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Just got Elara Dorne, which companion should I use?


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Personally I started using Elara as soon as I got her. She is a pretty good healer.


It's also a good way to get her 'romance' up if you are able/intend to court her.


Personally, I find Elara to be too stuffy/rigid for my tastes. I'll probably end up courting her at some point so my guy has some action :p But I just got M1-4X and enjoying him so far.


But to the OP, i found Alric more fitting in most scenarios!

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My Commando is a chick so unfortunately I can't get it on with Elara =\


I'll try her out, I enjoy her personality and find the "per regulation 57C" type comments amusing. I'm not sure I really need a healer right now, Aric and I blow through everything pretty well but maybe Elara and I will do as well/better.

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She's the only really useful companion you'll get, everybody else is more trouble than they;re worth and just slow you down.


Put her in heal stance with decent gear and even some low damage champion mobs are not out of the question if you have a level or two on them.

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Dorne, imo the best companion (in terms of combat efficiency).


Gearing her is easy as she can get the equipment you don't use anymore. Even if you're a medic, use her ! you cannot be killed.

Edited by Sulay
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I wish M1-4X was a traditional leap in melee tank instead of a ranged pull-in tank. I prefer the playstyle as a ranged class of having someone else take the heat while I poop on the enemy from range, and 4X works for that, but I'd rather have a Qyzen or that Jawa BH's get. Perhaps we get such a tank later.
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Dorne, imo the best companion (in terms of combat efficiency).


Gearing her is easy as she can get the equipment you don't use anymore. Even if you're a medic, use her ! you cannot be killed.



As a Combat Medic, I used Elara pretty religiously since I got her until the high 30's-low 40's range. Even with me and her both healing, things didn't take too much time to kill and it felt like playing on god mode. When I got to about 39-41 range, that was when I started noticing things were taking too long to kill.


I used Tanno Vik to tank after I got him for a couple of levels, but since getting Yuun, I use him almost all the time now. His dps is beast, he reminds me of Jackie Chan and his comments are pretty funny :) I figure I'm at the point where I have enough healing tools in my toolbox where I don't need to run double healer, I don't need a tank because stuff wouldn't die fast enough, and I can just heal-tank even gold-star mobs and let Yuun do the killing for me. He barely takes any damage at all, since my heal threat plus damage threat outweights his damage threat for the most part.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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I admit I was quite impressed at the beginning by Yunn. However I still sticked with Dorne, I agree some creatures were long to kill, but with Dorne, I could manage any crisis situation.

Yunn is clearly the 2nd choice (or the first one, depend on who you're asking)


Based on personality, I would have chosen 4X, but he's so bad :(

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I used Aric the entire game as a combat medic. Never had any issues.
This +1


I end up healing FP's and Heroics and I'm not too keen on always respeccing, so I run around as a Combat Medic dps'ing and healing as I go. May not be min/max but I don't die and things go down fast enough for me.

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It seems we can go for many combination. To me, i pick the 4X cause i got cybertech that can craft him awesome armors. (So that quest rewards can go to something else) Once he got all the upgrades, he's tough bastard that doesnt even need a heal!


Havent try elera heal before but i wouldnt want to risk myself be a tank as i always spam chain abilities. But i do think to go heal/heal is a bit too much. (As i dont have any dps talent)


Alric seems pretty soft so yeah, dont wanna go heal/dps there.

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i am lvl 35, i have gone balls out with aric since i received him. I am mostly heals with some in gunnery so im pretty much all pve. With Aric geared up with basically all my hand-me-down dps gear he RAILS! right now i just got an epic 34 cannon and he has my orange 33 cannon and in dps stance he can totally burn down things fast. I also tried 4x when i got him but yes for a big beefy looking bot he has a tin-foil jaw. I dunno who this yuun guy is but he sounds like my next pick for companion usage.

On the courtship thing... who calls it courtship? lol jaxo or whatever from earlier missions is who you go after :jawa_angel:

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She's the only really useful companion you'll get, everybody else is more trouble than they;re worth and just slow you down.

Not sure I agree, I find both Tanno Vik and M4 to be beasts. Of course I run Combat Medic, so that probably has something to do with it.


OP: You can't go wrong with Dorne, but you may find based on spec that you clear things quicker with a different companion.

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Been running with Dorne since I got her, I am now 42 and using gunnery, I very rarely have a problem and can decimate just about anything in seconds.


I tried Combat Medic for about half a level but it was not for me, damage all the way and let someone else (Dorne) worry about the healing.


Even when I get a new companion I will still be going with Dorne till 50.

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I have levelled as a combat medic and used Aric all the way. First a ranged dps is handy. You can position them better. Also I use Aric as "the tank" and I dps or/and heal depending on situation. You can solo damn alot with Aric he is sturdy.
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With Dorne I can easily kill monsters 2 levels above me, and prefer having her out for combat. My problem is that I have a bad tendency to not look at my own health, so having her around as a pocket healer is very useful for me.
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