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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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ANarchy Online was the best but today crappy grafix


SWG was second one totally free and lots of world PvP i could have spent days just flying arround in the speeder doing krayt hunts with my friends or just chill in the cantina listening to the musicians. it was soo great ( soo sad what this here is like)


and then comes WoW i always play it arena great dynamics physix and balance.


SwTor really isnt in my charts yet.

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DAOC. No contest. It's still better than anything else PvP wise. Most people that suggest something else probably didn't play it.


For me it isn't even the RvR system. Don't get me wrong it's fantastic. What makes it great is the pace of it. Casters that can drop you in 3 seconds but suffer hard interupts. Massively powerfully CC but completely diminishing returns. 8 man groups with each player having a very specific role rather than each person having their own CC, healers that can DPS etc.


No global cooldown. None of this putting instant abilities on 30+ second cooldowns so any

  • noob can come along and **** your entire group with a ridiculous ability (for example the "death grip"). The fact that 8 people can take on massive groups if they are well organised. Positioning being important.
  • Battlegrounds as you level up rather than being put in a random instance where whicherver team has the least mongs wins.
  • When will someone just copy it? :(
Couldn't have said it better myself.
There will not ever be another game with better PvP than DAoC, even now i drop back from time to time and play although sadly not with any guild :/. Any developers that knows and even cares a little about PvP should just copy their system straight off, hell rip it off and call it DAoC 2.0 whatever, nothing can beat that system . period.
A few reasons:
  • -Hardcaps - meaning gear MATTERED but it wasn't REQUIRED, since crap gear could max out the most important stats. (every game should learn from this.)
  • -EXTREMELY long cooldowns on the "i win and own you cause i pressed this stupid button" - skill, called Realm Abilities and if they're were used chances were almost 100% guaranteed they'd be down to next battle.
  • -PvE and PvP was totally ENTIRELY divided. You zoned to the PvP zone which was basically a huge open world zone where KILLING (read, actually do player VERSUS player) was actually encouraged.
  • -NO BoP or BoE crap that WoW and other stupid games brought us. It was possible to get all your gear, mostly, by just becoming "rich". And before you whine, this made people actually not caring even the slightest about PvE able to give it up entirely and buy that gear from those that liked PvE.
  • -Every class was balanced from the design table to be just one role and that role only in combat. Why can't devs see this? A HEALER should not EVER EVER EVER EVER dps EVER. period. In every other game, SWTOR highly included mind you!, there are no roles for each class since they can pretty much do 2-3 different things...making people not play healers, because who would want to heal if you can have all the benefits of other classes and skip the healing ?
  • -You could SOLO in both PvE and PvP, but grouping was prett much required....a WELL designed group with 8 players TEAMWORKING at all times to actually achive something. Let me give you a tip: Healers HEALED. Tanks Guarded and took damage. Casters did the nuking and CC. To make that work you needed around 5-6 different classes in your group in order to play effectively...having more of the same classes except those with PBAoE more often gimped your group than provided anything.
  • -Hard interrupts, meaning if someone hit you and you were a caster you couldn't cast for another 3 seconds....read, interrupts ACTUALLY did something and served an entirely good purpose for good players. SETBACKS that WoW and partly SWTOR uses is .... so skilless and tiresome since it's not interrupt by any means.
  • -8v8 was 95% skills, 2% luck and 3% on instant cooldowned-abilities. No matter how many abilities you had access to in your group you WON because you EARNED it and was better - no random factor included.
  • For instance, a good 8man guild group could **** and take out zergs of 50-60+ people who were clueless and unorganised - just because the system allowed it. Where as a good 8v8 fight would last forever, my record was 50 minutes until a zerg took both our groups down.
  • -Stealthers served no purpose other than their own "stealthwar" that didn't bother other people actually playing a class that served a purpose. And no, any decent player doesn't play a stealther because there is NO counter to being invisible. period. It just shouldn't be in a game at all. SWTOR's Camouflage is an entirely differnt matter since it's more like a "purge"....the stealth-classes are just as in every other mmo, you can't avoid them because you can't see them and when they "pop" you're dead because they are walways too powerfull when they can pick their battle. Same DPS in open fight, i'd never complain...in DAoC, they couldn't pick on anything from their stealth attacks, maybe 15% of someones life on the opening - just how it should be. (late daoc, not talking about first 2 years where it was more like 50%)
  • -Objectives that actually encouraged people who didn't want to "8v8" to fight each other, they felt "meaningless" to me - but to people who were not hard-core pvpers ... people i've spoken with liked to do them, and they liked sieging keeps and defending them.
  • -Unique CC immunity timers. Meaning, if you were snared you'd be immune for snares for a while, but could still be stuned, mezzed etc. They all had their unique immunity timers....swtor, resolve? what a joke...it's a fancy bar while you're chain stuned and nuked to death because it's broken and by the time you get up from that stupid stun it starts diminishing and you can be stuned again.....plus unleash doesn't fill resolve bar so it's a useeless ability 99% of the time.
  • -Open PVP areas, except for Albions Hadrians Wall....what is it with devs nowadays that doesn't understand that in every single game, the open world pvp ALWAYS goes to the open areas with few trees and hills...not like Illum where there are a billzillion of obstacles in the way for PvP. And yes, i encourage SOME trees and hiding spots, but not every 10sqm.
  • I could go on with so many other points , but once you tried DAoC you just keep hoping for that special game....that will copy it straight through, the combat system of course...but i guess im used to being disappointed.
  • I had hopes that since Mythic was involved in SWTOR, they would actually do some decent PvP .... then i learned it was the crappy people that made WAR, or should i say...ruined DAoC RvR system....and i should've figured that we would get WZ's and objectives in a over-designed world that didn't encourage pvp what so ever.
  • However, the combat system isn't entirely bad and I think in a few months that 4v4 can become pretty competive and fun. The abilities are there, the system is just broken currently. They need to tweak classes into specific battle-roles for it to be lasting though. (i.e there's no balance at all when heavy armor classes get access to range, several knockbacks and on top of it - heals, and other classes got close to 0 CC or interrupts and nothing to throw at people when they're about to get owned/cc'd)


[*]Other games with good PvP:

[*]-AC (Asherons Call)

[*]-SWG (except that people really didn't want to fight due to the "perma death" feature)

[*]-Eve Online (Mainly because you had to pay attention to what you were doing, failure would cost you severely)

[*]-Project Entropia (if you actually Do PvP there it was quite engaging, fun and skillfull...but to great rewards and great losses)

[*]-Ultima Online (thats when PvP was really no limits, kinda like Lineage 2)


....Let's hope they do something good about this game, at least the PvE is most fun i've had in a MMO and i entirely HATE PvE :p.

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DaoC and PotBS, in no particular order. Pirates was maddening with regards to trying to find good fights (think EvE consequences but with skill based combat), but had hands down the best combat (ship combat) engine ever in an MMO.
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The Matrix Online.


The only MMO I have ever played to offer something different. Interlock combat, including Kung Fu, and Karate, alongside many different methods of having a scrap; sniping, dual pistols, hacking and knife throwing.


So many mmo's rehash out the same poor efforts at pvp and the same generic combat systems; interlock ftw baby.


Over 3 years on that game until SOE murdered it, in the top 10 server kills and I'd still drop SWTOR in a heartbeat to go back to it.


RIP MxO, I love you.

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1. Legend of Mir 2

2. Guild Wars




I miss fighting other guilds and where a guild can prove how good they really are in a game, however games need to shy away from RvR as they fail so badly due to balance issues they also need to go back and focus on just all out war between everyone and everything, PvP is dying thanks to one game and we all know what that is.

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As someone else said, Asherons Call hands down. FFA open world pvp everywhere. Death penalty is you drop your most expensive gear, so you have to run around with really expensive enchanted robes so you dont lose any of your gear on death. At the very least, its a huge monetary loss, at most you lost your good gear, forever ><.


FFA allows for completely awesome dynamic player politics and constantly shifting territory. That along with the classless system and no CC to allow for a humongous skill cap made for the best PvP I have ever had. If they didn't take the servers down I would still be playing it.

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The Matrix Online.


The only MMO I have ever played to offer something different. Interlock combat, including Kung Fu, and Karate, alongside many different methods of having a scrap; sniping, dual pistols, hacking and knife throwing.


So many mmo's rehash out the same poor efforts at pvp and the same generic combat systems; interlock ftw baby.


Over 3 years on that game until SOE murdered it, in the top 10 server kills and I'd still drop SWTOR in a heartbeat to go back to it.


RIP MxO, I love you.


This guy knows it, unbelievable combat system to offer a fair and 'balanced' way of pvping.


After all, it wasn't a game where you just got the final set of gear and facerolled everyone. It was all about your tree and how you played it. Such a versatile system that allowed you to be anything you wanted once jacking into the matrix. From Duelist, to a Grandmaster in aikido. Then if you fancied it, to be an Expert Rifleman.




Best MMO i have EVER played.

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