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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

**PLEASE** Allow 8 Man Premade Groups!


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yeah let pugs fight pugs.


Vent is HUGE advantage. Dont like to pug group means you dont like to pvp. Premaders will only pvp when things are stacked in their favor. No respect for these guys since they arent pvpers in my eyes.

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They should let the players decide. Implement the option to check off if you want a premade or non premade que. Non means no premade groups will be matched in the WZ you go into. Population numbers will indicate who's having to wait longer. Not everyone wants to pvp against jerks linked in vent who always double and triple team.


Don't see any non jerk reason why premades shouldn't ALWAYS be forced to match only against other premades.

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I would love to see full team PvP myself. I also understand that, it you put a full team with voice chat on one side and a Pug on the other, there will most likely be a slaughter. It should be easy enough to simple make it so that you only get matched to another full team group. Sure this would increase their que times, and could still be unbalanced with groups of different levels. However, I am sure that some type of system can be put in place to alleviate most of the disparity.
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Wow, a whole list of stuff and all peolpe talk about are the 4/8 man premades, lol.


I just wanna know by how much they are reducing my Rakata medpack tbh.

It's annoying enough that they forced me to do a PVE instance for it. So atleast tell me it's still worthwhile.

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As the OP, I am not opposed to making premades only fight premades... so lets get that clear. I just want to be able to use a full group of my guys to play together in BG's.


When we first read about Huttball, for example, I was discussing with our rival guild how we were going to set up two 8 man teams and face each other... well, you cant exactly do that.


Personally, I'd rather NOT play against pugs. I have always been more for organized PvP... its more fun and challanging and you can really develop some good rivalries.

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yeah let pugs fight pugs.


Vent is HUGE advantage. Dont like to pug group means you dont like to pvp. Premaders will only pvp when things are stacked in their favor. No respect for these guys since they arent pvpers in my eyes.



You have no respect for guys who want to play together? We arent PvPers? Mass PvP requires alot more strategy than one on one pvp.


Personally if you cannot function in a group atmosphere then YOU are not a 'real' pvper.


MMORPG = Massivly MULTIPLAYER online rpg. If you want to fly solo, go play Legend of Zelda.

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I would rather spend 30 mins in a que to fight with my guild then have instant ques with a group of pugs i have seen folks stand in the safe zones untill kicked or hide in the background away from the fight i mean its like these folks are there just to take a loss for the coms!!! screwthat.


I just want to fight with my guild against other guilds thats what i thought this game was going to be all about given the fact you were allowed to make guilds and chose a PVP server. me i like OPENWORLD pvp and if BW ever fixes the game to atleast give me 1 valor point when i get a openworld pvp kill thats where i will do my fighting but since there not going to do that then give me the chance to que up with my guild.

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*EDIT* I see where this is going, so let me be very specific, I would like to see the implimentation of 8 man PvP groups on PVP SERVERS. I can see why PvE and RP servers would not want this. However, on PvP servers, we signed up for non-stop PvP with the company of our guildmates. *EDIT*


The point of an MMO is to be able to play with other people. The point of a guild is to be able to play with other people you actually WANT to play with.


The Guild Creation system is wonderful, so far. We can gather together everyone, give them ranks and such and speak to them in guild chat... but if we want to play with them, we have to leave people out. I have a guild of 75 people, who would love to PvP together in battlegrounds... but its very very difficult to do so.


Yes, we can make 4 man groups for the battlegrounds... but then we get stuck with 4 level 14 noobs going against a full group of 50's... needless to say, the 'bolster' system leaves alot to be desired.


Now, we were able to get a full group of 8 into a battleground a few times, usually late at night, queing at the same exact time and adding a whole lot of luck... AND ITS BEEN FANTASTIC!!!


I can understand why we have 4 man groups for questing... but we NEED to have 8 man groups for pvp! I want to play with MY GUYS!!


I'm sure others have posted about this before and I'm sorry if its repetitive, but I couldn't find a particular post to reply to. Do you agree with this assesment?


Would you agree with this: Make this possible, but only make 8player groups able to face other 8player groups. It would be impossible for the other side to win if they're a full PuG vs. a full premade. Would you agree?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I created my guild on the TOR site the day they allowed it. We entered the game with 40+ people and are up to 75. We chose a PvP server, so we may PvP together.


Then we discover we really cant play together, unless we roll with tiny groups of 4.


I'm only asking for 8... heck, I REALLY would like groups of 12, 16 or 20!!


People who disagree, should not be playing an MMO, they should be playing *Insert Single Player game Name Here*



I have no issue with premades. Just match them up against other premades. There are alot of ppl that are not in a pvp guild, but on a pvp server and enjoy pvp. The issue is their guild is a hardcore raiding guild with few pvpers. I am in just such a situation. I love premades and hope they allow them, but they won't w/o some sort of stipulation such as premade vs premade. Why? Not everyone has the chance or choice to get into WZ premades regularly. Whether you like or disagree with this is moot. BW knows it and will make choices for the enitre game population in mind. Even those players with only a few friends and never pvp in a full premade. I don't like it, but BW never asked me. :D


-The bloom has quickly fallen off the rose.

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Why don't you just join a guild? Competition is team-based in nature.


If they were actually interested in "competition" then they would want to fight other premead teams and not unorganized pugs. Yet I bet the majority of them want exactly the opposite of that.

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agreed, im tired of starting games 6 v 8 as republic. you cant manage your queue for jack bioware, let us do it for you



I'm winning close to 100% of my games with a 4 man premade and we have 8 people to start. Other than that, we lose practically every game since no one can win 6 vs 8.



Put us against only premades? Fine. I'll take fair fights 100% of the time, and losing more, than basically knowing if its going to be a waste of time in the first 10 seconds of the match.

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