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How do people level to 50 in 4-5 days?!?!?


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They skip all the cutscenes and ruin the game for themself basically.

i got to lvl50 in about 5 days. i didnt skip anything at all. i did all possible side quests.

i just had to skip many high lvl flashpoints and heroics (will do them eventually) because i was ahead of the rest of the server and alone on all planets


now, my /played displays little more than 7d

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i got to lvl50 in about 5 days. i didnt skip anything at all. i did all possible side quests.

i just had to skip many high lvl flashpoints and heroics (will do them eventually) because i was ahead of the rest of the server and alone on all planets


now, my /played displays little more than 7d




5 * 24= 150 hours


You spent 150 hours to reach level 50 and are complaining seriously?


That means you played more than 6 hours a day since the game got released, perhaps it is time to leave the house?


How long did the last AAA game took you to finish? 10-20 hours?


A game that gives me a minimum of 150 hours per class and without resorting to end game is more than satisfactory, cos.. you know what can I say, I love my life outside this game too much to spend more than 2 hours a day.


Also 150 * 8 classes = 1200 hours, go ahead see if you can reach on all 8 classes level 50, I Will give yo a medal personally.

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Got to 43 with 3 days played. (72 hours). OBviously the last few levels take alot longer.


I did nothing but missions / class story. I did everything on the planet, EVERY quest, every bonus mission, before moving on.


Completely avoided grouping with people, and all +2/4 stuff.


Space Combat missions give a TON of XP, and literally take 5-10 minutes.


I also, skipped all the voice acting. I listened for some of the interesting class stuff, but most I just skipped.


You'd be surprised how much time is spent just listening to the voice acting. I used to listen to everything, but after 4-5 levels, found myself just skipping.



Also, skip all the datacron stuff until your 50.

Edited by MattieP
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5 * 24= 150 hours


You spent 150 hours to reach level 50 and are complaining seriously?


That means you played more than 6 hours a day since the game got released, perhaps it is time to leave the house?


How long did the last AAA game took you to finish? 10-20 hours?


A game that gives me a minimum of 150 hours per class and without resorting to end game is more than satisfactory, cos.. you know what can I say, I love my life outside this game too much to spend more than 2 hours a day.


Also 150 * 8 classes = 1200 hours, go ahead see if you can reach on all 8 classes level 50, I Will give yo a medal personally.




120 hours....

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I think the guy who hit 50 first took only 3 actual days to hit 50. I think he said he stayed up for 58 hours straight or something. Lots of Space Baring.


Most of the people I know that are level 50 have between 4-5 days of time played on their character all together...that may possibly be what you've heard.
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120 hours....


My mistake, hit the wrong button, but isn't that far off! :p


I also, skipped all the voice acting. I listened for some of the interesting class stuff, but most I just skipped.


You'd be surprised how much time is spent just listening to the voice acting. I used to listen to everything, but after 4-5 levels, found myself just skipping.



Also, skip all the datacron stuff until your 50.


I bet when you go eat food at a restaurant you also gobble down your plate, and then complain to the chef the portion was too small.


Chew your food perhaps?


Or if you truly believe that, go to another restaurant, because this ain't Burger King :p

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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I've heard of people levelling to 50 in 4-5 day?




I am now level 26. I find i can get one level a day if i play 3-4 hours/day


How did people get to 50 so fast?




If you are playing 3-4 hours a day its going to take a long time. Play 15-17 hours a day like i did and get to 50 in a few days.

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Bioware stated 1 - 50 would take about 200 hours. Thats actually going through and enjoying everything.



Realistically, people are doing it in the 120 - 150 hour range, which, is very good. Thats alot of content. UNfortunately alot of that content is shared with all the other classes, but you'll get that.



So, $60 (game + with 1 free month of subscription), gave you 150 hours of entertainment. Even if you quit the game at 50, If thats not giving you your money's worth, I'm not sure what will.

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im lvl 50 in 5 days.. didnt skip a cutscene at all. done almost all instances to.

most peeps that are lvl 50 had a head start.. 4 days early access myself.

not to mention played beta so up to lvl 30 i knew were to go and what to do, so that helps allot.

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I have been playing since first day of early release. I do not play for more than 2 or three hours a day except on weekends where I may play for 5 hours. I never skip dialog (except the Ugnaughts...nails on a black board sounds better than that bit of VO). I just hit level 47 last night.


Leveling has not felt too slow or too fast. I look forward to hitting 50 and it has been a great ride to it so far.

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I had a couple level 30s in the beta. Therefore I didnt need to rehash the same stories over and over. So yes, I spacebar'd through Hutta, drumond Kass, Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, Tatt, Alderaan, etc. I already knew the stories of the zones and how they played out.


I did sit through and enjoy the entire CLASS story, however when you've seen the planet storylines several times before there's really no need to sit through it all over again. The class stories are the only things that are unique to the class.


So yes, I have a level 50, and yes I am legacy level 16. Yes, I am working right now and not playing. I do have a life believe it or not. I just saw the content before others so I didnt need to sit through it all over again.

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My mistake, hit the wrong button, but isn't that far off! :p




I bet when you go eat food at a restaurant you also gobble down your plate, and then complain to the chef the portion was too small.


Chew your food perhaps?


Or if you truly believe that, go to another restaurant, because this ain't Burger King :p



I did 142.5 hours in about 2 weeks. maybe a little less.


Is that ALOT of playing? Yes. Yes it is. Was there alot of junk food? No, if I am being honest my lady supplied me with home cooked meals, and I was averaging only a few hours a sleep at night. Why? Because I was also spending time with the family during the waking hours. Not as much as they would have liked, but I wasn't at my desk 24/7 either otherwise I could have done it in less than a week.


How long does it take someone who space bars? I'd say it shaves off about 24 hours. Possibly more. Mind you I was doing crafting. So if I cut out crafting as well and skipped all of the nodes I could have cut probably another 5-8 hours from tinkering with trying to get epic schematics.



Just because you are not as fast as I am at levelling makes you think you have the right to be insulting?


Sort of glad you are slower and I don't have to quest with people who insult others for apparently no reason at all.

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A game that gives me a minimum of 150 hours per class and without resorting to end game is more than satisfactory, cos.. you know what can I say, I love my life outside this game too much to spend more than 2 hours a day.


Also 150 * 8 classes = 1200 hours, go ahead see if you can reach on all 8 classes level 50, I Will give yo a medal personally.


What kind of magic biodrone logic is this? You have an hour, maybe two hours of class quests on the planet, the rest is filler to grind. Why do you count that latter part eight times? Is Balmorra and its quests any different whether you are doing them as SI or a BH? They are exactly the same since they are the same. You are doing the same quests. If you first char takes a normal person to hit 5-6 days /played, then alts will take three days max as you can simply spacebar through 95% of the content as you have already seen it. Or is that rushing too, spacebaring the content you already know?

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I leveled my 50 Marauder in 3 days and a half or played.

I didn't do much PVP as my class should explain why.

I watched all the planets MAIN storyline and my class storyline cutscenes.

Always did my daily space missions.


When I finally got my early access, me and my buddy logged in like 16 hours straight and got to level 20.


Don't all assume people who can level fast have no job, no car, no significant other, no bills or still living in their parents basement. I have all of the above except a car, because I live in the city. The trick is to manage your time properly and log LONG sessions at least once per week and then play casually the rest of the week so it doesn't affect your social life too much ahah.

Edited by myslead
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They skip all the cutscenes and ruin the game for themself basically.


I love when opinion tries to be passed off as fact.


This may ruin the game for you. For me, wasting my time ruins the game for me. I like to be efficient and speedy, it's just how I am, and it's what I find enjoyable. I don't find it enjoyable taking forever to do something very simple.

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Wow, I never expected someone to say something about efficient and effectively in a game. My boss wants me to be efficient, that's fine, he pays me money for it, but in a game all I want is entertainment. I don't care if I get 50 in 5 days or 50 days, as long as I enjoy it.


QFE!!!! This is exactly how I feel.


Whatever floats your boat though...be 50 in a day for all I care. I'm 40 and taking my time to help many others and do as much as I can along the way.

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Their mother's bring them food, and bed pans....that's all they need.


5 days doesn't even break their showering schedule...


Is that what you wanted to hear? Who cares how other people are playing the game, if someone wants to max out in 4 -5 days...so be it.


Personally I think they are missing out on a great game, but I really couldn't care less.


And this is just too good to not quote :p

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