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Can we get some kind of penalty...


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For the people that mass leave Warzone as soon as it slightly looks like our team is loosing? Really like at least give them a debuff for like an hour or something.


Oh...and Diminsihing returns would be nice....I know how awesome it is being chain stunned till death..but really?

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Sure as soon as the retarded sub 20's stop running the huttball the wrong way, and fighting no where near doors and nodes... or just stop queing all together.


This. Its not too encouraging if you get a team full of 10-14s on alderaan and after first minute all turrets are red shooting at you.


Gief rated WZs..

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It's a problem. The lack of any penalty for bailing encourages all sorts of awful play.


You would think they would have learned from wow's experiences, but apparently no one on the TOR PVP team has ever played any other MMO ever because they make every rookie mistake in the book.

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As soon as they put in brackets.


Can't expect a team of lvl 20s to stay and get messed up for 15min by a group queue of 50s.


People have better things to do.


Then they don't need to queue at all. Sad fact is alot of people are max level now. They either need to level up or get over it and accept the crap shot.


There really needs to be an hour long penalty that prevents pvp queueing if you leave a Warzone early. People need to get over the fact that they won't win every time.

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What's the problem with people mass-leaving when it's an obvious loss?


I'll give you an example. Game starts. My team has five level 50s. Enemy team has none. Zero. Within the first 5 mins, we capped 4 huttballs, and how we're just killfarming the other team, for medals.


Now, any SANE human being on the opposing team would either A) quit or B) AFK. Seriously. Any three of them cannot take down a single geared 50. And five 50s working more or less together drop lowbies with AoE alone, without even having to target.


So, your solution is, lowbies have to stay there and take it, or face a 1hr debuff? Really? Can you not guess what will happen then? Either mass AFKs (about which nobody can do anything, just look at WoW, people AFKing in BGs for 6 years and counting), or queue times jumping to 90+ mins. Is this really what you want?


The actual solution is quite simple, pick one:

a) Remove expertise as a stat altogether

b) Give equal expertise to all players via bolster

c) Give 50s their own bracket

That's it.

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I disagree. I am sorry if you join a game and your team is out matched. classed and basically outplayed then eat the loss and deal with it.


I've been in several Warzones were it gets turned around about half way, but I have also been in Warzones were its a relatively even match then the pubs grab a second turret and suddenly half my teams bail?



Yes, if you bail on a warzone you should face an hour long penalty where you cannot queue for another WZ. If you don't like such a penalty avoid it by sticking it out. You should also loose all gained valor and such when you bail out as well.


While I do think higher levels need there own bracket, the fact is people bailing mid warzones is a major problem.

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Then they don't need to queue at all. Sad fact is alot of people are max level now. They either need to level up or get over it and accept the crap shot.


There really needs to be an hour long penalty that prevents pvp queueing if you leave a Warzone early. People need to get over the fact that they won't win every time.


This is a brilliant idea! With this idea every time the game kicks me out to the server selection screen I will have to wait an hour to requeue for a warzone.

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Yes, if you bail on a warzone you should face an hour long penalty where you cannot queue for another WZ. If you don't like such a penalty avoid it by sticking it out. You should also loose all gained valor and such when you bail out as well.


Oh hell no... they better not give us an hour long penalty (that's a bit much anyways imo) and until they give us the option to queue for individual war zones... leaving is my only option to get the hell out of huttball.


Give me huttball 80-90% of the time and give me a hour long debuff if I leave, I'm just going to simply opt out of PvPing in this game completely.

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Then they don't need to queue at all. Sad fact is alot of people are max level now. They either need to level up or get over it and accept the crap shot.


There really needs to be an hour long penalty that prevents pvp queueing if you leave a Warzone early. People need to get over the fact that they won't win every time.



Good idea.

All the lower levels should just not queue and leave pvp for higher lvls.. In effect creating a high level bracket.

Once they get to level 50 then they can queue into this artificial high level bracket. Problem solved forever.


Because people don't make alts.

And new players won't buy the game or anything.





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I disagree. I am sorry if you join a game and your team is out matched. classed and basically outplayed then eat the loss and deal with it.


I've been in several Warzones were it gets turned around about half way, but I have also been in Warzones were its a relatively even match then the pubs grab a second turret and suddenly half my teams bail?



Yes, if you bail on a warzone you should face an hour long penalty where you cannot queue for another WZ. If you don't like such a penalty avoid it by sticking it out. You should also loose all gained valor and such when you bail out as well.


While I do think higher levels need there own bracket, the fact is people bailing mid warzones is a major problem.


Translation: Please don't leave, I only enjoy PvP when me and my guys can roll over lowbies (but I'll throw in a statement that makes it look like I really care).


I'm in the bail crowd if things look that bad, but then again I actually play the game for fun and getting blown out in a premade isn't fun. The flip side is true as well for me, I much prefer a close game of anything instead of a blowout on either side.

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its attackign teh symptoms of the problem, not fixing the underlying issue.



the real problem is PVP is not fun. Its not fun to lose because you are a pug against a premade.


its not fun to lose because the other side have more 50s and better gear


its not fun to lose because the other team at all inquisitors and can just lol speed to score




Once they fix pvp so its balanced and fun, people wont leave.


Why stick around in a piss poor match to get virtually nothing out of it except from frustation so you are less likely to queue in the future?

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This MMO or whatever you want to call it sucks arse. This is a carebear game - there is no skill involved and for anyone who says other wise is a whinner.


I say make the game like the old games...if you "F-in" die...run your sorry lazy arse back to your body...I promise you want try and gank everyone you see then. You wouldn't try and take on 10 mobs at once either. You wouldn't agro a creature that will not stop following you until either its died or you.


I agree more so than ever ... this is WOW recloned as Space - two different gear sets for pvp and pve...why I have no idea but everything they took is mostly from WoW.


The game is so unbalanced it is frot with lack of any challenge whatsoever. I really do not understand why they just do not sale Lv 50 toons with full mid or high-end gear.


"I am a Trololol and I approve this message"

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Oh hell no... they better not give us an hour long penalty (that's a bit much anyways imo) and until they give us the option to queue for individual war zones... leaving is my only option to get the hell out of huttball.


Give me huttball 80-90% of the time and give me a hour long debuff if I leave, I'm just going to simply opt out of PvPing in this game completely.


Have you considered changing factions? Huttball spam only happens when the servers pop is imbalanced.


There -needs- to be a penalty to keep people from bailing at the slighest Downturn in PvP. I am sorry that you guys are mad because you can't win 100% of the time or get the Warzone you want all the time, but deal with it. You should be penalllized for screwing your teammates by dropping out.

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The deserter system doesn't actually work in this game. Only players who stay in the starting area get actively flagged as AFK - its quite easy to simply hang out somewhere out of sight in stealth and collect your reward. I've seen this happen on more than one occasion and I can only see it happening more until the system is improved upon.


The only thing the deserter system is good at is penalizing legitimate players. Loading screens can take me a minute or two (okay specs overall, below average CPU), so I frequently get booted from Warzones that have already started.

Edited by roocey
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I disagree. I am sorry if you join a game and your team is out matched. classed and basically outplayed then eat the loss and deal with it.


Exactly. Your mother lied to you. Not everyone can be a winner, most people aren't. I pvp w/ all sorts of lowbie toons and sometimes I get crushed and sometimes I don't.


I'm appalled at how many people openly admit to quitting when they know they're outmatched. If you did that irl with pickup basketball games or anything of the sort you would be ridiculed and ostracized until you did you never came back or changed your ways you would deserve it.


Openly admitting to leaving warzones is like proudly proclaiming "**** all y'all and this situation we find ourselves in I'm going to choose to make it far worse for each and every one of you in order to make it very slightly less bad for me cuz this is my world and you're just living in it sucker!"


And people do. And expect to be treated as if they are the sort of person you want around.


If you leave Warzones because you don't think it's going your way, leave then. You only make things worse for everyone and no one wants you on their server and no one wants you in their life, you only take and don't give. You choose to join a team. Do your tiny little part or don't choose to join a team.

Edited by Roycerson
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Then they don't need to queue at all. Sad fact is alot of people are max level now. They either need to level up or get over it and accept the crap shot.


There really needs to be an hour long penalty that prevents pvp queueing if you leave a Warzone early. People need to get over the fact that they won't win every time.


This is a great argument. Until you connect some brain cells and realize that people play MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER.


If we shouldn't queue sub-50, then don't put it in the game. Don't sit there and tell me I shouldn't pvp on my alts for FIFTY EFFING LEVELS.

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