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Community Blog Post Discussion: A Word on Bugs from James Ohlen


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Chill out...no way I am going to chill out. An announcement is not a fix. I'm sorry but minor appearance issues are not in the same ballpark as operational errors. Unfortunately there are some pretty severe errors plaguing this game at the moment. PvP FPS, DCs, Quest errors, Companion errors, and alot of them are not new. The fact of the matter is that we all spent at the very least 60 dollars on a retail game, and will be paying a subscription cost as of January 20th. I'll say it again, BioWare wont let you just give them a partial subscription payment so why give your paying customers a partial game. I'm not saying that there are not going to be problems, but issues that directly effect the core elements of the game play itself should be addressed and addressed aggressively. The Warzone issue has been a major complaint since launch...there is no excuse for it not to have been addressed nearly two weeks after launch. It is a core element of the game. There are only three battlegrounds, it's not like they have to re-write the entire game. Aside from that bugged harvesting nodes, Companion errors, etc. and the list goes on. It just seems as if there is a real lack of urgency in addressing the issues. I wont leave this game because it is the most enjoyable experience PvE side. But BioWare really has to step it up because the other facets are equally as important as there are players that enjoy PvP far more than PvE.:rolleyes:
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Thanks for this heads up on patches and direction.


I have had only minor bugs to deal with so my gaming experience thus far in TOR has been Amazing!



Just wanted to put in a positive post amongst all these complaints.


Keep them [patches] rolling out

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Im enjoying my time in the old republic.. minor problems here and there but for the most part this has been the smoothest mmorpg launch since i started playing! which in fact my first mmorpg were technically MUD servers hah! but seriously i believe i started seriously gaming when the first asherons call was released! good job!
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People are so caught up in the idea that everything must be given to them 'immediately' on a silver platter. Really -- stop speaking for us.. I don't have FPS issues, I don't have these 'game breaking' bugs that you all 'claim' to have, I'm enjoying the game along with the 'rest' of my guild (all 61 members).


Point is, BioWare is working on it. The more you 'demand' that they give it to you now, the more you'll be disappointed. Because they're not going to rush something and give it to you right away because you utterly lack patience.



Edited by Qishari
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Anger aside, I completely agree. People are so caught up in the idea that everything must be given to them 'immediately' on a silver platter. Really -- stop speaking for us.. I don't have FPS issues, I don't have these 'game breaking' bugs that you all 'claim' to have, I'm enjoying the game along with the 'rest' of my guild (all 61 members).


Point is, BioWare is working on it. The more you 'demand' that they give it to you now, the more you'll be disappointed. Because they're not going to rush something and give it to you right away because you utterly lack patience.




Absolutly agree. We live in a world of instant gratification where everyone wants it now, now, NOW! By any means have these kids been taught about patiance? I predict these guys are like the kids you see at stores with the kid throwing a temper tantrum and the mom just stands their ignoring him instead of slapping him silly.


For whatever reason these guys just have no appreciating for anything and they will probably never get far in this world because of it They will never hold a good job, they will never have a long lasting marrage, they probably will never stay out of jail/prison. Extream as it may sound, it makes perfect sense. Bottom line I wish these guys would grow up.

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Absolutly agree. We live in a world of instant gratification where everyone wants it now, now, NOW! By any means have these kids been taught about patiance? I predict these guys are like the kids you see at stores with the kid throwing a temper tantrum and the mom just stands their ignoring him instead of slapping him silly.


For whatever reason these guys just have no appreciating for anything and they will probably never get far in this world because of it They will never hold a good job, they will never have a long lasting marrage, they probably will never stay out of jail/prison. Extream as it may sound, it makes perfect sense. Bottom line I wish these guys would grow up.


A lot of people upset about the FPS issue (I have it as well) do have a valid concern though that many people are sweeping under the rug. We get its not happening to everyone but the people it IS happening to, there are many that its so bad they can't play the game at all. That's when it stops being "INSTANT GRATIFICATION GIVE IT NOWWWW" to "Hey, I paid for this product I not only meet but far exceed the pre reqs for and I can't play the game at all. I lost my free sub time and if it doesn't get fixed for months then I'm also wondering if I wasted 60-150 bucks too. What's up with that?"


I won't say that some people probably are trying to skirt by on the requirements but if you actually read the legitimate complaints and specs in the 5 different FPS threads, you'll see that something is amiss that even BW has acknowledged.

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The biggest problem I have is when you put out patches to fix bugs, but then create new bugs. Example when 1.04 came out I know for Marauders our skill Overwhelm stopped working. Some people says there just stopped, but mine didn't stop working until I spec out of carnage and spec right back into it.
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It is nice that you are telling us you are working on bugs and will be patching every week but to be honest, you are supposed to do that, MMORPG players EXPECT that but that is not what is missing and what many players are complaining about...


What is missing, and what we are expecting is for you to TELL US WHAT FIXES ARE COMING...WHAT IS COMING NEXT WEEK? WHAT IS ON THE LIST FOR THE WEEK AFTER?


Some bugs, which are KEY to an individual player may very well be game breaking and they could chose NOT to resubscribe because you are not even telling anyone you know about it and are working on it...


You could very well keep that person as a paying customer if you would just TALK about it.


This is a great game, one that should retain over a million players easy but if you dont start communicating on bugs and when they are expected to be fixed...you will find yourself losing more customers than you should and that can BE AVOIDED by having someone post a sticky each week with what is being worked on for the coming weeks.

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Not sure if this is possible or not, because I'm not a game developer or a computer technician or graphics designer. But will this game be available to the average computer anytime soon? The only problem my computer has is the processor runs at 1.5GHZ instead of 2, and I refuse to buy a brand new computer for a game. Reason: that makes the game $500-$700 and I refuse to pay that amount of money for a game and then pay $15 ontop of that when I can just pay $15 for Warcraft. This is not a hate post, and I'm not trolling. Just asking Dev's a question, and would appreciate a response.
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i don't think that fixing emote on a mount is a high priority while flashpoint , operation and quest are full of bugs. It's seems that we don't have the same sense of priority...


Basically you're saying they do not prioritize bugs correctly based on an example where they fixed emoting while mounted. That is very short sighted.


Prioritizing bugs is mostly based on how many people are impacted by it and how severely the impact is, but also on how complex the bug is and how long you will need to fix it. If you have 25 jobs to do and one only takes 3 mins, you might as well fix it in one go with the rest when patching.


It's common sense to me. I'm surprised some people don't have the presence of mind to come up with that themselves.


Also what someone above me said: different teams work on different fixes. If a bug which is minor in your eyes is fixed, it does not automatically mean they had less time to fix the bug you would like to see fixed first.

Edited by hushia
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Not sure if this is possible or not, because I'm not a game developer or a computer technician or graphics designer. But will this game be available to the average computer anytime soon? The only problem my computer has is the processor runs at 1.5GHZ instead of 2, and I refuse to buy a brand new computer for a game. Reason: that makes the game $500-$700 and I refuse to pay that amount of money for a game and then pay $15 ontop of that when I can just pay $15 for Warcraft. This is not a hate post, and I'm not trolling. Just asking Dev's a question, and would appreciate a response.


I posted this on CS forum and many others and people keep saying wrong thread, so now I'm trying this one... The last one I could possibly try for this question...

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please see the horrid FPS http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=114363&page=92&highlight=horrid+fps


that is the 3rd thread created because it has reached max posts twice in a row, just because YOU are one of the few who have no issues does not mean no one does, i have done my research and i know ALOT of people have this issue.


Buy a new computer. Honestly my wife runs a PC that is nearly 5 years old and has little to no FPS issues. Cancel your ISP and get a new one. People like you irritate me, because you have ZERO, yes ZERO understanding of technology and how it works. Your FPS issue may be related to other factors outside SWTOR. Maybe it is time to give that 486 a walk to the trashcan, and get a new system or better ISP.

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Buy a new computer. Honestly my wife runs a PC that is nearly 5 years old and has little to no FPS issues. Cancel your ISP and get a new one. People like you irritate me, because you have ZERO, yes ZERO understanding of technology and how it works. Your FPS issue may be related to other factors outside SWTOR. Maybe it is time to give that 486 a walk to the trashcan, and get a new system or better ISP.


Spending upwords to $700 for a decent computer just for a game is retarted when you have other choices. By other choices I mean games.

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I am just curious, but what do you intend to do about optimization? I mean ya being able to emote while on a taxi is important to some I guess, but should it really have been on the top of your first patch? I would think that having a smooth gaming experience would top your list. I have a comp that meets or exceeds all of your recommended measurements on your cover, and have spoken to many in guild that have far superior systems to mine like dual sli systems. The frame rates are horrible in pvp or high volume situations. Last night during one hutt ball match I dropped to 5-10. That is almost unplayable, and the guy with dual sli told me he drops to 20 fps in civil war which by the way I cannot even play. I have every graphic setting turned to it's lowest setting, and even went into the client settings and put them to 0 or false. I would sure like to read something on what your intentions are regarding this issue as it will dictate whether or not I continue playing this cool yet glitchy hard to play game. You guys are doing a wonderful job on content but please lets make it playable by the masses and at the very least by someone that meets your minimum system requirements posted on your box :cool:
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Buy a new computer. Honestly my wife runs a PC that is nearly 5 years old and has little to no FPS issues. Cancel your ISP and get a new one. People like you irritate me, because you have ZERO, yes ZERO understanding of technology and how it works. Your FPS issue may be related to other factors outside SWTOR. Maybe it is time to give that 486 a walk to the trashcan, and get a new system or better ISP.


Obviously you are a troll. I read this post and about crapped my pants. Telling people that your wife has a crap comp and works just fine does not solve any issues. I am operating on my wife's comp that is quad core, meets all recommended requirements posted on the box, and oh by the way my isp speed tests at 30mb download speeds consistently. Vid card double recommended stats, so this comp should run this game at a reasonable fps but it does not. It is truly a SWTOR issue and many are complaining about it. Please post responsibly and stop trolling as this board is for people that want to know what is going on with fixes and if their needed fix is on the way. PS. I also have my graphics turned to low and my client settings turned to false or 0 where appropriate.

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Yay bug fixes each week...that just means corrupt patches each week and having to repair each week cus you guys can't get a *********** patch put together that does not cause an error


All 3 patches this week have not been working as intented, so for the love of god fix that issue before fixing anything in game that requires a patch

Edited by Krohnen
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