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10 Good
  1. So much truth and insight here. Wish I could vote this guy's post up because it's a thoughtful, well written response.
  2. Many of us who pvp are scrappers. We rely heavily on our burst. A significant amount of the time, we're looking to unstealth, burn someone down as fast as possible and get back into stealth again. This further nerf to our burst causes us to be out in the open for even longer, butt cheeks flapping in the wind, just begging to be attacked from other pvper's while we're trying to quickly take down our target. From a numbers stand point, all classes took the same hit to surge but for all practical purposes in pvp, it hurt us even worse.
  3. There will be haters, make no mistake about it. Particularly since there are same faction matches in huttball. You spank someone repeatedly and they'll remember it. Most of them won't come out and say anything but when it comes mvp voting time you won't be getting the baddies votes more often than not.
  4. Case in point. If someone with his limited intelligence can play a sorc well then they truly do need a nerf.
  5. Just remove the bubble (otherwise known as static barrier). Anytime the bubble ability is mentioned in a thread people playing sorcs state it's virtually worthless anyway and that it usually only absorbs 1 hit. Since it's so underpowered they shouldn't have a problem giving it up entirely. This will end the QQ'ing from non-sorc classes and those players can move on to something else. I'm guessing this thread will cause sorcs to come out of the woodwork suddenly defending the need for their bubble ability so another more measured approach would be to move shockwave up even further up the lightning skill tree and to change the cooldown on static barrier so that it's not castable for 20 seconds after it breaks, rather than from the time it was cast. To absorb approximately 3200 damage at lvl 50 and then to cast another immediately after amounts to around 6400 damage absorbed. I know some sorcs will dismiss this number off as a mere pittance but in pvp it's substantial. Some will also say the bubble is needed for their light armor but I'll trade medium armor any day for the bubble ability in it's current broken state.
  6. Where did I say they need to be looked only due to total damage? I said they have a few too many tools to work with. Damage is only one component. They have excellent utility and solid survivability in conjunction with nice damage. The devs can continue to turn a blind eye to this but the class population imbalance will only get worse. People are already calling this game Sorc Wars. Anyway, I'm done for tonight. I gotta get back to leveling my sorc.
  7. I agree with the original poster. We need something to compensate for the substantial nerf to burst. Huttball in downright painful. We need sometime of sprint or knockback to give us a little more utility.
  8. The problem with attributing the sorc population solely to lore and lightning, is that there weren't that many sorcs running around when the game was launched. As people got a feel for the classes and observed their performance in pvp, the balance took a drastic shift. You attribute it to lore and lightning - I attribute to a class that has a few too many tools to work with. Sorcs need to be looked at by the devs, plain and simple.
  9. You're the one who suggested the massive sorc population could be due to lore and lightning. You're calling my argument piss poor? Pot meet kettle.
  10. Oh the lore and the lightning? That must explain why there are so many sorcs running around. /Endthread
  11. I roll folks on my powertech. Just because powertechs have better survivability than sorcs doesn't mean that sorcs are balanced. Survivability is only one aspect of many.
  12. Why are there so many sorcs if they're not OP? Is it the lightning that has drawn the masses in? Because there wasn't near as many sorcs during early pvp warzones when the game was released. Yes, it's time for sorcs to be looked at. It's kind of a downer to have 50% of the classes in a warzone made up of sorcs/sages. Nice damage, excellent utility, good mobility, and solid survivability. So wait, their niche in pvp is ... everything?
  13. The original poster mentioned that Rift died due to a nerf to pvp gear. Actually I think it died because the nerf didn't come soon enough. For several weeks people were mentioning that the gear difference was insane and many of them (including myself) finally quit before any nerf to gear was ever implemented. I had other stuff going on so I didn't level as quickly as most but the same people I embarassed in the low lvl bracket destroyed me along with a couple either people at the same time due to gear, and only gear.
  14. The pvp gear nerfs are a welcome change imo. I left Rift last year when I hit max level and realized it would take 2-3 players to take out one fully pvp geared player of equal skill. I understand that there needs to be gear rewards for pvping but there needs to be some kind of limit on them. When a skilled player gets smacked down by a scrub only due to gear, it's time for a change. Thanks Bioware for working towards keeping pvp fun.
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