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BORED of SWTOR Already!!!


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Name one MMO that had FULL endgame content on release.

Not just 2-3 raids, but a significant amount of endgame content that could keep players playing for months without getting bored.


EVE Online ... since theres nothing like end in there.

I for myself i partialy agree with OP, but i knew what iam buying; a WoW-ish MMO which one ends once no matter what (u get best gear, top level, all skills), its not sandbox, its not true MMO, more like KOTOR singleplayer online. Offering different classes to keep players loging is pure fail, yet i still believe it will get better, one day, but i indeed doubt its gonna happen in near future. True is that SWTOR has nothing and even cant have anything to offer for people on certain level, so doesnt Lineage, AION, WoW and similar. As for PVP, fist true PVP for me was on Tatooine, rest, like the football or whatever that was against another group was more like a bad joke, adding PVP within same side (empire class vs empire class, or republic class vs republic class) and hell why not even within same class (sith vs sith, smuggler vs smuggler etc) will entertain people even more. Adding settlements to conquer by guilds on each planet, add realtime skill learning instead of instalearn etc etc, SW world has great potencial, Bioware used like 10%


Thats my 5 cents a opinion strictly subjective

Edited by shammancz
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It's sad, but all these people bashing the OP are really going to be in for a rude awakening when they, themselves hit 50...


Level 50 is really ...very...boring...


There is nothing to do. If my server is any indication of the others (and there are enough people on my FULL server to make a good comparison with most) then these are the things your gonna find:


4 or 5 end game guilds that are mostly comprised of 4-5 core members and nothing else - Not much in terms of serious raiders/pvpers because the game is so simple (Read: Not easy, but simple as in MR) that its almost not needed.


2 lvl 50 instances that are a joke on Normal and drop terrible gear and take forever to complete - so no one does them...


6 Hardmode instances that are way too hard unless you are geared out in pvp gear - which the pvp gear is better than the instance gear so...no one does them...


10-15 dailies between a couple planets/pvp that you are forced to run day in, day out in order to get decent gear and they are all..really...really...boring...


A PVP gear system that is based entirely on RNG - Do your Daily PvP (Which took me over 3 hours today cause my side freaking sucks and kept losing and you win 3 matches per day) and then get a bag and then you roll a dice if you get gear or 3 commendations (takes at least 30 to get 1 LESSER item and that's for the belts, better items are more and you can't even buy the good items with commendations...).


2 Raids, which combined, take about 3 hours to complete and are so buggy the real accomplishment was actually being able to complete them...but if you can actually get them to work they drop 136 gear (about the same as T2 PvP gear...which you get with the Random Daily Slot Machine! Which after a week of hardcore working at the slot machine I have yet to see 1 item.)


Standing around on the Republic Fleet queuing for PVP match after PVP match because there really is absolutely nothing to do after you've finished the raids...



What I hope is that these things are changed before all the slow levelers get to 50, because if it's not then the Casuals are gonna flip a lid at how mind-numbing lvl 50 progression is...


This guy clearly knows what he is talking about concerning the current level cap content.


Having read the whole thread I see myself sitting somewhere in the middle here. Both sides having a case.


Firstly, ppl rushing to 50 can't expect a WoW-esque end game, however, they could expect that the content they do have be working correctly and offer some kind of reward.


Assuming what is written here is correct, just some fairly small tweaks would make the end game content reasonable enough to keep them going while BW develop some real content.


Apart from the bugging bosses which ofc need fixing, having some better gear scaling would surely solve this problem? Having to farm Normal FPs / PvP to get Tier 1 gear (for example) that would be enough to get you through FP Hardmodes. Then the gear from these hardmodes (Tier 2) would be enough for you to tackle the OPs, and not before. The OP gear (Tier 3) would be the best gear in the game and worthy of farming for.


Hey Presto, and endgame with a grind and reward structure. Everyone is happy.


It seems to me that the gear structure is in a real mees and that means nobody is willing to farm for their gear and therefore dont have the carrot they need to play the game.

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Level 50

Valor 61

Legacy 7


Nothing to do but daily quests for 2hrs a day to get battle master bags for RNG pvp then log off.....


so this little dude rushed to level 50, pvped for some weeks and then got bored.




then just go back to wow.

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amazes me... its like the OP pays $75 to get into a theme park like Six flags... rides all the big Roller Coasters and then says he is bored. While never trying out the smaller rides which are fun too.


hey PVP.. that is CONTENT. its called PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER... that is content all by itself.


go kill people. try solo killing a whole group of people and see what your outcome is. If you fail then you havent done everything in this game.


if you are begging for raid content for a 50... why the heck did you zip through 50 levels if you are complaining for PVE....


if you are complaining about PVP... do you really need an incentive to kill somebody in game? I mean seriously. DO you really need to be tailed a long with a carrot on a stick? What ever happened to the joy of just PVPing?


whatever man... you dont belong in MMOs. Because EVERY MMO I have ever played since AC1, EQ, and UO days, there has been people as of late who rush to the top level then go the the forums and complain about how bored they are.


you are like the guy who we take along on a camping trip... you go about 100mph to get to the camping site... while the rest are on their way at 60mph on the road. You set up camp... do some fun things by yourself... then say your bored. you want to go home.


when you race up that fast. its lonely because you leveled so much faster then everybody else. Its always the same with guys like you. you race up because you want the advantage over everybody else and you get bored of it. WELL GEE, havent you learned yet taht you shouldnt do that.


what MMO are you gonna hop on to race to top level and post the same thing?

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Ignorance? Sorry bud, but ignorance is expecting to have endless content within the first 2 weeks of launch. Ignorance is expecting to have endless PVP endgame "content" (lol PVP content, really?) in a game that has over 400+ voice over hours and specifically stated a "story driven game".


They didn't hide their intentions on how they were making the game. The problem was between C and C in regards to understanding said game.


It wasn't Biowares fault for making the game they intended to. It was yours expecting it to be something it wasn't.



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lol storylines


none of them are actually good, they're there to make leveling more fun.


i have netflix for storylines


Yeah imagine Metal Gear Solid (one of the best games ever made) without a story/voice overs, would be so much better wouldn't it.


Now get out.

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Name one MMO that had FULL endgame content on release.

Not just 2-3 raids, but a significant amount of endgame content that could keep players playing for months without getting bored.


The problem here is not the game, but the players.

Many of them come from wow, which has been out for 7+ years and are used to there being plenty to do at endgame and as such expect this to be the same, not realizing that all the content in wow has taken years to add.


I have 1 lvl 45 char and a 22 char.

I am fascinated with the storyline and have not even thought of trying PVP yet.

This game focuses on the storyline, NOT the pvp.

If you play for the PVP then you are playing the wrong game, and I would suggest that you find a game that has these things you want, rather than complain about lack of it in this game.


I hate to do this but people forget easily the sensation of playing wow at vanilla...


When you reached 60 back then, you run instances. There were more than two "max level" instances with not hard mode "cheat' in order to feel like more content (as bliz do now with adding heroic version of classic instance. at least they do that after so many years). So there was Scholomance, Strathholme, UBRS, LBRS,BRD etc.


At the same time there 2 raids. One was Onyxia and the other was Molten Core. Molten Core was nothing like the raids in SWTOR. First of all ti required preparation apart from running the pre-raid dungeons. DURING the raid run tanks had to gather fire resistance gear by raising rep with specific faction. The same with some melee for instance rogues with the fire resistance leatherworking items. During Onyxia, you were gathering already mats to craft the cape for the NEXT RAID not even announced yet. BWL. And if these are not enough, there were already mats for legendary items. That ALSO kept people.


One month after release, they released the first patch. You can go and see what major patch means. Not things like "you can emote while on vehicle" but a new dungeon (maraudon), seasonal qeusts (the first father Christmas etc) and many other things...


And the MOST significant... There was a lore that was developing. The only thing you see developing here is the class quests (which are very nice, I like these) and after 50 there should have ALREADY be hints of the content to follow. Like there was nefarian already present in UBRS as a figure... This gave people eagerness. Not necessarily to reroll characters but to CONTINUE playing the one that reached 60!


What I say here is... This is what people mean when they say they want to DO SOMETHING. In wow there was a sh.itload of things to do without having to go back and do all quests or having the need to reroll at once or or or... There was endgame that it was built patch by patch (as many people say here and they are right - BW could not have a complete end game ready), BUT the content available was ENOUGH for people not to complain. Now do you understand what that means?


Thanks for reading

Edited by Rayaleith
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You have 4 level 50s?


Man, way too much time on your hands.


Wait, you only have one 50? What about the other three storylines?


Not defending the OP, but... that's not MMO progression. Rolling alts should be a choice, not a requirement.


You should always have ways to progress your main character if that's what you want to do.

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It's not the game or anything in life that is 'boring', stuff doesn't have a bored attribute, otherwise everyone would perceive the same things as you as 'boring'.


It's the inability of your mind to rest, when it doesn't have a goal that's the problem. You're running through life, with a carrot in front of your face, expecting the rest of humanity to change the carrot for you everyday. Ain't gonna happen I'm afraid, you need to look inside yourself to fix this issue and not blame others for your problems.

Edited by MrFlibble
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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.


I totally understand. Because all Bioware kept marketing was the endgame PvP. I was shocked and horrified at the story and all of the voice over. How dare they mislead me like that for all that time?

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may i ask why you rushed, ignored all the dialog, ignored the crew and what did you expect to do alone at lvl 50?


You really don't need to rush to hit 50. The people who hit 50 before the Headstart was up rushed. People hitting it now are casual gamers who have taken their time and watched all the clips. That being said, not everyone plays this game for the story, a 'Story driven MMO' should not ignore the MMO part.


While the game is new, it's true there isn't a great deal to do at 50. This wouldn't be a problem if the path to 50 was a long one, but it's not. The powergames cried about the content 2 weeks ago, this week a lot more players are hitting 50 and realising they were right.


Guilds are doing the Nightmare raids already and World PvP is empty, so the options people have is the same content they've already done (more Warzones, which don't change once you're 50, or the same flashpoints they've completed already).

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lol storylines


none of them are actually good, they're there to make leveling more fun.


i have netflix for storylines


You mean none of them are atally good to you. I myself enjoyed my Consular story to 50. I look forward to finishing my Commando storyline soon as well. It's silly to make a statement that can be universally wrong.

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You really don't need to rush to hit 50. The people who hit 50 before the Headstart was up rushed. People hitting it now are casual gamers who have taken their time and watched all the clips. That being said, not everyone plays this game for the story, a 'Story driven MMO' should not ignore the MMO part.


While the game is new, it's true there isn't a great deal to do at 50. This wouldn't be a problem if the path to 50 was a long one, but it's not. The powergames cried about the content 2 weeks ago, this week a lot more players are hitting 50 and realising they were right.


Guilds are doing the Nightmare raids already and World PvP is empty, so the options people have is the same content they've already done (more Warzones, which don't change once you're 50, or the same flashpoints they've completed already).


You got what Bioware advertised. A story driven MMO. The MMO part isn't ignored. Just because end game content is limited.


You expect ALL new games to have the same amount of content WoW has? Impossible. This game would have been in development for four more years.


WoW didn't have everything Everquest had when it was first released and I never once saw this derptastic argument on the WoW forums.


People are really reaching. Don't like the game? Don't play it. Your complaints? Are not helping to improve the game. They're not. Submit bug reports. Still don't like the game? Don't PLAY it.


It's a simple fix that people seem to be unable to grasp.

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I don't even have 2 hours to play a day 4 out of 7 days.


Grats on having a lot of time. Sorry we can't keep you entertained constantly. Maybe try drugs?


Drugs are bad, mm'kay? :p


And about having little time to play... I'm in the same boat as you - and grateful for it. These days a job is a luxury :(

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