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Better prof for commando: armstech or armormech?


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I was wondering which prof would benefit a gunnery commando more: arms or amor?


Unless you want to collect orange recipes, I would say neither.


If you want a certain outfit, I'd say go armormech.



Armstech isn't that useful, you can acquire barrels to upgrade your orange weapons fairly easily, and you can buy weapons for your companions from vendors as well. (Credits or commendation)

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I went with cybertech because I like the looks of certain orange armor sets. Once you get a set of orange (or moddable purples) they will last you till 50....all you have to upgrade are the enhancements on each one every couple levels. Planetary commendations of course can be used to do this but when you get 7 orange pieces it becomes very difficult to stay current. the most expensive upgrades for us are the armor mod and the barrel mod costing 7 commendations each...everything else costs 2. While I only need one barrel every 2 levels I need 6 armor mods every two levels. It just made sense to me to pick up cybertech to make my own armor mods to keep my oranges current.


By the way, I mentioned above "or moddable purples". Many people do not know that if you find a purple you like you ARE able to upgrade its armor slot as well. it does not show initially, it is hidden. Ctrl + R click the item as if you are going to mod it, then right click an armor mod in your bags and presto..the hidden armor mod is now visible and able to be upgraded. I have been told this also works with weapons with hidden mod slots but have not tried it myself.

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- ship upgrades

- droid upgrades. You can make Forex not suck epic balls.

- you don't need to hunt for certain drops.

- you can have your very own dancer girl following you around and healing you

- you can make your own speeder bike.

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By the way, I mentioned above "or moddable purples". Many people do not know that if you find a purple you like you ARE able to upgrade its armor slot as well. it does not show initially, it is hidden. Ctrl + R click the item as if you are going to mod it, then right click an armor mod in your bags and presto..the hidden armor mod is now visible and able to be upgraded. I have been told this also works with weapons with hidden mod slots but have not tried it myself.


So, that means purples have as many mod slots as oranges? Oo

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So, that means purples have as many mod slots as oranges? Oo


It doenst work with all of them. It seems like they may have meant to convert some lower purples over to orange and they missed the tag. None of the level 50 purples I have seen let you rip out/change the armoring mod. Not that it matters since the 50 purples have better armoring than you can buy with commendations.

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Asides making the occasional barrel to upgrade your guns armstech is pretty useless.


You'll rarely have enough mats to reverse engineer a really good gun before you've levelled past it and even when you get access to the level 400 guns (which given their icon pics are probably pathetically small and ugly) you cant make them until you manage to win 3 bop heroic crafting drops (which is a real bummer imo as they are only lvl 48 req and would have made a nice reward for finally capping my skill)


I've levelled it now, so I'm stuck with it until I find the patience to sit and retrain biochem or cybertech...

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Cybertech here as well. Every 2 levels, I have the most up to date Armoring and every 4 levels I have the most up to date Mods. Also have the best earrings for the level.


As a bonus, I do the droids armor, ship upgrades, and I make my own speeders. 400 skill comes very fast and easy while making your mods and armoring.

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Biochem. At endgame it is the best thing to have. You cannot craft armor better than drops as of yet.


Biochem will get nerfed. It's quite obvious it's way over the top with their permanent bonuses and the fact that you don't even need to keep Biochem once you make the items.

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Biochem will be changed to require Biochem to use the top tier items. The rest of the professions will hopefully be tuned to come to equal grounds with Biochem. Nerfing Biochem will not solve the problem, it will only make ALL of the professions terrible choices.
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- ship upgrades

- droid upgrades. You can make Forex not suck epic balls.

- you don't need to hunt for certain drops.

- you can have your very own dancer girl following you around and healing you

- you can make your own speeder bike.


How do you get the ship upgrades, speeder bike and the dancer girl? ;) Didn't see that at the trainer.


I am planning on playing a commando healer as my main character and a smuggler healer as second character. I really am not sure what crew skills I should choose. Biochem / Bioanalysis / Diplomacy looks a bit "boring" to me. Any suggestions?

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How do you get the ship upgrades, speeder bike and the dancer girl? ;) Didn't see that at the trainer.



Ship Upgrades and Sppeder Bikes are recipe drops from Slicing.


Cyberech sucks in the sense that it takes 4 professions to fully use it instead of 3.


Check the GTM for the recipes--particularly the speeder one. The speeders are BoP, and the recipes seem to drop like hotcakes, so you can probably buy one rather cheaply.

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To answer the OPs specific question, I would take Armstech over Armormech. For one, I'm optimistic that at some point all crafting professions will be buffed to be on par with Biochem (or at least better than Vendors. Nerf Vendors!) But even before that, as soon as you replace the last craftable pieces you've Armormeched with drops, Armormech has no sustaining value, whereas Armstech - if nothing else - gives you the ability to create Rank 22 Barrels, which can be used in moddable drops by you and your friends or sold on the GM. Last I checked, the Rank 22 Advanced Skill Barrels were going for 40k Creds each on my server. By comparison, the Artifact rank 17 Barrels that I can currently make have been going for a rather nice 15k. In other words, you can make a pretty good supplemental income through Barrels as an Armstech, whereas Armormech currently creates 0 upgrades.
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How do you get the ship upgrades, speeder bike and the dancer girl? ;) Didn't see that at the trainer.


I am planning on playing a commando healer as my main character and a smuggler healer as second character. I really am not sure what crew skills I should choose. Biochem / Bioanalysis / Diplomacy looks a bit "boring" to me. Any suggestions?


Dancer: Nar Shadaa social vendor -> dancer outfit -> fill it with mods -> Elara Dorne.

Speeder: recipe.

Ship parts: recipes, abundant on the GTN, also drop from slicing missions.


Thing is, cybertech is not the be all end all proffs, it's just that is slightly superior to all other proff, which imo, are close to being useless.

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I went Armstech.


I am self sufficient with Investigation and Scavenging.


I've made a fair share of credits selling purple assault cannons. At level, a purple cannon will match or exceed an OJ cannon with an equal level barrel. If I crit and get mod/augment slots it is better.


We are one of the few sources of Tech blades. Blue-Purple tech blades sell quite well. I've also been asked about scatterguns which appear to be equally elusive.


I enjoy it. Not out to make a ton of money, I just enjoy building weapons.

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if your a casual player, find what ever one makes you happy on the inside to make something new, its that simple.


If you raid, get bio chem,its parsecs ahead of everything.


126aim+70power perma stim, never have to make more then one.

Purple med pacs with heals over time , perma, only ever need to make one.

Purple Adrenals, + 550 of your favorite dps stat.


its a no contest, nothing other profs make even get close sadly.

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your guildies will LOVE you more as a cyber; promise :)


EDIT and eventually crafted mods iwll probalbe uncap at some point maybe not till an expansion but I simply can't see bioware leaving this 1/2*****ed system of customization till 50 then cookie cutter face palm forever. Particuarly considering how absolutely horrid and/or retarded many of the sets look.

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