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Auto-face. Why do people jump around me looking like idiots, thinking this is WoW.


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They are trying to exploit the "target not in sight" exploit that is available in many PVP games. It, however, doesn't work here and they aren't bright enough to realize it.

We are used to do it because it's necessary against melees (who don't have auto-facing), and it doesn't hurt anything anyway. Fights also rarely are 1v1 and being static just makes you an easier target.


I also for one didn't know that troopers had auto-facing, because I haven't met any trooper (or rather whatever the imperial version is called) hard enough to defeat to make me bother to research how that class works.

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My main ability requires me to be behind my target?


Also standing still while we both just mash our highest dps rotation reminds me how **** the pvp in this game really is.


so...all melee having an unlimited interrupt on on CD as in WOW is fun is it? ok......


Go back to wow young panda-wan.

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I'll sum up my perspective as a melee dps player.


1)Auto facing should be disabled.


2)Strafing and movement in PvP is critical to success as a melee player. Anything less will always favor ranged classes. Think about it. The classes do similar dps. Ranged can apply dps without keeping their target in the melee "hit box". This means melee NEED a way of positioning themselves to apply dps while avoiding their opponents dps.


3)IMHO jumping is silly and WAR did it right by making it ineffective in combat.


My 2 cents anyhow.

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First of all, you'd be surprised at how many people are confused just by running around them. It gives keyboard turners the "Which way did he go George?" effect. Sad but true. For that reason alone I'll use it on some players.


Secondly, there are quite a few people who will never bother to read the forums here nor do they pay enough attention in game, so a significant amount of people at this point aren't aware that there is auto-face in this game.

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I'll sum up my perspective as a melee dps player.


1)Auto facing should be disabled.


2)Strafing and movement in PvP is critical to success as a melee player. Anything less will always favor ranged classes. Think about it. The classes do similar dps. Ranged can apply dps without keeping their target in the melee "hit box". This means melee NEED a way of positioning themselves to apply dps while avoiding their opponents dps.


3)IMHO jumping is silly and WAR did it right by making it ineffective in combat.


My 2 cents anyhow.



Now go and play a Sniper. Not much fun when most of your abilities take a few seconds to cast and as a result melee has moved of of sight.

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This entire thread is pointless. Autofacing is disabled in PVP as far as the start of the attack goes (when it's important). Strafing around targets while attacking them is about as effective here as it was in WOW - i.e. very
Exactly... many clueless people in here.


This said, jumping is NOT effective in SW:TOR. You lose momentum when jumping. Jumping around like a kangaroo with mental illness doesn't make you win or lose - you can just move around without jumping, it'll work even better.


Learn to strafe.

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I like to jump because it's fun, but if it is a speed sap, I'll try to force it out of my routine.


I simply don't know why you wouldn't strafe, as a melee. Most of your attacks are instant, staying mobile can be a form of damage mitigation, it's certainly a mental tactic to annoy your opponent, based on this thread alone, and I find while your target is busy trying to catch you (Keyboard turning or otherwise), your fellow teammates can blindside him as they're tunnel visioned on you.


Simply put, in my time in ToR since Dec 13th (didnt PvP in beta), it's never hurt me or gotten me outplayed, and I eat soldiers/bounty hunters up on my Smugg and Op. Mainly because I find BH seem to think Death From Above really is making them fly and putting them out of reach of my attacks. If it ever does, I'll be sure to revisit my strategy.


Now, one thing I don't know is if there's an advantage to positioning; in other games you could remove Parry and other mitigations from the table.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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I'm ranged dps (Commando)


I am not a pvp expert, I am at best an average player. I tend to top damage/kills and win most 1v1's in wz's but that's because im 50, pvp geared, and have played enough to know the wz's fairly well.


I just enjoy instanced and/or organised pvp and have done so for almost 10yrs.


Bunny Hopping

Jumping in combat slows you down (was tested and was mentioned several times on the forums in beta). But that doesn't mean a running jump - mouse turn in mid air - cast - turn back in mid air and continue running is useless. It's still going to take the melee class longer to catch you and poke you with sharp objects than standing still, especially down corridors etc. It's not as if bunny hopping away from melee means they will instantly catch you. It's still 100% more effective than just running away. I personally prefer to strafe/circle, pillar hug and keep ranged distance but bunny hopping is still effective in many circumstances.



If 1v1 against an assassin, I will tend to auto-face cast (casting 1.5 sec cast grav round does auto-face). It is an easy mode to prevent him sniffing my butt. However this is only valid in 1v1 and it's more effective to knock back/snare/kite. But I do tend to use the auto-face just to annoy the assassin.


Final thought

Second thing you learn as ranged (first is never, ever, back peddle) is that standing in the same position for any time is telling the opposition you want a free pass back to the start point. I do wish they would remove the autoface from casting grav round (BH equivalent is Tracer Missile) as it's a little too easy to take out assassins as a ranged commando by just spinning on the spot, as in my opinion it teaches bad habits.

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You play the two "fotm" overpowered PvP classes (smuggler and OP) and you pretend to "eat" other classes... amusing :)


Are they FotM? I wasn't aware, I rarely see any on my server that aren't Slingers/Snipers. In fact, I'm usually the only Smug/Op in the WZ. They're OP? I'm gonna have to disagree at least for my Smuggler, since they're gimped compared to Agents on a major CD, a healing talent, and the kick rooting, unlike debilitate.


I rolled Agent because we were Imperials since Beta, but the only class that interested me was the Powertech BH. Two reasons: I come from a Warrior background in every MMO, and I loathe the Sith on an aesthetic, lore level. But that's where my friends wanted to go! I got to 25, decided BH wasn't for me after all, but that only left Agents as my Imperial class. I tried a Sniper and an Op.


After a week, it was decided to go Republic after all. I tried a Shadow, as I used to enjoy my LOTRO Warden and another friend told me his Assassin was as close as it could get. I liked Shadow, but I was actually specced Balance.


Not wanting to outlevel my friends, I alted a Smuggler. It's got it's issues, especially compared to the Agent when it comes to CDs and kick rooting, but I like it it became my (surprise) chosen class.


If it's FotM, I don't see it, but I always tend to pick classes or specs right before they take off, and am always there after the Month ends, because I don't play for power or domination, I play for fun.


As for eating them, yeah, I do. Chalk it up to stupid players? Why would you DFA a single target when there's another guy behind you? Kick. Punish. For the same reasons, I can tag Bleed on Assassins and then they wonder why they can't vanish. Or even better, people actually run away. Run away. While I lay into them.


Be easy, man.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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Everquest was very popular before wow.



Also, not everyone's attacks are like the skilless op's with auto target. Strafing/jumping around is actually a good thing against players who dont turn as fast as you do...


We have all just became a little more dumb by reading the above post. EVERQUEST., Befor everquest ULTIMA, after everquest DAOC, Shadowbane, we can continue.

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You still need to be facing them to start the casting.


Once you start its pointless, but the advantage comes when they jump behind as you finish a cast and try to cast again (aka grav round)


I am not sure of that, in a PVP warzone I had somebody selected, they went behind me and while they were behind me I pressed a channeled ability, and the lightning was going *behind* me.

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Can anyone explain to me how the auto-facing feature work? I play a melee class (I'm not keyboard turning) and I don't seem to be auto-facing anything...


Edit: I'm talking about PvP here... I know how it works in PvE!

Edited by Raven
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