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Who else doesn't want 3rd party UIs or Macros?


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negative. i can sit back with my officers and review every step of a battle and see who screwed up where and come up with solutions on how to either train the dude up or approach the fight differently. the third partys you folks are advocating not only tell you what the boss will do WHILE IN COMBAT (agro, dps, heal meters), but turn the fight from something fun, exciting, and entertaining to something on autopilot.


if you cant see the difference, then its obvious that you have grown far to accustomed to hand holding


Your guild must be slow as hell then....not really trying to be a dick, but if you're constantly watching "video replays" that's just regressive. I'm sorry, but as another GM/RL for the past half decade your method is just ridiculous. Combined with your remedial understanding of what is being discussed when it comes to mods/addons/3rd party tools makes me afraid for anyone in your guild.

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negative. i can sit back with my officers and review every step of a battle and see who screwed up where and come up with solutions on how to either train the dude up or approach the fight differently. the third partys you folks are advocating not only tell you what the boss will do WHILE IN COMBAT (agro, dps, heal meters), but turn the fight from something fun, exciting, and entertaining to something on autopilot.


if you cant see the difference, then its obvious that you have grown far to accustomed to hand holding


foolish post is foolish.

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If you say you like your damage meter and find it useful that's different than "OMG I HAVE NO DPS METER...IT'S A NECESSITY..SWTOR WILL FAIL WITHOUT IT".


Ran a HM the other day. Was at a boss and the healer died. I ask him, "How did you die?" he responds, "I don't know."


That's when it really hit me...we had no way to find out. Epic developer fail at it's finest.


No combat log often ='s No clue what just went down.

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I can live without 3rd Party UIs if they give us LOTRO customization


Damage Meters or whatever I can do without, Combat Logs are too useful to not be included.


I don't really see how the addition of any of this would affect those who don't want it, however.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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It's equally "goofy" when people want to prohibit their usage, especially limiting cosmetic mods such as the ability to just rearrange the hot bars to suit my own playstyle.


Maybe you're right though, games existed forever without these things! Maybe we should all just go back to that method. **** playing SWTOR, I'm going to play Zork...oh wait.

Yes. I agree. It's stupid when people complain about cosmetic mods. I don't particularly care how your hotbars are arranged. I will be happy when I can move UI components around my screen.


Zork was fun, btw.

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Ran a HM the other day. Was at a boss and the healer died. I ask him, "How did you die?" he responds, "I don't know."


That's when it really hit me...we had no way to find out. Epic developer fail at it's finest.


No combat log often ='s No clue what just went down.


It's a running joke in my guild.


Were one of the top progression guilds in the game atm and whenever someone dies for an unknown reason its pretty much "how did you die?" "I don't know let me check my combat lo... oh."

Edited by MercArcher
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So why is it in MMOs people think it is their right?
Because MMO's have been doing so for more than a decade.


Add in the fact that it's the only true way for a game developer to accommodate people with physical impairment, and it seems a no brainer to me. This doesn't water down the game, or cater to the baddies, or even make the game easier... it makes dealing with the UI easier, but that's far from the same thing as skill.


I don't want to see it go the WoW route where you need to use 3rd party UIs to stay competitive.
but you don't need to use 3rd party ui's to stay competitive in wow...


You'll get MMOs where you can tie several abilities to one button and it takes the skill out of the game and makes it so easy.
Mashing buttons != skill. If you want a game where that's the case, go to chucky cheese and play whatever whackamole game they have.
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Ban gaming keyboards/mice, they give people too much of an advantage over those who can't afford one.


Ban keybinds, they give people too much of an advantage over those who click.


Ban remote desktop, it gives people too much of an advantage when they can craft away from the computer.


Ban tooltips, it gives people an advantage over those who don't pay attention to them.


Let's ban anything that could possibly ever give anyone an advantage and I feel like we'll make just a terrific game. Who wants to fund my ambitious project?

Edited by Excedrin
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if the UI was an inch more customizeable, I wouldn't care.


I'd really love like to move the player/target frames to the upper left corner, drag the chat box down to the lower left, and it would be nice to have the option of adding more action bars displayed without having to use key binds.

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This is information the game provides to you, not addons.


certainly not in its current state...we dont even have a combat log. but yet this community seems hell bent on jumping from point a to point f in regards to combat logs, parsers, and meters....

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certainly not in its current state...we dont even have a combat log. but yet this community seems hell bent on jumping from point a to point f in regards to combat logs, parsers, and meters....


And the rest of it is making some cavalier effort to see that they're never ever ever added for no rational reason what-so-ever.

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I'm all in favor of resizing/moving/scaling the default UI, combat logs, WoW-style macros (not Rift definitely), and mouseover healing.


I am not in favor of anything remotely resembling DBM/Big Wigs or HealerMustDie or the original Decursive/Healbot or anything else that would make the game easier.


Cosmetic changes, a log, and some minor ease-of-use changes would be welcome with open arms, however.

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I'm all for being able to move or expand windows in the game and having more tweaking than we have now. However as soon as 3rd party UIs come in then you get all this stuff that gives other people using them such an advantage. I've never played Battlefield for example and wanted to customise my UI and I don't know any one who does. So why is it in MMOs people think it is their right? I think Bioware should just add a bit more flexibility and that is it. If you want to moan after that then quit the game because it really doesn't have a negative impact on the game. Like I said there are a few things like not being bale to move windows around that needs to change, however I don't want to see it go the WoW route where you need to use 3rd party UIs to stay competitive.


It's the same with Macros because every game I've played that lets people go crazy with them has been ruined. SWG saw the most extreme end of this for me, I wish the developers would have removed them because all it caused was everyone being AFK and buffing, crafting or grinding. You'll get MMOs where you can tie several abilities to one button and it takes the skill out of the game and makes it so easy.


I love SWTOR because there are no work arounds to make the game easier for people. You have to play the game and use your skill to be good, it's so refreshing to have PVP that requires skill than lots of macros. It is also so refreshing to have one UI for everyone which levels the playing field, the game shouldn't be made easier for you. If you have a problem with the UI then ask the developers to change it, lets not ruin it with this BS that ruins every other MMO.



I don't understand people like the OP.


Too me, you just come off terribly ignorant. If you don't like a new feature don't use them, it's that easy!


Plenty of people don't use UI mods or macros in WoW and they enjoy themselves just as much. Let Bioware decide if it's going to be a "customer support nightmare" without hard data your claims don't hold weight.


...and the whole "don't make this game easier" thing is really starting to get annoying. Look at what happened to WoW when they started favoring their elitist.

Edited by Skin_Job
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You must have a huge problem with updating your video card drivers, then. A good part of PC gaming relies upon other parties to make the game complete.



3rd party elements are abundant in PC gaming regardless. Microsoft is a third-party, ATI and Nvidia are third-parties, your internet service provider is third-party, your hardware manufacturers and support are third-party. There's no such thing as a PC game being plopped into the DVD tray and being played as is. If you want everything possibly available to be there when you play with no entanglements, that's kind of what console gaming is for.


The point is that I don't need to keep adding to that list. Also those third parties you mentioned are alot more secure than where many are downloading add-ons from. In all honesty, my computer doesn't require much conscious effort for all those 3rd parties you mentioned to be updated. Alot of it happens once when I set up the computer and update fairly painlessly and automatically. So does SWTOR. Maybe some people like the extra level of tinkering but, when I buy a game, I expect a finished product.


There is also the issue of how the game was designed and intended and BioWare wants it to evolve versus how players and third parties do it. Not everything a given player might want is going to be wanted by all the players or BioWare or will be better for the game. I bought BioWare's game and did not sign up to have random parties evolve my game for them. To me, I bought a game where BioWare chose to keep alot of the math behind the curtain and focus the play experience on the story. I'd hate to see that focus of the game and community shift away from the story and back to playing a giant math problem which is what many add-ons end up doing.


Yeah, macros are considered more convenience features but, ultimately they allow you to play more effectively for longer times which seems an awful lot like tinkering with the game's intended difficulty and scaling. In my book, it should be the developer and not the players (or third party developers) making such adjustments. (Yeah, some keyboards could do the same thing but, it's rare that I am going to be hounded by a pick-up group or guild to go buy a new keyboard.)

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I'm all in favor of resizing/moving/scaling the default UI, combat logs, WoW-style macros (not Rift definitely), and mouseover healing.


I am not in favor of anything remotely resembling DBM/Big Wigs or HealerMustDie or the original Decursive/Healbot or anything else that would make the game easier.


Cosmetic changes, a log, and some minor ease-of-use changes would be welcome with open arms, however.


Really, if I had a combat log and mouseover healing I'd be happy. As it stands right now, their focus frame doesn't even have a cast bar or buff bar that I can find. As a healer I'm either in the dark about what the boss is doing/affected by or I'm not targeting other people to freaking heal them.


Seriously convinced that none of the developers at Bioware routinely play healers in their MMO experiences.

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I'd hate to see that focus of the game and community shift away from the story and back to playing a giant math problem which is what many add-ons end up doing.
Uh, at their core, that's exactly what MMOs are. They're giant spreadsheets with fancy pictures on top.
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I don't understand people like the OP.


Too me, you just come off terribly ignorant. If you don't like a new feature don't *********** use it, it's that easy!


Plenty of people don't use UI mods or macros in WoW and they enjoy themselves just as much. Let Bioware decide if it's going to be a "customer support nightmare" without hard data your claims don't hold weight.


I'm curious, as well, as to why anyone would be against implementing macros unless it is their attempt to absolve the gross oversight involved in BioWare not having macro/add-on support to begin with.


It's completely optional and has been a staple of any RPG of decent complexity for...ever. You can make macros in NetHack - the game came out in 1987.

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These are not necessities, these are luxuries.


I don't care if people want their luxuries, but it's goofy when people act like they can't live or play without them.


Games existed long before threat meters, damage meters, target of targeet and combat logs...people played them, people survived them, people conquered them.


So having a mechanic like threat but no way to keep track of it makes sense to you? Having many different abilities that all have different affects but no way to see the results of using those abilities in different combinations makes sense to you?


The games you are referencing didn't have a combat system like this. They didn't have defined roles such as tank or healer or dps or if they did they were so overlapped that a healer could take a few direct hits from a boss and still heal themselves through it.


I COULD live or play the game without a way of knowing these things, I'll just choose not to after a while of wiping to a boss over and over and not knowing why, as will many many many other people. At which point you "purists" can have the game all to yourselves and continue to wipe in flashpoints with no clue as to why. Slowly you'll watch the subscriptions bleed out of the game which in turn will lead to less capital for development and the game will eventually wither and die. Meanwhile, I'll stick to WoW and a world where I get to know what's actually happening in an encounter instead of one where hidden mechanics dictate the outcome ie RNG.

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