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We need something like Gearscore.


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The only tool you really need is your good 'ole MK1s. That's eyeballs, if you don't understand. This is a game to be played for enjoyment and entertainment, not to harbor elitist children who think GS equals skill. Anyone, if they grind out enough, can have the best gear eventually. Playing with someone, and paying attention to how they play, is the only true way to determine if whether or not someone is worth having along.


The only thing I have left to say is this: You don't go through life judging gearscore, so why do it in a game?

Edited by JDevarin
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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


It IS elitest and TOTAL BS.. That you can say NO to someone that is down by 100 points or dosent have the right gear. Ive meet people that have HUGE gearscores and are total idiots and cant play.. Comes down to the player doing what he does best PERIOD.. Gearscore BAH total crap.

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


Obvious troll is obvious.

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


You have got to be the worst person on this forum. Gearscore/ilvl sucked big time. Up till wrath wow was fine without it, why do you have to ask for something that will create idiots and exclude decent people from groups because they don't meet the standard of the git who's wanting to be carried.

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The OP is right, some mechanic is needed to rate players.


Running and recruiting for a serious guild is a nightmare, if I was running the game your progress would be monitored and if you suck you would have a big NOOB sign above your name.

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The OP is right, some mechanic is needed to rate players.


Running and recruiting for a serious guild is a nightmare, if I was running the game your progress would be monitored and if you suck you would have a big NOOB sign above your name.


um, how about you make people submit apps? maybe then you can see what kind of person they are. That usually either deters or weeds out the idiots who think hotkeys burn your fingers.

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


Dear OP, you seem to not get that what gear you currently have does NOT indicate your level of skill.

Also, a gearscore addon is not needed. As we can easly inspect another player if we wonder what their gear is like.

And ofc, if this isn't a troll post, i'll be mightly amazed.

Edited by Jorfar
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The OP is right, some mechanic is needed to rate players.


Running and recruiting for a serious guild is a nightmare, if I was running the game your progress would be monitored and if you suck you would have a big NOOB sign above your name.


This makes perfect sense, I understand 100% how you feel!

Finally someone who knwos what he's talking about.

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Yes there is. You play with them.


Gearscore wouldn't help you. It does not play with them. It gives you numbers. They can have high numbers and be super bad.






You can do that? I love these forums!





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Gearscore serves no purpose whatsoever. People with great gear can be complete **** at playing their class.


It especially serves no purpose in such a young game. There's not enough gear in the game yet (not that GS has ever been an accurate representation of anything).

Edited by Sai-to
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EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


ROFLMAO! Seriously? best of the best of the best in a GAME? Something you play for entertainment and contributes absolutly NO VALUE to every day life (a/k/a reality)????


Honestly, I think you need to take a step back and re-evaluate things.

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