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Hero Engine: why?


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What engine is Guild Wars 2 using? It's gorgeous and the animations are fantastic.




It's an in house engine. Heavily modified GW1 engine. The particle effects looked great. I won't lie GW2 looks cool as hell. I wouldn't put the animations at fantastic though. The melee combat looked like the same old. I'll watch more though I might not of seen enough of the melee combat.

Edited by Jswizzle
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I love the fact that people make ridiculousness claims about the Heroengine.


Some for example,


Out dated

Its crap

No Multithreading


When in fact the Heroengine is one of the better more sophisticated engines I have seen.


It may not be out dated, and it may not be crap (although that's more of an opinion, than it is a fact statement, therefore, irrelevant), the truth of the matter is, it is NOT multithreaded.

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It may not be out dated, and it may not be crap (although that's more of an opinion, than it is a fact statement, therefore, irrelevant), the truth of the matter is, it is NOT multithreaded.


I have seen this claim over and over on these threads. Until Bioware comes out and says one way or the other, all evidence we can gather says it IS multhi-threaded. The stock Hero Engine is not, but the end result of Biowares modifications functions and appears to be a multhi-threaded engine.


The only thing that I can come up with as to why people keep claming this is true is that the graphics engine is only using a single thread. But graphics engine =/= game engine.

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It's an in house engine. Heavily modified GW1 engine. The particle effects looked great. I won't lie GW2 looks cool as hell. I wouldn't put the animations at fantastic though. The melee combat looked like the same old. I'll watch more though I might not of seen enough of the melee combat.


In house eh? I never played GW1 but that is impressive. I wish Bioware had took their time and built their own engine or at least had a complete Hero Engine before starting work on TOR. Really the state the game is released in I have no problem waiting ofcourse not everyone would agree.

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In house eh? I never played GW1 but that is impressive. I wish Bioware had took their time and built their own engine or at least had a complete Hero Engine before starting work on TOR. Really the state the game is released in I have no problem waiting ofcourse not everyone would agree.


They had the Aurora engine back in the day. The Witcher was the last game to utilize it. Came out in 2007. Not really sure if they stopped working on it or what.


Edit oh they have Eclipse to. The Dragon Age engine.

Edited by Jswizzle
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When you have your Masters Degree in Computer Science and have taken all the Certs to back it up... then you may hold some weight. Sense all those posting with "IT" degrees don't (and even if they say they do I wouldnt believe it unless they were able to show it.) They have NO idea what they are talking about.
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I have seen this claim over and over on these threads. Until Bioware comes out and says one way or the other, all evidence we can gather says it IS multhi-threaded. The stock Hero Engine is not, but the end result of Biowares modifications functions and appears to be a multhi-threaded engine.


The only thing that I can come up with as to why people keep claming this is true is that the graphics engine is only using a single thread. But graphics engine =/= game engine.


You don't need them to come out and say anything. There's 2 instances of the running the exe running, they split the tasks up, this is NOT multithreading, but rather running 2 processors to balance the load.


You still want proof? Okay, go into affinity, and turn off your processors, and let it run on 1 processor. Notice how you don't see any degradation in the speed of the game? The reason is because this is NOT multi-threaded. If it were truly multithreaded, it would slow down significantly if you have 4 or more processors, but you don't, because it isn't.

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When you have your Masters Degree in Computer Science and have taken all the Certs to back it up... then you may hold some weight. Sense all those posting with "IT" degrees don't (and even if they say they do I wouldnt believe it unless they were able to show it.) They have NO idea what they are talking about.


LMAO! Yeah, because a degree proves that you know something? LMAO!


Ahhhh, the sad state of people actually believing that a piece of paper means you know something...Over the last 20+ years, I have forgotten more about computer hardware/software/networking than most people will learn in 4+ years in school.

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They had the Aurora engine back in the day. The Witcher was the last game to utilize it. Came out in 2007. Not really sure if they stopped working on it or what.


Edit oh they have Eclipse to. The Dragon Age engine.


Aurora caused a lot of problems in the Witcher and then CDProjekt decided to build their own engine and seriously Witcher 2 while also gorgeous runs really great for me on a single HD 5770 at 1920x1200. I'll be building a much more powerful PC in a month or two but come on ToR runs like crap on even powerful builds if any of the threads are here are to be believed.


Eclipse engine wasn't so great. DA2 used it by a different name I believe and trying to enable DX11 and all the graphical effects didn't offer much of a difference and just ran terribly.

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LMAO! Yeah, because a degree proves that you know something? LMAO!


Ahhhh, the sad state of people actually believing that a piece of paper means you know something...Over the last 20+ years, I have forgotten more about computer hardware/software/networking than most people will learn in 4+ years in school.


You're reminding me of the bar scene from good will hunting:



Let these fools know. :)

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Aurora caused a lot of problems in the Witcher and then CDProjekt decided to build their own engine and seriously Witcher 2 while also gorgeous runs really great for me on a single HD 5770 at 1920x1200. I'll be building a much more powerful PC in a month or two but come on ToR runs like crap on even powerful builds if any of the threads are here are to be believed.


Eclipse engine wasn't so great. DA2 used it by a different name I believe and trying to enable DX11 and all the graphical effects didn't offer much of a difference and just ran terribly.


PC games have issues running on some different systems. I'm running a dual core. With a Nvidia GT430. TOR runs very well for the system I have. I didn't notice Dragon Age 2 running terribly. That's not what people complain about with DA2 lol.


Witcher 2 is a different engine. I don't think those engines can be utilized easily for an MMO. That is why Hero was picked. How many engines do these guys need to develop?

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You don't need them to come out and say anything. There's 2 instances of the running the exe running, they split the tasks up, this is NOT multithreading, but rather running 2 processors to balance the load.


You still want proof? Okay, go into affinity, and turn off your processors, and let it run on 1 processor. Notice how you don't see any degradation in the speed of the game? The reason is because this is NOT multi-threaded. If it were truly multithreaded, it would slow down significantly if you have 4 or more processors, but you don't, because it isn't.


I'm not sure why you bring up the fact of two processes running because, while it wouldn't be necessary, it hardly means multi-threading isn't happening.


And as for the processor test, the fact that you don't see a drop in peformance changing from 4 cores to 1? Multi-threadings whole purpose is to maximize processes running on a single core. Now, I'm not saying you won't see a drop with a multi-threaded process, but to base your whole argument on the fact there isn't one, is kinda silly.



And last but not least, there are programs out there that you can check how many threads a process is running and what load is going onto each one. Each of the swtor processes has over a dozen threads going at a single time. Now it could be exclusively multi-core processing, but if so that would net the exact opposite results you claim on the processor test.

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Firts of all I am no techy but if the game doesn't support multi-threads how can data pass through more then one core? And why do quads handle the game better?


It doesn't, and they don't.


The OS will cycle thru the cores, and it may appear that each core is getting a thread, when actually, what is happening is that it's time-slicing. Something that's been happening in Windows since it was created (and the reason it took over from DOS in the first place). Time-slicing makes a computer appear as if it's multi-tasking, when done fast enough. Multi-threading on the other hand, is actualling doing just that, multi-tasking. The tasks can be divided and much more quickly completed with multi-cores.


As for the quad-core statement, a quad-core (or in my case, an 8-core) will not handle this game any better than a dual core. The bandwidth of the processor plays a bigger role in this game, because it's not multi-threaded. If it were, we'd see a significant improvement in multi-core processors.

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As for the quad-core statement, a quad-core (or in my case, an 8-core) will not handle this game any better than a dual core. The bandwidth of the processor plays a bigger role in this game, because it's not multi-threaded. If it were, we'd see a significant improvement in multi-core processors.


Actually, have more than two cores can help, in some cases significantly. Running TOR is never the only thing your computer's doing, and having extra cores beyond the two TOR needs allows the system to offload those processes to cores the game isn't using.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Well I got a degree from MIT and I've been playing MMOs for 20 years, including vanilla WoW (I got into WoW during beta). I am running a liquid cooled rig with some nice GeForce GTX 580s in sli, got a i7-975 Extreme Edition, 2 ssd for 1tb total, and 48gb of ram, so I do know what I am talking about, unlike everyone else in this thread.


brb, gotta head up to Hopkins... Ben Carson said he hit a roadblock. That nub will never learn....

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