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From Fanboy to Unsub


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I recently unsubscribed to TOR. I'm posting this here so other potential TOR buyers can get a non-fanboy review. I know most of you will flame this thread, and if so, thanks for the free bump.


I was an huge fanboy of this game. I started following it back in 2008 when the site was first created. (I didn't make an account until 2010 because I thought you ACTUALLY had to be 18 to sign up for game testing :p ) I checked the forums on a near daily basis, I followed Rockjaw on Twitter, and I even wrote for TORMag for a couple of issues. I was hooked. I had never been so excited for a game. So, why am I leaving?


Well, let me start by saying some of the things Bioware did were amazing. I have never enjoyed a story as much as I enjoyed my Imperial Agent's storyline. It was absolutely amazing. Plot twists, cliff hangers, I always wanted to know more.


However, this game has some very major flaws at the moment. End game is very broken, in my opinion. PvP warzones are hampered by ability delay and faction imbalance (Huttball.... [Empire constantly get's put in Huttball because it is the only Warzone that is same faction]) Ilum is broken because of rewards and objective swapping. Heroic flashpoints are destroyed by bugs. Operations are damaged by unresponsive, incorrect raid frames. End game was not ready to be released.


Before I played TOR, I played WoW. And, I know many of you are going to tell me to go back to WoW, and I'm going to. I paid $60 for SW:TOR. The same price I pay for Single Player Xbox 360 or PC games. And the single player experience was amazing. Probably one of the best Single Player experiences I've ever had. However, If I'm going to pay $15 a month for an MMO, I want to pay for the BEST MMO available at this time. And unfortunately, that is not SW:TOR. If Bioware gets to work, and fixes what needs to be fixed, this game has amazing potential. Until then, I'm not going to be spending my money on it.


No, you cannot have my stuff.


Edit: All I'm trying to say is that, I don't find it worth my $15 a month to pay this game when I believe that there are better games out there for the same price. This is my personal opinion, and I know some people agree with it. I understand that Bioware doesn't care about "sum stoopid QQer on the forums." And whatever, that's fine. However, I'm not the only person leaving because of these issues. I hope, for their sake and ours, these bugs are addressed.

Edited by Joejoegadget
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Before I played TOR, I played WoW. And, I know many of you are going to tell me to go back to WoW, and I'm going to. I paid $60 for SW:TOR. The same price I pay for Single Player Xbox 360 or PC games. And the single player experience was amazing. Probably one of the best Single Player experiences I've ever had. However, If I'm going to pay $15 a month for an MMO, I want to pay for the BEST MMO available at this time. And unfortunately, that is not SW:TOR. If Bioware gets to work, and fixes what needs to be fixed, this game has amazing potential. Until then, I'm not going to be spending my money on it.


No, you cannot have my stuff.


Those seem to be the standard laundry list of items that have people upset. I hope Bioware takes notice that these aren't things that will go away and fixes them.

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How is Huttball an example of faction imbalance? Unless you are referring to having to play it more frequently.


I swear I have seen almost the exact same post before, because I wondered the same thing when I saw the mention of Huttball being a faction imbalance.

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In other words you expected a completely bug free game and have never played an MMO at launch before.


How about bugs that were reported during beta that were never addressed and still aren't being addressed? Try being a seer Sage and not being able to see Ops members in your Ops frames and the Ops frames not displaying the actual amount of HP.


BioWare pushed this game out to be in time for Christmas. The game was almost ready but it's not.

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In other words you expected a completely bug free game and have never played an MMO at launch before.


I did not expect a bug free game. However, I expected more. I'm simply saying that I don't find it worth while to invest $15 a month on this game, with the CHANCE that it will be good. I'd much rather PAY $15 a month on a game I KNOW will be good. If you want to spend $15 on TOR, more power to ya, I'm not going to bash your views.

Edited by Joejoegadget
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How is Huttball an example of faction imbalance? Unless you are referring to having to play it more frequently.


especially being that 97% of the time you are playing your own faction in huttball..




OP fails at the game apparently..


no issues at all with responsiveness or anything else.. except a few bugs here and there.. and the BAD UI which will be changed.

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How is Huttball an example of faction imbalance? Unless you are referring to having to play it more frequently.


That is correct. It's a great warzone. I just don't want to play it over and over again. I'd be willing to wait an hour to play one match of NOT Huttball.

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People need to learn how to play a new MMO. You don't rush to 50 with one character, and then moan about lack of content. I have 7 characters, and take turns playing each. I have a couple in their 20s, several in the high teens. I've had some issues, but nothing game breaking, and there is a lot to like in this game. I've run two raids for world bosses, downing one in 3 shots, one shotted the other one, and no issues at all. They will reset if you take them out of their zones, but otherwise, so far no problem with them. Flashpoints have been great.


I just want redone space combat. But for a new release, I am finding this to be an excellent game.

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People need to learn how to play a new MMO. You don't rush to 50 with one character, and then moan about lack of content. I have 7 characters, and take turns playing each. I have a couple in their 20s, several in the high teens. I've had some issues, but nothing game breaking, and there is a lot to like in this game. I've run two raids for world bosses, downing one in 3 shots, one shotted the other one, and no issues at all. They will reset if you take them out of their zones, but otherwise, so far no problem with them. Flashpoints have been great.


I just want redone space combat. But for a new release, I am finding this to be an excellent game.


There is no specific way to play a new MMO. There's the way you play (which, of course, you naively think is the RIGHT way). There's the way he plays. There's the way I play. There is a lot to like in this game. There's a lot that is a problem in this game (I'm talking fundamental issues, not things that BW is cleaning up now). Hopefully BW is paying attention to these posts.

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See you next week.




Really, people whop make threads about unsubbing are usually the ones who stick the longest QQing all the time.


Also, am I a farseer or there was exact same thread few days ago with basically same content and title?

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There is no specific way to play a new MMO. There's the way you play (which, of course, you naively think is the RIGHT way). There's the way he plays. There's the way I play. There is a lot to like in this game. There's a lot that is a problem in this game (I'm talking fundamental issues, not things that BW is cleaning up now). Hopefully BW is paying attention to these posts.



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OP: While BW is taking in all the feedback and fixing up the endgame, why don't you take that time to try a different storyline? You even said you really enjoyed that part of the game. Why do you feel the need to play your character once it's 50 instead of playing a new character?



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Huttball = faction imbalance? Hard to take your post serious with a dumb comment like that.


The game is not the holy grail that some people make it out to be, but it's fun. It's also not the epic failure that you make it out to be.


Personally I will play until something better comes along (GW2, Planetside2).



EDIT: Also, your stuff, can I haz it? :p

Edited by RuthlessKorrupt
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Before I played TOR, I played WoW. And, I know many of you are going to tell me to go back to WoW, and I'm going to.


You could have posted that in the first place and saved me the agony of reading the rest of your made up stuff.



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However, this game has some very major flaws at the moment. End game is very broken, in my opinion. PvP warzones are hampered by ability delay and faction imbalance .... Ilum is broken because of rewards and objective swapping ... Heroic flashpoints are destroyed by bugs. Operations are damaged by unresponsive, incorrect raid frames. End game was not ready to be released.


Buddy, the game's only been GA for two weeks!

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