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Is Bioware keeping track of how many people skip conversations?


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Is Bioware keeping track of how many people skip conversations? I'm curious if they know how much of their investment in voice overs is being constantly skipped by players.


Probably not. It's not their interest to make sure people are playing the game right, cause everyone plays it their own way. They only want to make the money back.


EDIT: Voice-overs are as much a feature as anything else in this game. You choose to use it or not. Skip scenes if you want, or watch them. A game feature isn't meant to be mandatory, but just innovative and there for people to use if they so choose.

Edited by Nathanking
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Probably not. It's not their interest to make sure people are playing the game right, cause everyone plays it their own way. They only want to make the money back.
I would expect them to do so. It's in their interest to know for sure how much value added that feature is, and whether it's worth spending that kind of money on in the future.
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Probably not. It's not their interest to make sure people are playing the game right, cause everyone plays it their own way. They only want to make the money back.


EDIT: Voice-overs are as much a feature as anything else in this game. You choose to use it or not. Skip scenes if you want, or watch them. A game feature isn't meant to be mandatory, but just innovative and there for people to use if they so choose.




My two cents, anyone who skips VOs in this game is an idiot. This game is meant to be played, not rushed through to hit max level and wave your epeen.

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As it's a story driven MMO, if you decide to skip all the conversations then all you are doing is robbing yourself of a major part of the game.


You should listen to every mission at least once. If you don't want to, it would seem that a story driven MMO is not what you want to play so you should just leave.


Personally, i like the stories and hope that any new content released also has these cutscenes included, and they don't give in to the ADHD suffering, low attention span WOW players who think the only purpose for a MMO is to collect leet gear and run round Org showing it off


....sorry did I say Org I mean Starship Fleet.

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I just like how everyone's response is "if you aren't doing it 'x' way, then you're wrong and should leave". Who are you to tell me I'm playing a game I paid my own money for wrong? Why not let people play however the hell they want to play and makes them happy?


By the way, I hit space bar a lot. I enjoy the main story line and some of the side story lines that continue through the planets and don't skip any of those. But there's a lot of droning on from the random "in addition to" quests I pick up, that I just don't have much interest in.


Overall, I enjoy the voice overs and I am glad they are a part of the game, but damn there are just too many of them for me. Give me a story when it's actually a story, not just some random idiot npc droning about his problems for me to go kill only to never hear anything from them again. I don't need a 3minute story for a 3minute quest that never continues. In these cases, I'd just like a quick written summary and 'accept' button like traditional MMORPG quest systems.

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I would assume not, that'd be too much time and effort involved with no benefit. This is a game, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to play it.


That said, my first time through on my Guardian, I watch basically all the cut scenes (aside from the Ughnaughts, their squealing makes me want to punch babies), however on my Shadow the non-class quests, let's just say I couldn't hit my space-bar fast enough. And my Sentinel? Only thing I watch with him is the outcome of my dark side choices as I rolled my Guardian light.


"But you're skipping the story!!!11!" No, I'm not. I've already done it, and even if I was, it's my game, I'll play it how I choose.

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Well I don't see it as a big deal. perhaps hardcore MMO players don't care about the story.


A voiced story with interactive options in an MMO is pretty ground breaking because you don't have this anywhere else, at least not deep as this. In other MMO's conversations the story is so empty. You don't get attatched to a character or care about a situation or cause because a wall of text does'tn really set the mood. But when you hear the story, see the body language the tone, the actions, your moved by these things. It brings the game to life more and keeps you engaged.


Even a little problem with gangs or marital problems is enough to get you to care if you decide to kill or spare a person. maybe it does'nt make a big impact but these are permenant choices that may come bakc to bite you in the butt. I'd say thats a big deal.


Some folks have reported that the story is weak or lacking but thats a awkward claim because when was the last time you seen a MMO story this strong? I doubt there are many contenders. This raises the bar in all MMO's and I would'nt be suprised if MMO king themself Blizzard takes this into account for WoW or their future MMO soon.


I've played Mass Effect 1 and 2 several times and I still listen to the dialoge so I can't see a reason why people want to skip the story but it's their perogative.

Edited by Shonuff
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Well I hope they'd take into account the fact that I read faster than the conversation goes, and there's no point in listening to an alien jabber when I've already read what they said. I also spacebar through quests I've done, and when there's a long pause at the end of a sentence.
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I would expect them to do so. It's in their interest to know for sure how much value added that feature is, and whether it's worth spending that kind of money on in the future.


If Bioware stopped with the full voice acted quests / storylines, this would no longer be "The old Republic" . This game will always have full voice acting, its a big part of its trademark.

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No one on these forums will be able to tell you with certainty what they are actually tracking in game. That being said, I would be surprised if they were not tracking skipped dialog. If you saw that dev post where they showed the stats for every location a person dies in game it provides them very valuable information just like skipped dialog would.


There is a whole field dedicated to game statistics, not just MMO's but, single player games and even those facebook games.

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If Bioware stopped with the full voice acted quests / storylines, this would no longer be "The old Republic" . This game will always have full voice acting, its a big part of its trademark.
No, if a high enough % of the people in the game, even newbies, are just clicking through the voice acting, then for new expansions they may significantly reduce the amount of actual new voice acting, use more alien speech (which is reusable without new voice acting), recycle existing non-alien voice acting, and use more data terminal type quests (where you get the quest in wholly text form).


Really, it could significantly impact how much new voice acting appears in expansions.

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I understand the logic of knowing how well the investment is paying off in regards to player use.


I dont agree with it though because I don't think BW would consider it a good move to ake any future content that is "textbox" like the other MMO's.


It might be nice to know if moviesw ae being skipped, but it wont stop them from doing it in future content.

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I got to 50 yesterday without skipping any coversations at all.


Love the dialog....and I like trying to figure out who the voice actors are at times...lol.... I swear Morgan Freeman is one of them ...





so ya...not a VO skipper here ... it's one of the top 5 parts of SWTOR that I love over other mmos.


so, perhaps OP you are mistaken about 'everyone' skipping them ?



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My two cents, anyone who skips VOs in this game is an idiot. This game is meant to be played, not rushed through to hit max level and wave your epeen.


Agree, people like this should honestly play Korean mmos, they're all about the epeen, why they even bought swtor is beyond me.

Edited by LaurentiusX
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In testing, they said they have metrics set up for just about everything.


And they have this metric set up as tracable in their single player games such as ME, ME2, and DA2.


So I see no reason why they wouldn't have it set up to trace in TOR.

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I played up to about 20 (some 30) every class in beta. I have yet to actually SKIP any conversations even in live with one exception. When speaking to uganaughts I spam the spacebar as fast as I can. I can't stand their voices... then I go back and read what they said in the "other" tab, then make my choice and soon as I am done speaking, start spamming spacebar again. Even doing flashpoints multiple times on the same character, I don't skip dialogue... so far nobody has gotten mad at me.
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