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From Fanboy to Unsub


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I don't know how many times i've explained this to people. Not to mention the fact that there have been two significant holidays which gave people plenty of time off of work to play TOR. So, I guess you would have to either be uneducated or unemployed or both not to understand this. Makes perfect sense.


Yes it gives plenty of children plenty of time to play, but the reality is most adults have lives and they are not going to be able to play more or less than any other time of the year. If anything you have less time to play since you should be spending the holidays with family and kids.

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You people already at END GAME stuff really need to get a life


it has been out what?? 10-15days


Get yourself a girlfriend or something... really


People should be able to enjoy a game at there leisure whether or be fast or slow. The developers should realize this and already have some content ready for them if they expect them to continue subbing

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And that is a fine OPINION; and everyone is entitled to their own. It in no way, shape, or form makes your opinion more correct than someone else's because you pull arbitrary statistics out of your ***.

The fact that you consider a full priced game with a monthly fee to have acceptable bugs is your own perogative. Most people, disagree.


(And I say most because in my 11 years of MMO's I have never seen a forum with as many reports of bugs and large issues. This shows a lot more people having problems with this game than most others.)


Oh come on really? My first MMO was UO back in 98 and that game had all sorts of problems. When the servers crashed you'd lose hours of work because they didn't save constantly. People just have unrealistic expectations about a MMO these days. There's no way that any game can have the content that WoW does. It's been around too long and Blizzard is too good of a developer. But to whine about this game being feature incomplete is disingenuous. The game has plenty of content for it's release. No company can cater to the fastest 1% of the player base, not even Blizzard does that.

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People should be able to enjoy a game at there leisure whether or be fast or slow. The developers should realize this and already have some content ready for them if they expect them to continue subbing


And they do. Its just not massive amounts of endgame. This is the same complaint every MMO gets. To expect TOR to be different in this aspect shows how impatient and selfcentered you are.

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In other words you expected a completely bug free game and have never played an MMO at launch before.


Thats not what the OP siad at all. If you want to use rhetoric please make it interesting.


To OP, I bet you have no problems finding something more enjoyable.

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OP fails at the game apparently..


no issues at all with responsiveness or anything else.. except a few bugs here and there.. and the BAD UI which will be changed.


Because you are not good at pvp. Only people who pvp a lot would understand how slow the responsiveness is in pvp. It is completely unacceptable.


If the ability delay isn't fixed before the end of the free cycle I feel bad for this game.


I have some advice for Bioware. But I'm gonna enlist the help of the great philosopher Marshall Mathers on this one.


"You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo." -MM


Fix the game or be doomed to the path of Warhammer. I kinda think it was bad juju even letting the Warhammer devs touch this game in the first place. They've already proved their ineptitude.

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Because you are not good at pvp. Only people who pvp a lot would understand how slow the responsiveness is in pvp. It is completely unacceptable.


If the ability delay isn't fixed before the end of the free cycle I feel bad for this game.


I have some advice for Bioware. But I'm gonna enlist the help of the great philosopher Marshall Mathers on this one.


"You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo." -MM


Fix the game or be doomed to the path of Warhammer. I kinda think it was bad juju even letting the Warhammer devs touch this game in the first place. They've already proved their ineptitude.


If only you'd quoted Eminem as a "great philosopher" before you typed the rest of your post, it would have saved me a few seconds of my life because I would have stopped reading by then. Immediately.


Anyway, it all comes down to patience. People here needs it. Badly. The game's problems will be fixed soon enough. Not willing to wait? Then by all means, unsub. Just please everyone, stop making three threads a day about the fact that you're unsubbing. :rolleyes:

Edited by Pythoris
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So basically what you are saying is that you are going to stop playing a game that is single player from 1-50 with social aspects at the end, and going back to a game that is single player from 1-85 with social aspects at the end.


That's cool why didn't you say that from the start and skip the whole paragraphs and the illusion of being a fanboy?

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So if that's the case why is everyone making a big deal about it? It's a Star Wars game made by Bioware, of course it outsold games like Rift and AoC.


Do you have an actual point? The reason its a big deal is that it revives the MMO market, this is why analysts are very interested as well, after WoW there has not been a succesful western MMO, now there is.

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Do you have an actual point? The reason its a big deal is that it revives the MMO market, this is why analysts are very interested as well, after WoW there has not been a succesful western MMO, now there is.



I wouldn't say it revived the MMO market, 10 million in WoW, another million or 3 spread around other MMOs, the only thing SWTOR did was take subs from other MMOs and maybe brought in some single player game people who will leave after they "Beat the game" (i.e finish the stories)

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I wouldn't say it revived the MMO market, 10 million in WoW, another million or 3 spread around other MMOs, the only thing SWTOR did was take subs from other MMOs and maybe brought in some single player game people who will leave after they "Beat the game" (i.e finish the stories)


Thats not how analysts see it *shrug*

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Proved you're unintelligent?


What to have in an MMO:

Voice acting or working combat systems?

Subtitles or AddOn API?

Cinematics or Combat logs?


Three of the six are luxuries, the other three are necessities. Guess which ones are necessities.


The combat system works.


I'd say no to AddOn APIs and Combat logs. I do think Bioware needs to beef up the UI and implement a meter that can be only be used at training dummies. The rest of the AddOn world is completely unnecessary.

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A free for all death match to see who can rack up the most kills would have been better.


For you, maybe.


I wouldn't like it. Deathmatches got old to me back in like, 2002. I'd far rather have an objective to fight over.

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Go back to WoW.


It has had 7 years to get to where its at. WoW had it's own fair share of problems. You wouldn't know though, cause i am pretty sure that you started late in BC or early WotLK.


Trying to compare SWTOR to WoW in it's current shape is like comparing a Model T to a Ford Focus. Come back when the game is OK, if not just don't WoW probably needs you to AFK in Org/SW, and be queuing for LFR. HURRY ITS WAITING!!!

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