point. I just wanted to point it out for discussion.


It's the same Empire side. Every quest you get is like that as well, the NPC Officers and Moffs in charge of the planet are some of the most useless rabble ever, and the Empire will surely fail unless YOU clean up the mess single-handedly.

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As a person who has played both sides a lot, its the same on the Empire side. Plenty of times I see inept troopers, sith lords and their infighting, and republic invading imperial controlled worlds through intermediaries.


Um, most of the planets ive been on consisted of:


"We got more republics whining, go stomp them into the ground to shut them up."

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It's the same Empire side. Every quest you get is like that as well, the NPC Officers and Moffs in charge of the planet are some of the most useless rabble ever, and the Empire will surely fail unless YOU clean up the mess single-handedly.



This only really makes sense. You're supposed to be one of the most powerful Sith/jedi to have ever lived, it wouldn't be as fun if everyone was like "We don't need you here, we're good".

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I have almost played through my whole quest line now (Consular) and it is one huge defeat/ crisis of the Republic after another. Everywhere I go the Republic is being beaten, destroyed, infiltrated etc...


It seems Bioware is going out of their way to show how inept and/or worthless the Republic military is. It seems in all the whole galaxy I am the only one that can do anything right.


At every turn the Empire is outsmarting us, outgunning us, and generally better than us. I am shuttled from one disater to the next, barely able to hold on.


Not once have I gone on the offensive for the Republic. To me this says that there is a huge bias against the way people view the Republic faction.


I have not played the imperial quest lines but I highly doubt they are all about inept, weak, pathetic soldiers that cannot do anything right alone and running from one failure to the next trying to keep pace. They are probably all about invading and conquering the Republic.


I am sick and tired of always being the faction that has the bias against it (In this case Republic).


I know that nothing can be done at this point. I just wanted to point it out for discussion.


As my Sith Warrior so far everything relies on you. You are always being mucked up by some hardcore republic/resistance/whatever problem. Planets aren't being occupied thanks to random republic backed resistances, until you come in and save it.


Really, it is about the same on the Imperial side.



The republic has Kubaz Spies on Droumund Kaas f*&@#& around, and that is the Empires capital.



The purpose of everyone around you seeming incompetent isn't intended to be bias against your faction, it is intended to sell you as the best of the best, the hero, the lead player.


You could look at the Star Wars movies and say the same. Gee, the republic seems so useless compared to the main characters. Gee, the Empire can't even hit a man sized target but Vader and Palpatine sure were awesome. So was Bobba.

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The Republic have morals and rush to the aid of those in need. In the Empire we just let them die. That's why it feels like you are inept, you waste your strength propping up the weak.


You haven't played enough Republic then. We get plenty of quests where the NPCs scream "What are you waiting for?? Just kill them all!" for revenge or other reasons, and then up to you if you want +light side/+dark side points.

Edited by corebit
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It is like on both sides. I left feedback on that in beta numerous times. It's more than annoying. You're not a hero on either side doing heroic things, you're a baby sitter.


Other than some planets main quest line, the world quests are horrid, and I would refuse to do them if not for the alignment/companion points, combined with credits.

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What nauseates me more is the blatant political correctness and left leaning moral equivalence nonsense in certain republic quests. I.e. torture is bad in all instances, less guns in the hands of sand people = a safer tatoonie; devs leave your real world political bent out of the game! It’s a huge turn off.
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What nauseates me more is the blatant political correctness and left leaning moral equivalence nonsense in certain republic quests. I.e. torture is bad in all instances, less guns in the hands of sand people = a safer tatoonie; devs leave your real world political bent out of the game! It’s a huge turn off.


Thats why I stopped playing republic I thought I would give them a chance. I made a trooper and lets just say after ordo mantell I deleted her and went back to my SI, IA and SW.

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What nauseates me more is the blatant political correctness and left leaning moral equivalence nonsense in certain republic quests. I.e. torture is bad in all instances, less guns in the hands of sand people = a safer tatoonie; devs leave your real world political bent out of the game! It’s a huge turn off.


Yes... bad guys having less guns to kill people with is SOOOO liberal. :rolleyes:

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Not true, the imperials have their moments of severe ineptitude, in fact when you go to tatooine the bottom line is rife with tardy behaviour and you get janitorial duty. I will tell you this though imperial story > republic story.


As a Sith Warrior I teamed up with a motley crew of republic soliders after sparing their lives, I call in a favour later on Nar Shadaar and we take on a Sith Lord whos knee is now forcefully bent and head rightfully bowing.


But really at the end of the day the main plot is that the republic ran the sith into the ground almost into extinction. They managed to crawl their way back into power and for centuries they consolidated immeasurable power and then...they returned.


For such a thing to happen so suddenly ofc the republic are a bit unsure with what to do having the Jedi council tea bagging anyone who thinks they should go on the offensive. The senates hands are tied.


Overall though, characters are more compelling for the imperials because it's full of conflict, deception and deceit! All very compelling, you're always fighting to stay on top and more so to stay alive. The republic stories are all about cheese and mimicking characters from the movies. It's very drab and childish most of the time; it lacks a lot of appeal as its not so compelling because of the lack of personal conflict.


Jedi start out on a place where monsters learn to use weapons...oh I'm so scared. Sith start out and someone has you marked for death. HOLY &*^%!!! Yeah that grabbed my attention.


Personal conflict > exterior conflict. Jedi fight other peoples wars, the Sith fight for their own cause. Bioware failed the republic through and through.

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Keep in mind that each classes story takes place at different points in time. The Jedi Knight's (as it seems) takes place last out of all the classes, and without giving too much away, from what I've seen so far, after the Jedi Knight leaves each planet and progresses, the Republic gradually gains the upper hand.


This makes sense that they would stagger the storylines, I was wondering the other day how they would make sense of each of the 8 classes succeeding at the same time. But since they've apparently staggered the timelines, it would make sense so that for some classes, they are at a time when the Empire has the upper hand, and others when the Republic is fighting back.




As for "liberal" or political bias. Do you not realize that the Star Wars Hexalogy is chock full of political references and points?

Also, this is the Star Wars universe, not ours. To the Jedi, any evil is evil, and cannot be justified.

Edited by Zekkau
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