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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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Shaiya!! Before they added this thing that made some players OP ( lapisia ).... I LOVED THE bg's in that game. Level 15 bg, 30 bg and 60. And you could buy stuff to prevent you from leveling and remain 15 forever (thats how amazing it was)


The whole capture relic thingy was boss and there were many relics most in level 60 bg. And once you captured enough your whole faction (alliance or fury) gets bless for 10 mins which increases your stats and exp gain....


It was very competitive and rewarding... And you could learn skills to interpret the enemy faction !! Like level one interpret let you understand 30% so... If I said :


Hi can you hear me?


The enemy faction would see:


H~ ~~n ~ou ~e~r me?



but long story short that game had awesome pvp...challenging competitive and rewarding... And most importantly: fun as hell!

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Would have to say DAoC above all else then probably WAR and then WoW (but only the old world pvp and maybe the old AV's that could last for several days).


Though I have to admit that Dominus does look interesting. 3 Factions, Bounty Hunting, Bases and other things. Really does make me think of DAoC in space.

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all you people saying WoW, make me sad at the state of gamers and games today...


I played DAoC for 3+ years, it was my first MMO and blew me away and nothing has even come close since...I played GW and WoW after that, GW was good for small teamed matches but ultimately had no long term appeal for me, I played it for over a year.


WoW I played for a total of 8 months (starting at release), after 3 months I was bored with the gameplay, way too easy on the PvE side of things and the PvP was a non-existent meaningless joke, after 5 months PvP out in the world had picked up slightly (but was still a joke, it was more just something to distract from questing, held no meaning and was more often frustrating because the only implication it had was delaying questing) and they made promises of improving PvP so I stuck around. 3 months later I cancelled forever (gave the account to my sister and her hubby). The instanced PvP they implemented was a horrid clusterfruck...did the developers not play GW, how did they not improve on that system and make a worse system that was basically the same? You people who loved WoW arenas must have never played GW either, and those who even mention WoW open world PvP need to play some DAoC...just go play it.


then...DOMINUS...will hopefully be better than DAoC.



Many players have only played WoW before, so they have nothing to compare to. Its the same with those players that mention games like Runescape and..Tibia. The new generation


WoW PvP is horrible compared to games like DaoC and UO. WoW even tried to take battlegrounds from DaoC (even same names) but failed badly

Edited by SeloDaoC
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Ultima Online Pre Trammel.


You didnt even have to kill someone to completely own them. Simply stealth, snoop, and steal their house key.


You effectively get to loot everything that player has worked to gain in game for the entire duration of there career. If you played UO like a dummy it would chew you up and spit you out. Also, the game was COMPLETELY skill based with only a few magic items that could give you an advantage over others. Typically no one even used magic because it was so expensive to replace and would prefer to use player crafted items. All you CRAFTERS out there actually had a real reason to craft.

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A long time ago I played a MUD that had a pretty fun pvp system. Most of the PVP areas were what you'd expect, be able to attack other players, kill them, they respawn outside the zone. The end-game equipment zones and best xp zones had a pvp system where you couldn't detect other players, you could attack them, and take their stuff when they died. There were generally huge brawls a few times a week, 10-20+ on each side with a lot of equipment changing hands constantly.
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Name one other game where 300v300 fights were commonplace. Name one other game where you had to "do your time as a zergling" before you had the skills needed to peel off to run in small squad. If ToA had never been released I would probably still be playing today. Yeah, I know they recanted and created a "Classic" server. It just wasn't the same with the split population.


What they did right most of all was having more than two factions and only one way to get pvp rewards... world PVP. I still remember well running as Midgard and having an alliance wide "no killing hibs" policy in effect when albs were out in force. Those little temporary alliances to team up on the over-populated realm were just priceless.


Alarm clock relic raids? Assigning guilds to cap specific keeps while the zerg zone-walled their way to the relic gate? The Killspam from a PBAE bomb on the zerg? That lone soul running with the relic and just PRAYING noone got them before they got it back to the keep? That one Paladin who had the intestinal fortitude to run across the no-mans land and take the initial wave of nukes so the other melee could charge in and rip up a line of casters? All priceless memories.

Edited by xMrBill
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UO! was the best, but in that time everybody had lagg issues, but overall UO was and would be the best pvp and the reward was enemies armors weapons and other stuff. After that WoW just for chessstyle pvp, and tbh i like that. Im pretty sure that "real" wow glad would be 10 times bette than most of the Daoc "elite" players
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Best one i ever played was Asherons Call.


It had a dynamic engine that allowed players to dodge incomeing magic and missle attacks from players and mobs. and im not talking a system like Darkfall were you have to aim the game aimed your attacks for you kind of like a aimbot in a shooter but the projectiles wernt instant you could see them coming and move out of the way it actually took skill.


also it had NO CC, so a skilled player could fight and win against multiple enemys, just because you were fighting 2 guys didnt mean you lost because you stand there stuned or rooted for ever, they still had to actually hit you so it gave you a chance.


plus it was a skill based game with no classes, you could be a fire ball throwing sword guy with cooking trained if you wanted, you earned XP by killing stuff but you also earned what was called unasigned XP that you saved up and spent on what skill YOU want to level up.


the pvp server was savage, there was not a single place on the entire map that was safe from pvp. when you went out hunting there was pvp, when you were in town selling there was pvp. there was huge epic wars over dungeons that guilds tried to control to level up, there was huge epic wars over towns that guilds tried to hold to sell items and call home.


YOU WERE NEVER SAFE it was real pvp.





SPOT ON!!! By far the best open world PvP ever in the history of gaming. I miss those days in AC ... ALOT!

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Ultima Online. It was literally skill. People fought with armorless robes and quarterstaffs.


After that, DAoC, because of the three-faction and open-world capture points. Balance wise, the game was questionable, especially early on.

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